L'aceto di mele aiuta a dimagrire?

Le scansioni TC confermano che il consumo quotidiano di aceto può portare a una significativa perdita di grasso addominale.

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Sono così entusiasta di arrivare finalmente a questo argomento. Digita “aceto” in pubmed e 40,000 spuntano gli studi! Mi ci è voluto un po' per capire tutto, ma sono così felice di averlo fatto, perché è qualcosa che ha causato un cambiamento nella mia dieta. Ora provo ad aggiungere vari aceti alla mia dieta quotidiana. Il clan Esselstyn collega una società chiamata Olive Tap, ma sembrano davvero costose.

Questo è il primo di una serie di video in 5 parti. Preparati per: <br/> • Funzione aceto e arteria (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/vinegar-and-artery-function)
• L'aceto può aiutare a controllare la glicemia? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/can-vinegar-help-with-blood-sugar-control)
• Dose ottimale di aceto (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/optimal-vinegar-dose)
• Meccanismi ed effetti collaterali dell'aceto (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/vinegar-mechanisms-and-side-effects)

Per approcci più olistici alla perdita di peso, vedere:
• Approccio nutriente alla gestione del peso (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/nutrient-dense-approach-to-weight-management/)
• Ci sono alimenti con calorie negative? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/are-there-foods-with-negative-calories)
• Mangiare di più per pesare di meno (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/eating-more-to-weigh-less )

Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/apple-cider-vinegar-help-weight-loss e proverà a rispondere!

Credito immagine: raymondclarkeimages via Flickr.

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100 Risposte a “L'aceto di mele aiuta a dimagrire?”

  1. i been drinking apple vinegar weight loss for 30 days and have not seen anything with out a good diet and exercise you will not see anything if you shake it you only see vinegar

  2. I lost 10kg in three months and was only slightly overweight to begin with. I think apple cider vinegar was a major part although of course it could have been a placebo effect!

  3. New subscriber and I also greatly appreciate the rationalized logical information found here in contrast to the sea of misinformation. Also people from the UK are biased, I love the taste and smell of vinegar. My parents had to hide the packets of it from me when we would go out and have french fries. We also love Salt and Vinegar chips in Canada!

  4. In case anyone is interested in trying apple cider vinegar for weight loss; here is the little recipe I use to make it more bearable

    Fill a regular sized mug or cup with water
    -2tbsp Apple cider vinegar
    -cinnamon (as much as you like)
    -ice cubes
    -date sugar (or agave)

  5. If you have colitis or gastritis PLEASE be cautious with acv or whatever vinegar. I learned the hard way. Unfortunately I read many times colitis suffering people swearing by acv and I took it like 2 weeks and not only I didn't see any improvements in my weight but I had a HORRIBLE flare up that sent me to the hospital 2 months ago. I still feel sick even though it's been a long time since I stopped taking it. My poor colon and stomach were ravaged by that shit. If you want to lose weight eat less and exercise. Stop looking for miracle products seriously.

  6. Can daily apple cider vinegar cause low level acidosis? I'm trying to build muscle at gym, but if acidosis happens, I learned in another video of yours that the body will break down muscle in order to use the aminos to alleviate the acidosis.

  7. Laying down scientific 'truth' in the most compelling way, as always – end result is we don't know much but here is the most recent research and why it is and is not reliable. Keep this, that and the other thing in mind and there you have it —> Perfection! Informed uncertainty, the only possibility at the frontier of knowledge

  8. Please! I would like your advice on ACV in pill form! Which would you recommend please. I would much rather take a pill and save my esophagus and my stomach lining from any damage, Plus I think pills would be tasteless what do you think?

  9. Acetic acid is very destructive and corrosive to the tissues of the digestive canal and to all tissues and cells of the body. A small amount will halt digestion completely. This acid is so strong that it will dissolve certain metals and remove rust from steel. Consumption of vinegar will result in ill health and should never be consumed. There is no “cure” for colds. This is a reaction on the part of the organism to rid itself of accumulated toxic debris and should not be interfered with. Vinegar is a drug whose use suppresses the body’s vital activity in conducting the eliminative task called a cold.

  10. Had bought a liter of Bragg's ACV a few months ago, had lots of trouble incorporating it into my routine, I would mix 1 tablespoon in about 9 ounces of water in the morning but it really tasted like shiiiit so I had trouble taking it consistently day after day.
    Since last week I began eating homemade salads in an effort to loose weight, and found that ACV is an absolute must ! It's so delicious when combined with olive oil and nutrional yeast, now I'm eating a salad a day and feeling great !

  11. Apple cider vinegar, the ONLY thing that both vegans and keto fanatics agree on. I really like my ACV in ice water, not nauseating at all, quite the opposite I think.

  12. FYI – Japanese studies show that akamoku seaweed (sargassum horneri) specifically targets belly fat. However it's very difficult to find suppliers. I'm still searching.

  13. I like to add a couple teaspoons to my plain seltzer water! Tastes similar to kombucha(way cheaper) and now I can say it’s better for you than kombucha, too!

  14. I’m curious if there is any long term enamel damage from consuming apple cider vinegar? Even watered down?

  15. I'm a bit skeptical that the study about vinegar, is by a Japanese company called Mizkan, that make and sell their own vinegar…..

  16. For anyone reading, 2 tbps of apple cider vinegar (diluted in water) with time restricted feeding (16:8) resulted in consistent and big weightloss for me, especially on abdominal. Just to be clear, I replace breakfast with an apple cider vinegar drink.

  17. Someone mentioned that drinking a tablespoon of vinegar after meals will make your liver “pruny.” I know, sounds silly, but what do you think? Will it cause liver damage?

  18. how does one safely / effectively take ACV? I will take it as as shot and after the gross taste subsides, i feel better, but worry about the effects on the teeth.

  19. What I'd like to know is if type of vinegar made a difference. How does acv compare to rice wine vinegar, red wine vinegar, distilled white venegar, etc.? Would they all show similar results? Or would any one of those be significantly better or worse than the others?

  20. Has anyone used the Fenoboci Diet Plan to lost lots of weight? Simply do a search engine search. On there you will discover that a great suggestions about how you can lost a ton of fat. Why not give it a shot? maybe it's going to work for you too.

  21. re: Vinegar – do you know what does taste good? Put 1 or 2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and then squeeze some fresh lemon juice in there. OMG- it's so tasty. Try it. It's truly one of the most refreshing drinks I've ever tasted. Ice cubes help, too, for a nice summer beverage.

  22. Eat less calories burn more calories= weight loss
    Pure biology and science
    There is no majic potion
    If there was
    Nobody unless they wanted to
    Would be FAT

  23. I notice many people keep on talking about Custokebon Secrets (do a search on google). But I'm uncertain if it's good. Have you ever tried this popular fat loss system?

  24. I love vinegar. Dip all my veggies in it. Eat cucumbers in vinegar almost daily in the summer. Is that weird? Do people really eat less when they add vinegar? I eat more.

  25. Its still surprise me just how lots of people have no idea about Custokebon Secrets (just search it on google) despite the fact that a lot of people lost tons of weight using it. Thanks to my buddy who told me about it. I have lost tons of fat.

  26. Guys. lost crazy amounts of weight doesn't need to be hard (I used to feel it did). I will give you some tips now. Look for a popular diet plan program called Custokebon Secrets (google search it). Thanks to it I have lost a ton of weight. I should not even be speaking about it cause I don't want a lot of other guys out there running the same game but whatever. I am just in a great mood today and so I'll share the wealth haha.

  27. What is the best product or brand to lost a lot of fat? I read a lot of great reviews on the internet about how exactly Custokebon Secrets can assist you lost crazy amounts of weight. Has anyone tried this popular weight loss diet plan?

  28. Note to obese people: You don't lose weight and/or become healthy by adding even more food sources to your diet. At no time in did anyone in the history of mankind level out the pizza by also eating a salad on top of the pizza. You do it by stop eating the pizza, get off your lazy ass and start exercising. Yes, you read right. Start exercising. It is contrary to what you want to convince yourself a requisite for any form of healthy lifestyle including weightloss efforts.

  29. Is Apple Cider Vinegar safe for folks with Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver? I had heard the those with Fatty Liver should stay clear of all vinegar including ACV. Appreciate your opine. Also, would you please consider doing videos on ways to reverse fatty liver

  30. Hello! Thank you for this useful video. By the way, I hear a lot of people keep on talking about Custokebon Secrets (look on google search engine), but I'm not sure if it is really good. Have you tried using Custokebon Secrets? I've heard many great things about it and my sister lost a ton of weight with it, but she refuses to tell me 🙁

  31. Anybody tested out the Okibetonic Secrets (google search it)? I've heard several awesome things about this popular weight loss secrets.

  32. Anyone tried the Okibetonic Secrets? I have heard several extraordinary things about it and my buddy lost tons of weight with Okibetonic Secrets (do a google search).

  33. Bottom line: 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar a day is possibly efficacious for loss of weight and visceral fat. But the study was funded by a vinegar company, so uncertain about its integrity.

  34. What is the best product or brand to lost a ton of weight? I read many superb reviews on the net about how Okibetonic Secrets can help you lost a ton of fat. Has anyone tested out this popular lose weight methods?

  35. Visceral fat does not "bulge out the belly".
    He misspoke.
    Vast majority of bulging belly fat/spare tire is just beneath the skin, what he termed "superficial".

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