Le barrette di frutta e noci fanno aumentare di peso?

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DESCRIZIONE: Nonostante la densità calorica sia delle noci che della frutta secca, non sembrano piombo all'aumento di peso previsto. Il video che documenta risultati simili in noci e burri di noci è qui: Nuts and Obesity: The Weight of Evidence (
http://nutritionfacts.org/video/nuts-and-obesity-the -weight-of-evidence/) e i meccanismi sono riassunti in Solving the Mystery of the Missing Calories (http://nutritionfacts.org /video/risolvere-il-mistero-delle-calorie-mancanti/) e approfondito in Testing the Pistachio Principle (http ://nutritionfacts.org/video/testing-the-pistachio-principle/), Testing the Dietary Compensation Theory (http: //nutritionfacts.org/video/testing-the-dietary-compensation-theory/), Testing the Fat Burning Theory ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/testing-the-fat-burning-theory/) e Fat Burning Via Arginina (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/fat-burning-via-arginine/).<br/>
Qual è il problema con il consumo di zuccheri aggiunti? Oltre a tutte le calorie vuote, può portare alla formazione di acido urico in eccesso nel corpo (
http://nutritionfacts.org/video/flesh-and -fruttosio/).
Se vi siete persi i miei ultimi due video sulla frutta secca, date un'occhiata alle mele essiccate, Datteri, fichi o prugne per il colesterolo? (
http://nutritionfacts.org/video/dried-apples-dates-figs-or-prunes-for-cholesterol/) e Prugne vs. Metamucil vs. Dieta Vegana (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/prunes-vs-metamucil- vs-dieta-vegana/). Un altro in arrivo, Raisins vs. Jelly Beans for Athletic Performance ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/raisins-vs-jelly- Beans-for-athletic-performance/).

Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/do-fruit-nut-bars-cause-weight- gain/ e cercherà di rispondere!

Credito immagine: André Karwath alias Aka via Wikimedia, e susanvg tramite Flickr.
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31 Risposte a “Le barrette di frutta e noci fanno aumentare di peso?”

  1. I suspected this! My breakfast every morning is a WHOLE CUP of dates, dried apricots, dried plums, dried apples, raisins and dried figs (in varying combinations to avoid monotony) + 1 cup of green tea and a big glass of water. I've lost eight pounds in three months – despite not changing anything else in my diet or doing any extra exercise. Nice to see some research back up my suspicions!

  2. Mercola is a way, way into Paleo, though. Fruit bad, deer meat good, grunt-grunt.

    I had to stop posting comments at his site because the slightest hint of pro-plant-based diet advocacy would put me into moderation forever. When a comment of mine would get through, it was immediately trounced by anti-veg posters, with no apparent moderation of their input. [sigh]

  3. Hey guys. Wonderful film. My brother used to be an overweight gent. He remodeled his body from 283 lbs of pure fat to 200lbs of full-strength lean muscle. I couldn't believe it! I just subscribed personally as I need to boost my entire body. He made use of the Muscle Building Bible (Look in Google)…

  4. Hey there, have you seen Lean Body Maximizer? (search for it on google) You will discover the crimes we commit against our bodies. With "Lean Body Maximizer", you will discover how to burn calories fast.

  5. I always take a couple of fruit and a big handful of seeds, nuts and dried fruit with me at work! Thanks for taking my guilt away! :)))

  6. You're being simplistic. Bananas also contain potassium, which affects electrolyte balance. Too much and your heart will palpitate, your blood pressure decrease significantly, too little will do the opposite. Moderately, it will be just right. So Mercola is not that far with his 2 banana servings a day.

  7. An average sized yellow banana has 26 grams of SIMPLE Carbs. That's roughly 156 g a day. Even Dr. Greger would not advice that. Fiber is key in losing weight and bananas don't have enough fiber, if at all. 14g fiber per 1000 cals is suggested. Insoluble fiber for people with intestinal hyperpermeability.

  8. Perhaps green bananas would be better as well with its resistant starch content. You're doing the 80 10 10 macro ratio apparently. The question is how often do you do cardio / HIIT / muscle training x minutes a day y times a week?

  9. All this Paleo v. HCRV hype just spells both extremes. Zone diet is most probably the most balanced with a 40-30-30 based on actual scientific research. Probably a hybrid of HCRV + Zone Diet would be great. "HCRV allows u to eat so many cals w/o weightgain cause it's very inefficient to convert carbs->fat,they eat 0 added fat so there's no fat to be stored in the presence of high insulin & glucose oxidation. Sucrose based sugars also hav a slight metabolic advantage over other foods; also fiber"

  10. i LOVE vegan nut bars crumbled to chunks in a bowl with pieces of ripe bananas, mangoes or any raw dense fruit, few table spoons of organic self stir peanut/almond/mixed nutbutters.
    pour any type of vegan milk/puree fruit drink/etc on to it stir…. enjoy! xD

  11. I've been scared of nuts for forever, and of dried fruit recently…despite these two things being some of my favorite foods. I wish I would have found this sooner. This is going to change my life.

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