Lavanda per l'emicrania

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DESCRIZIONE: Uno studio clinico controllato con placebo sull'aromaterapia con olio essenziale di lavanda dimostra che è un efficace terapia dell'emicrania.

Assunta internamente, la lavanda può anche funzionare come potente farmaco per alleviare l'ansia. Guarda il mio ultimo video, Lavender for Generalized Anxiety Disorder (
Chi soffre di emicrania potrebbe anche voler provare a evitare potenziali fattori scatenanti come l'aspartame (guarda il mio video Diet Soda and Preterm Birth Lo zafferano può anche aiutare con il mal di testa (Zafferano per il trattamento della sindrome premestruale oltre a evitare alcuni parassiti (Pork Tapeworms on the Brain the-brain/ ed evitare l'epilessia attraverso la dieta /). Una nota di cautela, tuttavia: chi soffre di emicrania in gravidanza che cerca rimedi naturali dovrebbe diffidare dei consigli che potrebbe ricevere (Dangerous Advice From Health Food Store Employees http://nutritionfacts .org/video/dangerous-advice-from-health-food-store-employees/). Coloro che seguono diete sane hanno meno probabilità di assumere antidolorifici in generale (Dì di no alle droghe dicendo di sì a più piante video/dire-no-alla-droga-dicendo-sì-a-più-piante/). Vedi, ad esempio: <br/>
• Potassio e malattie autoimmuni (http :// • Fibromialgia contro diete vegetariane e vegane crude (
• Fibromialgia contro diete prevalentemente crude e prevalentemente vegetariane ( -vs-diete-prevalentemente-crude-prevalentemente-vegetariane/)
• Colesterolo e mal di schiena (
Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su e cercherà di rispondere!

Credito immagine: r.nial.bradshaw via Flickr.
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15 Risposte a “Lavanda per l'emicrania”

  1. I was nearly vegan, half organic, and still had lots of headaches which improved when i read a very short book of neck exercises called Treat Your Own Neck (MacKenzie?). They improved more when i went 98% organic.

  2. But a placebo-effect might be responsible for some of this outcome, no? I mean, the control group who used the unscented wax would've known that is was not lavender they were inhaling..?

  3. I suffer from chronic migraines, and it's true the triggers of migraines are as unique as each person. Imitrex actually works for me. I've been using lavender and peppermint for years but haven't had a lot of luck with them. Recently I was introduced to a true, pure, essential, oil form by doTERRA. This has been more effective. I'll try putting it on my lip upon the next attack. Recently I've been adding certain spices to my foods on a regular basis. I've noticed a measurable and immediate difference; turmeric, coriander, cinnamon, sage, cumin. Hope this helps someone.   

  4. Dr. Greger, I wish that I could hug you for this video, which I first encountered about 3 months ago. Prior to seeing your video, I had gotten between 3 and 4 migraines (yes, migraines, not regular headaches) EVERY WEEK for my whole life since I was 11. I tried the lavender oil just as you described because I've already tried everything else, so why not? The lavender oil in conjuction with peppermint oil as a sort of spot-treatment to take the edge off have resolved approximately 70% of my migraines. I am so thankful for you and this video. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have markedly improved my daily life.

  5. My mom suffers from migraine every once in a while but it has gotton more often these days. 2day I felt very bad for her so I thought "Dr Greger must have a video on migraine". And there it is. I found this one and the other one with ginger. Fortunately I have a lavender oil here and we always keep fresh ginger in the house. So I gave her the oil and a ginger shot. Thanks doctor. We love you! ♡

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