Sfruttare la sazietà sensoriale specifica per la perdita di peso

Come possiamo utilizzare la sazietà sensoriale specifica a nostro vantaggio?

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Questo è l'ultimo video della mia serie in quattro parti sull'appetito e la perdita di peso. Se ti sei perso i primi tre, controlla:
• 200-Perdita di peso libbra senza fame ( perdita senza fame)
• Alimenti progettati per dirottare i nostri appetiti (
https://nutritionfacts. org/video/foods-designed-to-hijack-our-appetito)<br/> • Come la variazione può influenzare la sensazione e portare all'eccesso di cibo (

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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione nutrizionale basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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55 Risposte a “Sfruttare la sazietà sensoriale specifica per la perdita di peso”

  1. White potatoes make me very hungry after an hour after eating. Cravings are almost painful, I'm weak, almost fainted and I must eat something immediately. I think, that in my case potatoes raise glucose level to the highest point and then I have so called " insulin crash ". So "no" from me, potatoes are not satiating. I started to lose weight when I completely gave up eating them.

  2. I'm not an expert but eating a wide variety of fruits and vegetables makes a lot of sense to me. I need to branch out a little more with what I'm choosing to eat. By the way, I love animated Dr. Greger. Whoever did the animation did a great job.

  3. Out of curiosity I was going to try eating only potatoes for a week or so. Stopped after only one day. I could not eat enough. I would eat to full then feel the need to eat again after half an hour and this pattern lasted all day. On a low carb diet I might go 16 to 20 hours then realize i have not eaten and feel that while I could eat that I don't feel that I must.

  4. Vegans are often malnourished
    [Kahn reports that] there is a high dropout rate. “Once you pull out all animal-sourced food, a whole lot of nutrients have suddenly gone missing or exist in deficient amounts.”

    While it is possible to get adequate nutrition from plants alone, it requires a lot of knowledge and discipline, and in practice many vegetarians begin to suffer from insidious borderline malnutrition.

    Kahn argues that dietary recommendations tend to underestimate the amount of protein needed for health. When vegans get hungry they tend to gorge on carbs when what they need is protein.

    “Too-thin vegans are eating animal flesh after all: their own.” Protein starvation leads to self-cannibalization.

    Vegans often rely on soy for protein, but soy can [sometimes] be harmful to health in various ways [although it does also have proven health benefits]. One of the prominent side effects of all-plant diets is flatulence, which can range from a mild inconvenience to a serious problem.

    It may be possible for individuals with naturally lower protein needs who can tolerate large amounts of legumes, lead low-stress lives (a low-stress life, what’s that?) and keep a vigilant eye on daily quantity, quality, and amino acid completeness. Easy? No, it is not.

    Arguments from evolution
    [Kahn finds vegan arguments from evolution unconvincing. I agree. What follows reflects my own thoughts on the subject:] You may have heard vegans, fruitarians, or other food faddists claim that humans were not designed to eat meat. They cite our lack of fangs and claws for bringing down prey. Admittedly, humans are not carnivores, although they can thrive on a diet of raw meat alone. Humans aren’t herbivores either: they lack the rumens and multiple stomachs of animals like cows. Cows are equipped to eat a 100% plant-based diet; humans are not. Raw food faddists argue that humans didn’t evolve to eat cooked food, ignoring the fact that cooking makes some nutrients more available and food more digestible. Demonizers of wheat argue that our ancestors were hunters/gatherers, not farmers.

    Some argue that we can’t digest meat; that’s simply not true. We can and do digest it. Plant protein is actually less digestible than meat protein.

    Arguments from evolution tend to miss the point: humans are not carnivores or herbivores, but omnivores. Evolution equipped us to thrive on a wide variety of diets. Our ability to eat whatever foods were available allowed us to survive in very diverse environments.

    History and purity
    Kahn delves into the history of vegetarianism and veganism. Much of it is bound up with ideals of purity. Fasts and dietary prohibitions, food-related rituals, and purification rites have been prominent in most religions. Pythagoras’ followers could eat meat, but not bone marrow, because they believed it concealed messages from the gods. For them, it was beans that were absolutely prohibited. Go figure!

    In some cultures, specific animals and foods were endowed with special meanings. Group cohesiveness was promoted when hunters distributed meat to others in their tribe. Shared meals have an important social function in today’s world, from family dinners to wedding celebrations and Thanksgiving feasts. Our dietary choices and customs are more emotion-driven than fact-driven.

    Food ethics
    As human history progressed, the circle of compassion enlarged to include animals. I think it’s fair to say that the majority of vegans and vegetarians chose their path mainly because they are repelled by the idea of killing animals. But [Kahn suggests that] perhaps they should examine their conscience more closely.

    Don’t they realize they are eating animals in many plant foods? The FDA allows 60 insect fragments per 100 gram candy bar; 225 insect parts and 4.5 rodent hairs or excreta per 100 g pasta; 10 whole insects and 35 fly eggs per 8 ounces of raisins.

    To be consistent maybe vegans should be more reluctant to kill plants. [As Kahn reports,] new research indicates that plants have a degree of awareness, change their behavior in response to environmental conditions, communicate with other plants by chemical signals, and [some researchers have even suggested they] may perceive pain. [These are intriguing findings, but I don’t see any reason to believe plants can suffer.]

    Kahn says:

    Our food choices involve ethics, no doubt about that, but trying to impose a single moral code of eating on all people is profoundly unethical. In following a well-planned vegan diet, an unknown percentage of us will suffer, our health and quality of life. Surely the compassion that lies at the heart of ethical veganism extends to human animals.

    Environmental concerns
    It is generally accepted that plants-only diets are better for the environment. [Kahn suggests that] that may not be true.

    Even if you repudiate the eating of animals, you are killing animals by proxy at every meal. Consider the field mice, pheasants, snakes and tender young rabbits—all of the innocent wild beings diced and sliced by the tiller that prepares the soil for your favorite grains.

    If we gradually moved to the larger foraging mammals only, … and raised them on their natural diet of 100% grass using a no-till, pasture-forage model, this might mean fewer total animals killed (domestic and wild) than in the all-vegan model. Let’s give this intriguing idea a closer look.” [she goes on to present a plausible argument] [Note: I have not researched this and won’t venture a personal opinion.]

    She argues for ethical hunters, sustainable agriculture, abolishing factory farms, and being kind to the animals we are going to eat.

    Woo intrudes
    On the subject of veganism, Kahn’s information is evidence-based and reliable and her reasoning plausible; but unfortunately when she turns to other subjects she goes off the rails. Her concerns about GMOs, glyphosate, sugar, fructose, wheat, “inflammatory” foods, and bottle-feeding are alarmist and not based on rigorous science. She quotes unreliable sources like an Ayurvedic doctor and Weston Price. She consults a TCM practitioner. Her criticism of statin drugs is misguided. She believes in superfoods and bioidentical hormones. She talks of adrenal exhaustion and yeast overgrowth.

    She consults a naturopath for nutritional advice and is given homeopathic remedies. She thinks there are proven benefits of guided imagery; there aren’t. She cites a study where guided imagery and therapeutic touch (!) were used to treat PTSD in soldiers. She consults medical intuitives. They intuit that she should increase her intake of fat and protein, but she refuses to follow that advice until it is echoed by an MD she believes is knowledgeable about nutrition, Dr. Diane Schwarzbein. She believes acupuncture was effective in restoring her daughter’s absent menses. She believes in metabolic typing tests and diets based on metabolic type. She stresses bioindividuality (i.e., you are so unique that studies don’t apply to you). She thinks all the cells of the body are conscious, and you can rely on the wisdom of the body to tell you what foods your body uniquely requires.

    The real problem
    What I really could not bear at such a tender young age was the biological truth of our earthly existence. Every creature is food for others, including me, including you… the vegan argument is, in fact, is a profound denial of nature. We are animals. And our living and dying and nourishing are utterly entangled with other animals.

    She now accepts her participation in this natural cycle with a conscious and reverent approach.

    Ideology can be persuasive, but harsh reality often ruins an appealing idea. People can die from fanatical diet beliefs.

    What did my own journey teach a comically naïve if earnest youth who thirsted for carnal knowledge and hungered to abolish all animal suffering? Its hard truth was this: the very real dangers of a rigid ideology, born of the mind and the emotions, which does not line up with the biological realities of the body. For as much as I longed to honor and respect my animal brethren by not eating them, the earthly reality is that I need to do exactly that.

    I wish I could recommend this book for its funny, engaging human story and its trenchant analysis of plants-only diets, but the later chapters are contaminated with beliefs not based on scientific evidence. Too bad! [She is an excellent writer, and it might have been an excellent book if she had asked science-based reviewers to critique the more wooish subjects during the editing process.] I agree with the author that the evidence for health and environmental benefits and the ethical and evolutionary arguments are insufficient to justify a plants-only diet [for the whole population. Those who choose a plants-only diet for whatever reasons can thrive on it, but only if they are careful to ensure good nutrition.]

    Harriet Hall
    Harriet Hall, MD also known as The SkepDoc, is a retired family physician who writes about pseudoscience and questionable medical practices. She received her BA and MD from the University of Washington, did her internship in the Air Force (the second female ever to do so), and was the first female graduate of the Air Force family practice residency at Eglin Air Force Base. During a long career as an Air Force physician, she held various positions from flight surgeon to DBMS (Director of Base Medical Services) and did everything from delivering babies to taking the controls of a B-52. She retired with the rank of Colonel. In 2008 she published her memoirs, Women Aren't Supposed to Fly

  5. I must admit I am a tad disappointed, yet again reality takes the air out of expectations. I have been on a WFPB Diet for a few years now and the weight simply will not go down, was hoping for a more silver bullet solution than more of what I am already doing, I can not afford to add more variety as I am poor and in a food desert. And no carb control or keto are not going to help I was on those for years and all that got me was out of control cholesterol, and no I'm not at a healthy weight and just being velain I am morbidly obease and it's is negativity affecting my health and quality of life. WFPB has had a dramatic affect on my life and health lowering my numbers, stabilizing sugar and rectifying my hormones but the weight is still a problem!

  6. I'm going for a blood pressure check tomorrow and I'm going to have a YAM and a BEET for breakfast and FAST until I get my blood pressure checked in the afternoon! (hopefully this will lower my resting blood pressure).

  7. So I’ve amped up my vinegar consumption as per your advice- now I am finding a lot of warnings of lead. Could you help us out with a video?

  8. Daily supplements
    Bee propolis
    Pine pollen
    Manuka honey

    Breakfast, natto, brown rice, miso, omelet.

    Lunch, salmon, asparagus with steamed sweet potato, healthy dose of real butter.

    Dinner, butter chicken with roti, small salad.

    Typical day.


    OMAD 1. Avocado smoothie with raw honey, grassfed steak.

    OMAD 2. Acai bowl mixed berries and nuts, mussels, oyster, sashimi.

  9. I don’t understand why people are hating on something so non influencing as an animation.

    No one said you had to watch it. Put your phone down and just listen. Same affect! If the animation somehow makes you feel negative about the information given, that’s all you.

    The information is still the same with it without it.
    Boohoo cry me a vegetable.

  10. it must be really hard to become deficient in something these days, i know people who live off junk food and rarely eat vegetables and never eat fruit, mostly just meat bread oil butter and the odd potato chips and on a rare occasion some green beans and there blood results are all in range, you would think being vegan it would be near impossible to become deficient in anything but dr greger makes it look like a 1 day fast would have you needing to eat double the next day just to catch up on nutrients

  11. Thank you for this clear explanation! It's nice to understand the workings of the body and brain. This should be taught in schools.

  12. I was doing this without thinking about it! I am a teacher and when parents ask what kind of treat do I like I only say dark chocolate. I keep it locked in my file cabinet and allow myself one square per day. The first couple of weeks I really wanted a big glass of plant based milk and about 10 pieces but now I am used to it, and sometimes I go days without thinking about getting a piece.

  13. I have a binge eating disorder and I get easily triggered by calorie dense foods.. although they are healthy foods(tahini/dates/nuts) but in excess amounts nothing is healthy..
    I need to start stuffing myself with potatoes 😅

  14. but I have autism so I prefer eating the same thing over and over and over. I eat the same oatmeal for breakfast (with berries and nuts) every day and the same sandwich (sprouted seed bread and a full cup of leafy greens) every day and I never get tired of it lol

  15. With respect, probably the wrong approach. Lowering carbs to less than 10% of calories (=>75% fat, 15% protein) will trigger an hormonal response that will stop hunger (among other good things ^^). It is better to become healthy first by lowering carbs and losing weight as a by product that trying to lose weight first by remaining in the vicious carbs addiction circle. Fails 99% of the time (hormonal issue not willingness issue). Carbs are sugar (glucose), easily addictive.

  16. My fridge is packed mostly with fruit and veggies, and my shelves are stacked with healthy carbs, cans of legumes , nuts and seeds. Sounds like I got this one right already!

  17. WinCo allows you to shop and try many different kinds of beans, rice, grains and pastas. You can get as little or as much as you want at reasonable prices too.

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