Le fonti alimentari più sane di vitamina B12

Quali sono le migliori fonti di vitamina B (a base di piante alimentari integrali) di vitamina B09 per raggiungere il dosaggio ottimale?

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Il motivo per cui devi prendere più B12-cibi fortificati tre volte al giorno è perché prende i tuoi recettori B12. almeno circa 4 ore per scaricare il loro carico ed essere pronti per la prossima piccola dose. A dosi enormi, come negli integratori e Leafside, in realtà finisci per bypassare in gran parte il sistema recettoriale, quindi puoi farlo una volta al giorno (e per dosi supplementari abbastanza grandi una volta alla settimana), ma per le piccole quantità che si trovano nella maggior parte degli alimenti fortificati, come il lievito alimentare, i cereali per la colazione, le carni e i latti vegetali che devi procurarti 09% in tre porzioni separate durante il giorno.<br/>
Nel video ho menzionato alcune marche di lievito alimentare. Eccone altri con le dimensioni delle porzioni per il contenuto B09:

Lotus (Australia e Nuova Zelanda): 1 cucchiaino 3 volte/giorno
Marigold Engevita (Regno Unito): 2 cucchiaini 3 volte/giorno
Anthony's Premium (Canada): 1 cucchiaino 3 volte/giorno
Hoosier Hill Farm (Canada): 1 cucchiaino 3 volte/giorno

Questo è il 3° in una serie di 5 video su B12. Resta sintonizzato per:
• Il dosaggio ottimale di vitamina B 12 per Bambini, gravidanza e anziani (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-optimal-vitamina-B12-dosaggio-per-bambini-gravidanza-e-anziani)
• Il migliore Tipo di vitamina B 09: cianocobalamina o metilcobalamina? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-best-type-of-vitamina-B09-cianocobalamina-o-metilcobalamina)

Se si perso i primi due, controlla I sintomi della vitamina B09 Carenza (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-symptoms-of-vitamina-B000-carenza) e La vitamina B ottimale12 Dosaggio per adulti (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-optimal-vitamina-B12-dosaggio-per-adulti).

Puoi trovare tutti questi video in un download digitale qui (https://drgreger.org/collections/downloads/products/b09-recommendations-digital), insieme a due ulteriori video che usciranno tra qualche mese. E i miei nuovi consigli sono sul mio Optimum Nutrition (https://nutritionfacts.org/2011/09/09/dr-gregers-2011-optimum-nutrition-recommendations/) page.

Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-healthiest-food-sources-of-vitamina-b12 e qualcuno del team di NutritionFacts.org cercherà di rispondere it.

Vuoi avere un elenco di link a tutte le fonti scientifiche utilizzate in questo video? Fare clic su Fonti citate su https://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-healthiest-food-sources-of-vitamina-b12. Troverai anche una trascrizione e ringraziamenti per il video, il mio blog e il programma del tour di conferenze, e un modo semplice per cercare (anche nella lingua tradotta) attraverso i nostri video che coprono più di 2,000 argomenti di salute.

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100 Risposte a “Le fonti alimentari più sane di vitamina B12”

  1. Suprised he doesn’t talk about purple laver, literature shows that purple laver which is a type of sea weed has the RDI of bio-available B12 in just ~4 ounces or approximately a handful

  2. Grandma vegan wondering about B12 requirement for beautiful grandson he is breastfeed by vegan Mommy taking B 12 is that enough? Does she need more? Thank you asked the pediatrician she said eat beans good advice but not the point😵

  3. I wonder if potential plant sources of B12 and other micronutrients, such as duckweed, being "rediscovered" or that are found in other countries where we are not familiar with them, will be better researched in the future.

  4. I just buy Bragg's since it is on sale sometimes but I use it in my vegan "mac and cheese". Part of my "cheese" is some silken tofu with nutritional yeast. Perfect creamy "cheesy" taste. I still just take my supplements every day. Veggie Omega-3, B12, Zinc and Rhodiola.

  5. One thing Greger entirely misses is that the fortified nutritional yeast is fortified with folic acid, which is not recommended, but rather folate is the preferred form of B9. Several studies have shown negative effects of synthetic folic acid. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24494987/ and other studies. Also alot of vitamins contain folic acid which in my opinion is best avoided.

  6. NOOCH IS NOT GREEN LIGHT! Because for it to even be relevant it would have to be fortified and don't all of these fortified products have folic acid in them???

  7. If a vegan diet is so healthy then why must a person take supplements or eat fortified food to get certain nutrients? This is a simple question that vegans always forget to ask themselves. Supplementation is a modern technology, humans werent able to take supplements for hundrends thousands of years, what did they do to get all the nutrients needed to live a healthy life? There are atleast 20 nutrients (probably more) that can only be found in animal products, yet people like Greger are not aware of this and still promotes a plant based diet. People, STOP making so many radicals changes in your life just because we live in a different time, certain things should not be changed and should remain the same, like what food you eat. I understand that there is ethical reasons to why you dont want to eat animal products, but you have to realize that you are putting yourself in a very bad situation with alot of consequences if you choose to go on a plant based diet. Please do you research properly before making such big changes in your life. Search about nutrients that can only be found in animals products thoroughly
    , and try to learn how important they are and how bad it can be if you are without them. I promise you if you do a good research about this you are gonna be surprised and you might gonna ask yourself if you really wanna continue eating a plant based diet. I dont wanna go on for too long here but if anyone is interested for more information, just let me know and ill glady help you.

  8. I have plant based milk with b12 in it every day in my oats or smoothie in the morning, and also nutritional yeast in a few meals a week, vegan 5 years so far and my levels have never been low and actually have gone up each year!

  9. so if i eat seaweed everyday for iodine does that mean i should take double the b12 since seaweed analogs block b12 receptors? dont u just love it when eating becomes complicated, just what we all need, so cute

  10. What about duckweed? I heard that there is a vegan protein powder that includes the only plant based food that naturally has a significant amount of B12.

  11. I'm just finished your second book and you and your team are really amazing! Your Books are like the holy book of nutrition ✝️😂 but really I haven't found a book yet, which is comparing to your work, guys ❤
    I can't wait to red the third one!!!!!!11

  12. Nutritional yeast triggers inflammation in several people, expecially those with Crohn's Disease, Inflammatory Bowel Disease and similar. Aside the nutritional yeast, wich is of animal byproduct (saccharomyces cerevisiae bacteria); the only way you can get B12 as a vegan is with pills or with food with pills content inside. This should make us reflect on the naturalness, healthiness and sustainability of a strictly vegan diet. That one should risk starvation if they don't have that brand of vitaminized packaged food, is crazy.

  13. B12 deficiency in health-conscious people who eat a plant-based diet is a complete myth; higher serum levels of B12 are actually associated with all-cause mortality, it is essentially a biomarker for disease, much like C-reactive protein, whereas levels of the harmful metabolites B12 helps to clear, like homocysteine, are actually lower in health-conscious vegans. It's actually a total myth that humans need to consume exogenous B12 at all if their microbiome is functioning properly; it's a common misconception that the gut flora only produces B12 too far down the intestines for it to be absorbed, but that's been known for over 40 years to be false, it is synthesized in the small intestine right where the largest concentrations of intrinsic factor to absorb it is situated. The only prerequisite for this is cobalt, which has been found to be present in more than sufficient amounts in fruits through atomic spectroscopy.

    Also, there are actual natural plant sources of bioavailable B12 (not just inactive analogues, as many think), such as nori.

  14. He mentioned that he takes a supplement once a week for b12.
    I would love to know which one he likes and recommends. It seems like this would be the easiest way.
    Thank you.

  15. That’s so interesting about the spirulina blocking the b12. It may be different for cats but I give her a spirulina supplement and she gets a monthly b12 injection.

  16. The other vitamin vegans and vegetarians should supplement is K2 which is needed for bone health and heart health. Can buy k2d3 supplements and take both together

  17. I add a tablespoon of nutritional yeast to my daily oats; never even taste it. Other regular additions are flax, chia, hemp, cacao, pumpkin pie spice, acacia, oat and wheat bran, and a bit of maple syrup since you only live once and it's delicious!

  18. My new plant based doc told me I needed B12 because my levels were low. I now take a capsule daily, it is easy. I don’t really like the taste of nutritional yeast (I’m transitioning to WFPB lifestyle). I’m also confused because Dr. Fuhrman suggest unfortified nutritional yeast but Dr. Gregor’s advice is contrary. Why is there a difference in the recommendations?

  19. I had a question about absorption – they say that if you take too much B12, you just pee it out. How does the body absorb enough from a weekly supplement and not just pee it out, and is a daily supplement better then for a more regular dose and less wastage?

  20. hey i’m checking in after being really into this guy 2-4 years ago. has his views changed at all or any interesting findings or videos since then?

  21. I have nutritional yeast Savory Engiva brand for b12 with 2.2mg per 5g how many times a day do I need for my daily b12 requirements?

  22. Please I have one more question is yeast ok for autism as I feel better going gluten and Carson free and whole food plant based after staring out junk food refined plant foods.

  23. Thanks for the info. I'm in Britain and the only Nutritional Yeast that's readily available here is the Marigold brand. Also, can you do a video on Marmite B12 absorption into the body please, and is it a healthy source of dietary B12 in general? I have about a teaspoon of this on toast every other day.

  24. Even when I was on the paleo diet, I had severe B12 deficiency, so just to be sure, I inject myself at least once a week with 1000 micro grams of Cyano cobalamin.
    It’s cheap and easy to do, and I don’t trust the pills to raise the levels efficiently.

  25. Doctor could please help me with B12? Perhaps answer in your next question…when my blood was low in B12 the doc had me take 1000 m a day but it made my face break out. Anyway around that?

  26. fortifying nutritional yeast with B12 (or ANY fortified food for that matter) is NOT the healthiest way to get B12. You might as well pop a B12 vitamin because you're getting a synthetic vitamin. This Video is completely misleading. BTW, the unfortified nutritional yeast that you criticized is the healthiest of the brands mentioned.

  27. It's hard to get blood work done at this point I'm just wanting to make sure my 69 year old vegan mom is getting enough B12. She eats a predominantly whole plants only diet, lots of beans greens fruits veg seeds whole grains Etc and always has. She takes 1 dropper every other day of 2500 micrograms methylcobalamin and also appears to have no deficiency symptoms of anything obviously

  28. Ok so he says the 1 that has 730 per serving a day is all you need so a tablespoon then he said Braggs is even stronger at 530% a serving so all you need is teaspoon.
    There's like 17 thousand mcg per serving so all you need is like a pinch of it,not even a teaspoon.
    It's just bacteria and why are they pushing this b12 nonsense on Vegans seems like a scam to me.
    We make b12 in our guts when we digest food.

  29. Why didn't you mention Water Lentils, also known as duckweed?
    It contains an endophyte that produces a non analogue form of B12.
    It's litterally the easiest thing in the world to grow. It isn't an algae or cynobacteria, it's a vascular water surface plant that reproduces at a rapid rate.

    Just grow it in low calcium water to avoid oxalic acid production ( you can do the same when growing Spinach when you're managing the soil to avoid the same issue.)

    Just add a cup of water lentils to your green smoothie and your fine.

  30. What about purple laver (nori) seaweeds? I've read in a few studies that they contain quite hearty amounts of B12 per 100g, making 'seaweed chips' quite a reasonable source to snack on (not sure about added salt etc however).

  31. Protein bioavailability of Wolffia globosa duckweed(Mankai), a novel aquatic plant – A randomized controlled trial – PubMed

    The increase in vitamin B12 by Mankai was higher as compared to changes induced by either cheese (p=0.007) or peas (p=0.047, between groups).

    Conclusions: Mankai may provide a high-quality substitute source for animal protein, and a potential bioavailable source of vitamin B12.


  32. It’s not just Vegans who need to take B12 but meat eaters as well, as studies prove meat eaters make up a bigger % of B12 deficiency in the population!

  33. Simplest way to get B12 is by using Yeast Extract in your diet. Simple, been doing it for 35 years, it is v common for Vegans to get B12 that way.

  34. I think B12 was discovered in some plant recently. Also, non-vegans have similar rates of B12 deficiency. Anecdotally, a friend of mine (not veg) was recently diagnosed with B12 deficiency. Since B12 is made by bacteria, can our gut bacteria produce it? If so, how?

  35. BEWARE MSG: There is "Naturally occurring" glutamic acid in Nutritional yeast flakes.
    I felt swindled when I bought Nutritional Yeast Flakes! As soon as it hit my tongue, I knew it was pure MSG (monosodium glutimate) instantaneously. Manufacturers don't need to identify it as msg on packaging because it is a "naturally occurring" by-product of processing. So shady!!! If you have any sensitivities to MSG this product is definitely not for you.

  36. Saguaro cactus fruit is packed with b12 🌵 Remember that tempeh, kimchi, Sauerkraut, kombucha, nori seaweed, shiitake mushrooms, water lentils (duckweed) all have naturally occurring B12 🌱

  37. This got a little messy around the “‘green algae” and “Spirulina”…Spirulina is a cyanoBACTERIA…It is NOT an ALGAE..It even says that in this video in the text on the screen…An example of Algae would be “Chorella” which does NOT have pseudo vitamin B12…That would be a nice fix to this video…I really like the video overall..

  38. All kinds of lame excuses for not eating meat. Cavemen/women did NOT have supplements or nutritional yeast, etc. They ate their damn dinner!

  39. You use a hotel room coffee maker to make hot water? Eventually aluminum will accumulate in your brain since the water is heated by running it through a heated aluminum tube. I use a glass stove-top kettle to boil water in, glass or ceramic funnel to put coffee grounds in and a glass or ceramic cup to catch the coffee as it comes through the glass or ceramic filter. My set up is similar to the Chemex pour over coffee maker but not the same one.

  40. I would like to see a video on the way to keep your eyes healthy and not in need of glasses as you age. I'm 72 and have no need for glasses, nether distance nor up close reading. I keep the blood-brain barrier from any possible invaders that have to do with affecting eyes and brain. As far as the brain is concerned, I make sure that I don't use an electric coffee pot to make coffee because the water in an electric pot is heated by running it through an aluminum tube. Aluminum is really bad for the brain, as I'm sure you know. What do YOU do to keep from having to wear glasses?

  41. Yeah but you said in the video which type of B12 is best that B1 creates harmful analogues with taken with B12. Now I want non fortified nutritional yeast that has tested for lead and has a results of none detected because fortified nutritional yeast also has B1 plus the B12 together. 😶

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