Le bugie, i miti e la disinformazione dell'agricoltura animale – L'intera intervista completa di Earthling Ed

Guarda questo episodio completo del podcast PBN con Earthling Ed e scopri la “propaganda vegana” e le bugie che ti dice l'industria della carne.. .

Ascolta il nostro podcast con Ed qui – https://plnt.news/pod207

Ottieni una copia del libro di Ed 'This Is Vegan Propaganda and Other Lies The Meat Industry Tells You': https://amzn.to/3IW0RyQ

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91 Risposte a “Le bugie, i miti e la disinformazione dell'agricoltura animale – L'intera intervista completa di Earthling Ed”

  1. what a stunning middle age ladyl!! I guess she's still in transition because her facial hair hasn't completely faded away

  2. false information travels 6x faster than the true one? thank you for the explanation, now I understand why vegans rely so heavily on misinformation

  3. Most productive thing the vegan movement can do presently is to distance it self as far as possible from the WEF. Their narrative is falling apart globally, faster than most can imagine. So long as our movement is linked with them, when they fall apart, it will set us back farther than most of us could possibly imagine.

  4. When I told my family I was vegan after not seeing them for awhile they were like.. yeah okay.. they didn't say much except my mother was like oh now your vegan.. because before that I was stupid and tried the carnivore diet.

  5. I went vegan to heal myself then I realized being vegan is so much bigger than me. To stop the total insane needless suffering of animals and healing Mother Earth! Thank you Ed for all you do!😊

  6. I turned vegan 🌱 going on seven years for health reasons then as I became more aware of the suffering of the animals I changed all my social media profiles to I love animals and I don’t eat them I will never eat meat again

  7. My first step towards a carnivore diet was the vegan diet 🙂 When your health fails remember to try eating only animal products for about a month and see if your health improves and if you are coming from a "healthy" vegetable diet, look up oxalate dumping before you start.

  8. Why are there farmers who grow so much animal feed when selling food for humans is so much more profitable?
    Are they stupid or uneducated?
    To choose to grow an inferior crop which sells for less rather than a human crop which gets top dollar does not compute?

  9. Not everyone believes it’s a globe we live on. One excellent source of information about this is Eric Dubay. He is also a fellow vegan advocate and author. Please check him out. Thanks for this interview!!🕊

  10. Vegan activists aren’t here for food resources.. they are just working for animals…

    The animals however are not domesticated animals, those animals need human intervention to survive

  11. How can





    LGBTQ+ activists





    decent people

    people who think torture and/or rape is wrong

    ..NOT agree that consumerism, capitalism, neoliberalism, abuse, natalism, carnism, communism etc. etc. are wrong?
    These are all acts of solidarity.

  12. One thing I've learned from doing customer service is BE CONFIDENT. One month after being on the phone, I had people tell me I sounded like I knew what I was talking about and I must have been there for a long time.

    We have the easiest and hardest job in the world. Ethics and science are on our side. Most people are already vegan deep in their hearts. The hard part is bringing it out and holding them accountable for the suffering they not only cause animals but to people as a consequence.

  13. The climate change problems are not coming from agriculture it's coming from, DARPA, RAYTHEON, NASA, NUCLEAR POWERS, Tesla tech arrays. The militaries who go into Ukraine, bomb them, bomb the nordic gas pipelines. Modern technologies, weather manipulaters with their chemtrailing metals, and microwave technologies is what's burning and drying up the planet. So, now go out and protest these destructive deadly chemical companies. The least polluters are the cattle farmers, just wait until the major corrupters are stopped before wrecking your fellow humans who are trying to bring you food.

  14. I assume this is referencing the paperback release as the book was out last year…..or is this an old interview just released on YouTube?

  15. I became a vegetarian about 27 years ago then a vegan 11 years ago. It wasn't for my health or social political reasons, I'm more of a conservative leaning individual. It was because I had an epiphany that animals truly suffer because of our diet. I tried to ignore it at first but even though I could not see this suffering I knew it was going on behind closed doors. I was warned that my health would be affected negatively but I could not continue to contribute to this suffering. I eventually came to the realization especially after I became a vegan that my health actually improved by this way of eating.

  16. Are there any vegans who try to discourage or talk against people like freelee, durian rider or the woodstock fruit festival and promote a healthy vegan diet because these are some of the vegans/fruitarians who I found in 2017 and 2018 and they influenced my deficient vegan diet.

    I think if there was a concerted effort by vegans to educate people on what exactly a healthy vegan diet is there may be less people getting sick and leaving the diet.

    You try to sell it so desperately and are so happy to move on to the next convert that you are not educating those in the health wasteland you are leaving behind.
    I am already on the carnivore diet now and it is so simple and easy to follow that it's hard to do it wrong and the health benefits are everything I expected from the vegan diet but did not find.

  17. Maybe factory farms are bad and should not be done, then we should go back to older subsistence farming methods where we keep and kill our own animals.

  18. Thank you so much for all your hard work and efforts to heal all life! I have been complete vegan more than 50 years – the term vegan was not even invented yet! A retired doctor (Chiropractor) and teacher of taiji also 50+ years, my mission is always to educate all those I can to take personal responsibility for health, healing, and spread this word about how to go about this and why! Your work is inspiring and motivates me more to work more diligently! Thank you!

  19. When will you children ever learn that you can't live on this planet without death.
    Whatever you eat, something has to die for it.

  20. The millions of animals torn up by machines that manufacture fake food. Enjoy it. You kill billions of animals why meat eaters only eat a few animals a year.

  21. Do you think vegetables grow on fresh air and water? No, they grow on death, rotting atimal matter. You're living on death too. Stop pretending you are god's saviours.

  22. I love Ed. But I wish he'd get a haircut and get jacked. I know he has zero interest, and I hate that I'm implying theres a "type" of man we should all aspire to be. But given his goals to influence change in people, he might convince wanna-be flesh junkie alphas to consider veganism 5-10% more than they'd consider with his current look.

  23. You want to help people? Force your government into implementing #ubi #universalbasicincome now and stop shaming the helpless people who are working poor. Veganism is a lifestyle that happens to cost a lot od money. Go out for a vegan meal and a meat festival meal and see how much more it costs for a stylish hipster vegan meal for so much less food. Think more. You're welcome.

  24. I am vegan 5 plus years
    My question is when the crops are prepared and the land is zoned for agriculture such as soy beans, all the death from the land clearing is just as soul destroying as the factory farming??
    Really need help with this one for my own concioncse sake

  25. I remember watching Ed debating people before I became vegan, and he always found a way to prove that eating animals is wrong. Then In one video Ed promoted cowspiracy, 20 minutes in the movie I became vegan and I havent looked back. Thank you Ed and Plant News!!

  26. I had a dream about my friend called Nima a turkey 🦃 I was at home and this family came over and asked me to help make dinner – they brought Nima in and played with her and their baby pet her and fed her water and then they put peas and carrots on her until she was so covered she couldn't breathe she was confused why was she being suffocated by peas and carrots I said to the baby tell them let Nima go the baby looked at her eyes and screamed let Nima go let my Nima go she not food she my friend. This is why I'm confused by the message to eat whole foods plants as opposed to whole foods vegan because anyone can be whole foods and still eat animals, they're not specifically protecting Nima. How would you feel if I called you food and wanted to eat you with peas and carrots you would say no I'm not food you can't eat me is the question I feel when someone questions me

  27. Just love this discussion. I am a wfpb person. Am I vegan. Not sure any animal is. I live in the country and kinda study life from a survival perspective. When a horse is grazing in the field does it look and try to avoid eating the insects on every leaf. I don’t think so. When an elephant is eating the leaves on a tree does it worry about the insects on that leaf. I don’t think so. When the ants farm the advids on a plant for their milk is that cruel. I don’t know. It’s a very complex system our world. How many ants do we kill just by walking. We are made up of trillions of creatures and we need to feed them with nutritious food. I don’t think we need to eat other animals especially other mammals. True carnivores eat their kills raw and right away. Do they care about how much suffering they cause their kill. I don’t think so. Even a one cell creature has feelings. It’s a tough world out there. I think that the health of humans doesn’t require us eating other mammals but are we truly vegans. I don’t know

  28. Excellent interview, Ed and Robbie! Thank you for posting such helpful information.

    Unfortunately, I have one small suggestion. Although I realize that Plant Based News has a primary focus on animal welfare which is essential, I do not feel that the one pillar has to ignore the others: health, environment, and food security. As part of the environmental issues in general (not only animal agriculture related), my suggestion is easily fixable. Please exchange reusable containers for the plastic water bottles that are sitting on the desks. Although some uses of plastic are difficult to change–which does not mean the changes should not be implemented–this use of plastic bottled water is simple to remedy.

  29. Okay let’s save the animals. There are hundreds of species of pigs cows and chickens in the world. Let’s let them be free. A pig might have 10 babies. So know what do we let the babies grow and reproduce. I guess that would be the humanitarian thing to do. So what will control the population of these animals. So I guess the population of wolves wild cats foxes etc will have to increase because that’s how nature controls the population. So where will all these animals go to survive. Do we do what we do with our domestic animals and neuter them to control their population. Now is that cruel. Not allowing them the very reason for living having children. As for climate change. In the year 1900 we had 1 billion people and now we just passed 8 billion. That’s 8 billion people burning at 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Every mammal that we save burns at 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Now with so many people and animals on the planet viruses start to increase. Now do you think they care about our well being. I don’t think so. What’s the answer.

  30. I believe Vegan is the best approach to longevity and is the appropriate way to share the world with all living beings. I am not all the way there yet in terms of my lifestyle but progressing. Appreciate video’s like this to educate and inform all of us.

  31. I Love Ed, whenever I am in a conversation with someone who is angry that I don't eat animals I draw a breath and calmly think to myself what would Ed say. To have a real conversation about this topic you must remain unemotional and practical about your cause.

  32. I think this is the first time that I've heard Ed appear to endorse lab grown meat (29mins). I was surprised that it didn't get a mention in his book and wondered whether this was because he wasn't comfortable with the concept of meat and dairy produced by precision fermentation. It strikes me as ironic that when the animal agriculture industry ultimately dies, it won't be down to a mass awakening about veganism or environmentalism, but cold hard economics.

  33. Instead of speaking against animal cruelty that's infiltrated by the industry,Vegans want to force thousands of years of human cycle by proporting ideas that defects our bodies and mind.

    If you want to go Vegan, that's fine,just don't even try to shove it under anyone's throat!!!

  34. Pronlem.friits bee involved..actually plants living as wel..ofcourse vegan basic..googel shivambu.drik trough nose .mix wather more bennefits

  35. I realize that “vegan for the animals” vegans may not care, but eating animals really does poison us and the planet. High cholesterol, BSE, colon cancer, obesity, diabetes, high BP are all caused either directly or indirectly by eating animals and/or their “products” (it’s gross to even write that).
    Eating as a vegan improves health, eating as a WFPB Vegan is even better. Health is why I became a WFPB Vegan, but the animals, the earth and other humans is why I stay… you can kick a leg out from under my vegan chair, but there are other legs supporting it and health is one of those legs

  36. Thank you Ed for you do Ed speaks so much truth I 🙏 people will wake up to what is going in this world Go Vegan for animals, the earth, you health 🌱🌱🌱💚💚

  37. 8 years ago, i tried vegan to prove to a vegan friend that it's unhealthy but i was willing to go through it for three months because of compassion for the animals. boy was i in for a huge surprise. my health improved drastically in all major categories. now i'm vegan for life. veganism is not perfect, but it's the best solution out there to heal oneself and the world.

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