Quanto cancro provoca la carne lavorata?

Quantifico i rischi di cancro del colon e del retto derivanti dal consumo di carne lavorata come pancetta, prosciutto, hot dog, salsiccia e carne a pranzo.

Se ti sei perso il video precedente, guarda IARC: Processed Meat Like Bacon Causes Cancer (https://nutritionfacts.org/ video/IARC-processed-meat-like-bacon-causes-cancer).

Per la mia testimonianza completa sugli Stati Uniti Linee guida dietetiche, controlla i punti salienti dell'udienza delle linee guida dietetiche 2020 (https://nutritionfacts. org/video/highlights-from-the-580-dietary-guidelines-hearing/). <br/>
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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione nutrizionale basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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84 Risposte a “Quanto cancro provoca la carne lavorata?”

  1. The book Meatonomics reveals how the USDA operates and is filled with conflict of interest since they support the meat industry and come up with food intake guidelines. It all boils down to $$$$.

  2. Thanks for trying, and doing, saving many lifes, of humans, And indirectly also of animals. You are one of my hero. And veganism changed my life for health and nutrition. Im not interested in another cancer and i made my research <3

  3. So far as I know; meat is not the problem, but the Nitrogen and Nitrates they add to the meat during production which gives it the appealing red or pink colour. That is carsenogenic

  4. Most government regulations are a fantasy. The government boards are administrated by ex meat drug executives. Seems like money talks, your health walks!!!!

  5. $$$ for the meat industry, $$$ for the cancer screening and treatment industry (be terrified of getting cancer, seek sickness, get screened frequently, don’t bother to change how ya live)

  6. The thing that irritates me the most is the state of our hospitals menus over here in the uk. Jam packed full of processed meat and cheese.

  7. PLEASE.. I need an alternative to deli meat sandwiches which my kids will enjoy!! I've been trying for a year now. Also please make a video on ashwagandha. Thank you for your work Dr.

  8. Huge fan of the Dr., but have a question. The term used often is processed meat; does this cover all meat? Nasty hot dogs and grass feed beef alike?

  9. Also they could sell meats not loaded with nitrate preservative's as they have done in my country for many years. It might look a little less pink and a bit more brown, but it tastes great and you VASTLY reduce the carcinogenic compounds.

  10. Pregunta a los Subscriptores: ¿conocen algún canal en español que brinde este tipo de información? Tengo muchas ganas de compartir con mis seres queridos pero no puede estar en inglés, a los fines de hacerlo más ameno para ellos. Gracias de antemano

  11. There is another YouTube doctor that go by the name of Diet Doctor, says there is absolutely no link to processed meat to cancer? I am totally confused?

  12. What makes processed meat carcinogenic? Is it the snouts, ears and tails or that the manufacture adds the carcinogen similar to the tobacco producers adding tar and other nonessential chemicals?

  13. Even if there is a correlation, that doesn't prove causation. And, the fact that you can only point to processed meat and not meat, means that even if you could prove causation, it's the processing (adding of chemicals) that is the culprit, not the meat itself. But this is basic logic.

  14. Very important. But what about those like me who grew up on ham sandwiches and adults who smoked at home. Do we face cancer even though we have now gone to a meatless diet ??

  15. And yet it took American Diabetes Association just last year to recognize a WFPB actually works to combat diabetes😔😔

  16. If only Chadwick Boseman knew this…. Sadly meat and dairy propaganda is strong. But my body feels better every day from eating a WFPB diet with intermittent fasting. I just woke up today and ate a mango for breakfast 🙂

  17. I'm wondering if the line of thinking that the statisticians take when they find out their control group eats bologna and bacon I'm wondering if they just use those facts in there rate of cancer. But do the account for whatever else these people eat be it sugar or smoke giant Havana cigars after breakfast I just wonder how the information is accrued

  18. My experience confirms Dr. Greger's statement about doctors not giving dietary advice to cancer patients. A colonoscopy revealed a cancerous polyp which had fortunately not spread outside of the excised polyp, so I did not require further treatment beyond having follow-up colonoscopies every two years. While researching the disease, I discovered Dr. Greger and other proponents of eating a whole food plant-based diet, which I promptly adopted. As Dr. Greger says, a cancer diagnosis is a teachable moment. When I told the nurse practitioner, who met with me to discuss the results of a follow-up colonoscopy, about my diet change, she expressed skepticism. She thinks genetics make more of a difference than diet. My family doctor is also not enthusiastic about my decision to change my diet. However, their lack of interest has not deterred me from this dietary path, mainly because my overall health is so much better now.

  19. Please use thumbnails that don't trigger. That image is repulsive. I'm tempted to hide the video so YouTube doesn't suggest it to me ever again. So disgusting!

  20. What about vegan meat substitutes? I doubt vegan "bacon" is especially healthy. I suspect some vegan processed meat substitutes, like vegan hotdogs, have a similar amount of nitrites and sodium. Some popular veggie burgers have very high levels of sodium.

  21. All schools and hospitals should offer vegan options to eat.
    Serving someone with heart disease the very thing that caused their heart disease is crazy.
    This should be an opportunity for nutrition education while in the hospital.

  22. one could argue that grain fed animals are really processed animals, as free range grass fed meat has a very different profile. And of course, so called "processed" meat starts with grain fed animals. So in my mind, they are double processed.

  23. How much flatulence do wholegrains and legumes cause? How much autoimmune disease does wheat cause? How much sickness do sugar and industrial seed oils cause? But hey, let's have meat as 99% of our health propaganda.

  24. Maybe it’s the bread on the sandwich. Or the mustard. Or the mayo. Maybe that green leafy crap that goes into the sandwich that’s causing the issue?

  25. So… the WHO says meat is a group 1 carcinogen. Interesting. I personally don't find it odd at all that the same WHO which got caught lying multple times over the last 2 years & just so happens to walk in lock-step with the NWO *errrr, I mean WEF* says also falls in line with them on this topic.

    It's kind of crazy that anyone who wants to learn about economics, can go to the World Economic Forum website & not find a single article about economics
    (but a dozen about covid, meat & how we will all eat bugs, own nothing & be happy about it).
    Thanks for the sage advice man, I for one will immediately stop eating meat & start getting all my protein from insects, I also can't wait to own nothing.
    Great video, please do more. LMFAO

  26. Does the research support a better outcome if I raise and process my own meat as opposed to the processed meats bought at the store or is it all the same?

  27. We should investigate what specifically in the “processed” meat is causing cancer. Probably due to preservatives and additives that should just be banned from being added to the meat.

  28. "We try not to smoke around our kids. Why would we send them to school with a bologna sandwich?" Indeed! 541,000 deaths a year from processed meat alone! It's tragic.

  29. Are these studies “observations studies?”
    Joe calls jack, “how much processed meat have you had this year?
    Jack says, “maybe 3 times a week”
    Joe finds link of processed meat to cancer.

  30. Processed meat DOES NOT CAUSE CANCER !two sides to this argument and they’ll never agree! You folks love your vegetables we love. Our meat! Cancer loves sugar/glucose as evidenced by Cat Scans: carbohydrates ARE SUGAR! I’m outa here!

  31. Instead of adding fiber to hot dogs, people could eat a high fiber plant based food with the hot dog.

    Or better yet, make the hot dog better for you by replacing one thing- The hot dog.

  32. I used to work in a cancer research department at a hospital and I'd eat deli turkey and cottage cheese almost every day for lunch. As I ate, doctors would walk in and comment on how healthy my lunches always were. It wasn't sarcasm, they were genuinely impressed. No one, including me, knew anything about the dietary causes of the diseases we were trying to cure. It's one of my biggest regrets, although if I knew then what I know now, I'd have become a department pariah. They couldn't even handle hearing that B-cells might be affecting the in vivo results of their T-cell experiments. It was major taboo.

  33. If we got rid of processed food you think food prices will stay the same though? It will just become a bigger problem for people in poverty.

  34. what about ppl who do not chew their food properly, can have different causes, and from that they become malnourished, cancer and "covid" is around the corner

  35. My mind loves meat, fish and dairy. My body clearly loves plants. Let's get down to brass tacks: when I used to eat flesh, I would excrete one or two days later what sometimes felt like knuckle-dusters. For this reason alone, I would not go back to eating meat.

  36. I want to say a big thanks to God for giving me a second chance in life through Dr Alaho Olu on YouTube who cured me from Herpes with his herbal remedies, he has really proven to be a real doc. Contact him today and be cured too…..

  37. Dear Dr Greger, why not demonstrate people real health problems. Viewers haven't seen the real plaque, cancer etc. There is no true connection to problems when eaters make their purchase choices.

  38. 🤔 am I the only person who noticed that he didn't reference any randomizer double blind control studies like he always does. I wonder how they "put it to the test!"

  39. Correlation and causation again. People, including drs, have such a problem with it. Look at Greger, he looks like crap, hes only 49, looks like hes well into his 60s. Natural, whole foods are good for you, overly refined grains and vegetable oils are the problem.

  40. LISTENING ATTENTIVELY HERE WHILE EATING A FULLY LOADED ITALIAN FIREHOUSE SUB: Genoa salami, pepperoni, Virginia honey ham, melted provolone, Italian dressing, and seasonings, served Fully Involved.

  41. I don’t eat all that processed meat but I wonder what makes all that stuff cancer promoting. It can’t be the nitrites because the same thing is said about nitrite free meat. It’s not the sodium because very low salt deli meat is available and the same negative things are said for that too. So, what makes this stuff so toxic? What do I say when asked about it? Nobody ever explains the “why” of the negativity.

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