L'aggiunta di latte blocca i benefici del caffè?

Come scegliere il caffè più sano e gli effetti dell'aggiunta di latte rispetto al latte di soia.

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Il video a cui ho fatto riferimento è Nutrient Blocking Effects of Dairy (http:// bit.ly/nutrient-blocking-effects-of-dairy). Ero entusiasta di vedere tutti i nuovi dati. Ecco di più sui pro/contro del caffè:
• Coffee and Cancer (http://bit.ly/coffee-and-cancer)
• Prevenire il cancro al fegato con il caffè? (http://bit.ly/preventing-liver-cancer-with-coffee)<br/> • Funzione caffè e arteria (http://bit.ly/Coffee-and-Artery-Function)
• Caffè e mortalità (http://bit.ly/coffee-mortality)

Ecco gli effetti dei latticini sulle bacche: I benefici dei mirtilli per la pressione sanguigna possono essere bloccati dallo yogurt (http: //bit.ly/benefici-dei-mirtilli-per-la-pressione-sanguigna-può-essere-bloccato-dallo-yogurt).

Posso immaginare la gente che si interroga su altri latti. I latti a base di mandorle, riso e cocco hanno così poche proteine ​​che dubito che ci sarebbero effetti bloccanti, ma non sono mai stati testati direttamente per quanto ne so.

Ecco alcune risposte alle domande più comuni sulla soia che ricevo:
• BRCA Breast Cancer Genes and Soy (http://bit. ly/brca-breast-cancer-genes-soy)
• Soia OGM e cancro al seno (http://bit.ly/gmo-soy-and-breast-cancer)
• Chi non dovrebbe mangiare la soia? (http://bit.ly/who-shouldnt-eat-soy)
• La soia è salutare per i sopravvissuti al cancro al seno? (http://bit.ly/Is-Soy-Healthy-for-Breast-Cancer-Survivors)
• Fitoestrogeni di soia per le vampate di calore della menopausa (http://bit.ly/Soy- Fitoestrogeni-per-la-menopausa-vampate di calore)
• Come convertire in un produttore di equolo (http://bit.ly/How-to-Convert-Into-an-Equol-Producer)

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100 Risposte a “L'aggiunta di latte blocca i benefici del caffè?”

  1. We should take a few other things into consideration here to come to a better conclusion: Dirst of all; What happens when you have a full stomach and drink coffee? 2nd; What are the effect off coffee+cows milk after say 8 hours (when it passes the colon)?

  2. Hi! I'm sure you get questions all the time and I'm sure there is never time to get round to all of them, but I thought it was worth a try! I'm plant based but still massively confused as to why the information that we get is so contradictory! For example, we support a charity to help sufferers of Epidermolysis Bullosa, and said charity maintains NHS (UK) recommendations of the importance of nutrition for these sufferers. Here you can see the recommendation is for children to consume milk with every meal and snack (aiming for at least 500ml of full fat milk a day)! http://www.debra.no/uploads/media/Nutrition_in_EB.pdf I assume so that these people can drink their calories and "nutrition" more often than chew them as this is often painful. Do you think this is sound advice and if not then why is this not looked into more severely before recommending to sick children? And how can I find out what studies, if any, they are basing their recommendations on? I am not about to stop supporting a charity that helps on so many other levels, but this must be more harmful than helpful surely! x Love your work Doc!

  3. Take care doctor didnt look like you compared milk to soy using the same test in tge last paper. Dont get me wrong, im glad of the positive result though.

  4. Whichever plant milk is used, it has one definitely good effect: no animal got raped, abused, exploited, and had its newborn baby taken away.
    There are many reasons to switch to a plant based way of eating. Be it your own health, be it the care for our planet, or be it compassion and love for our fellow creatures. Every reason is a good reason! ❤️😺😊🤗😇 Peace 😘 And thank you , Dr. Greger. You are doing wonderful work!

  5. In the last weeks I've been adding oat milk to my black tea (Assam, Ceylon). My impression is that unlike soy milk oat milk doesn't bind to polyphenols (once I put it to the test buds). The only drawback I've found is that oat milk is a tad too sweet and watery.

  6. 0:12 How much is a cup? I couldn't find a definition when I skimmed the paper. Usually 1c is 8oz (US). My drip pot, however has tick marks that suggest a 4 oz cup (~120mL). Elsewhere, I've read 5 or 6 oz. That puts the 3 cup relative risk nadir at somewhere between 360-720mL – a pretty big range.

  7. Organic Medium-light roasted black coffee is my preference. Good quality and well roasted beans don't require adding any milk or sugar, and once you experience it you can't go back to the burnt beans that Starbucks serves.

  8. More Fake Science to get men To drink Soy….it’s just gonna make a bunch of weak ass bitches and that’s exactly what they want…. Drink ur Coffee Black not with Soy Milk.

  9. Hi doctor, please tell me why do I get unease pain on my stomach if I drink tea two hours before sleep? I think it's kinda like gastric pain, makes me really weak. The type that I drink is regular type tea with sugar. I don't feel any pain when I drink it with milk. Please explain. I'm seriously curious.

  10. Edgar Cayce told us over 80 years ago not to add milk to coffee. The dairy industry ridiculed him. People ignored the warning and by the looks of comments here, they still do.

  11. So I'm not a fan of soy milk. What I got from the very end is coconut milk should not have a significant impact on the health benefits of coffee either if swapped for soy?

  12. WHAT ABOUT ADDING ALMOND MILK TO BLACK COFFEE? Does Almond Milk block the benefits of black coffee, too?? Does it do the same thing to black tea?

  13. OKAY THIS IS INTERESTING. I wonder if the dairy blocking also applies to the benefits in red wine, when people pair cheese with red wine…. if it blocks it for chocolate and coffee, my hypothesis is that it also blocks the benefits of red wine

  14. 1:28 People, avoid dark roast coffee. Starbucks and all dark roast coffees. The coffee is burn, all the nutrients, antioxidants, choleric acid, polyphenols, caffeic acid, and anything good for you has burned. But medium roast, or blond coffee.

  15. Thank you Dr Greger. These are significant findings, but never make the news. All the blurb about coffee and tea benefits nullified by milk! Wish I known this earlier. Milk in green tea is not the norm thankfully.. At least that was happening. But have been a lifelong tea with milk drinker. No longer. changes to black immediately
    Phytonutrents make a big difference to health outcomes – what if everybody got this message! 🩺

  16. Do you have any data on Oatmilk, Almond milk, or Rice dream? I am advent drinker of Almond milk and I am really curios

  17. Coffee drinkers live longer because they live in rich countries that have social security and healthcare and modern medicine. This whole thing is an advertisement by the Soy Industry.

  18. I kinda hated soy milk on my coffee, so much so that I went back to milk (when I wasn’t vegan). Now that I found oat milk, which tastes just like milk, that’s what I add to it. I hope it has the same benefits of soy milk.

  19. Milk chocolate is usually made with a less flavourful variety of cacao which is more plentiful and cheaper, because they're going to cover the taste with milk anyway. Perhaps the chemical composition of the cacao varieties affects more than flavour.

  20. we need more studies on combining coffee with nutrients. What about with oat milk, almond milk, protein powder, green powder? Imagine if we knew what to put in our coffee for the best benefits

  21. I think you overstated and misinterpreted the table at 1:50. The table shows dark roast inhibits 87% of CQA as only compared to 'green' or unroasted coffee! A more reasonable comparison might be light roast and dark roast, where dark roast only eliminates 74% of CQA. Not a staggering mistake, but forcing a comparison to green coffee beans so you can show nearly all the value is lost is wrong — you'll only get 19mg/g with the lightest roast no matter what. Dark roast does have some value.

  22. I read recently that coconut milk does NOT remove the positive effect. I have a small container of coconut milk with almond flavor added, no sugar, and it does not taste like coconut which I don't like. Works great.

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