Disintossicante con Clorella

La clorella viene messa alla prova contro malattie del fegato, colesterolo e agenti cancerogeni disintossicanti.

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Ecco i link ai video a cui ho fatto riferimento: I farmaci antidepressivi funzionano davvero? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/do-antidepressant-drugs-really-work/), Best Food for Antidepressant-indotto Disfunzione sessuale (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/Best-Food-for-Antidepressant-indotta-disfunzione-sessuale), e trattamento dell'epatite C con clorella (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/treating-hepatitis-c-with-clorella/).

A parte il video sull'epatite, penso che il mio unico video sulla clorella sia Preserving Athlete Immunity with Chlorella ( https://nutritionfacts.org/video/preserving-athlete-immunity-with-chlorella-2) e i migliori alimenti per l'avvelenamento da piombo: clorella, coriandolo, pomodori, moringa? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/best-foods-for-lead-poisoning-chlorella-cilantro-tomatoes-moringa/)

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92 Risposte a “Disintossicante con Clorella”

  1. Reminder that captions for all videos are available in several languages. To find yours, click on the settings wheel on the lower-right of the video and then "Subtitles/CC." Thanks for watching! -NF Team

  2. My chlorella powder contains dangerously high RDA's of iodine, that's why I only use a pinch per week, I'd say 4 g/day might be riskful for the thyroid since I've heard that high intakes of iodine can affect it's function negatively.

  3. There are different types of chlorella. You jumped from depression to liver disease to cholesterol to carcinogenic foods. This made the video unfocused and unclear to me.

  4. Broccoli has pretty much the same effect – I would rather eat veggies instead of a strange green powder. Thanks anyway doc!

  5. All the Blue green Algaes that can be consumed are super alkalizing and puts you in a higher vibration. Super beneficial for depression. Also barley grass juice will clean your blood as well.

  6. I take chlorella for the iron. 2g contains 4mg of iron. Just something I have always struggled with, before and after I went vegan.

  7. Thank you for this video. I suffer from NAFLD, depression and anxiety. The pills don’t work. Time to invest in a natural remedy.

  8. I used to take take chlorella years ago. I wonder if any of the Mercury detoxifying claims are true. Also, some guy on YouTube tried to claim it was toxic or something

  9. Wait, wait, wait, you mean that eggs do raise cholesterol levels? Oh, my stars! Interesting research tidbits about a superfood many of us plant-based people use as a matter of course. TFP!

  10. they give chlorella to patients healing from chemotheraphy. doesn't seem sort of ridiculous to suggest people should be taking such a strong supplement when the healthcare community uses it for more serious maters

  11. Heavy metal-free Triphala powder, or simply amla powder, with those cholesterol raising, cancer inducing foods, would be MUCH better in reducing cholesterol and protecting you from HCA than this

  12. ppl do it wrong
    chlorella and spirulina r the finest most caloricly dense protein sources on this wrong
    not fart inducing, no lectin shit
    sadly pretty dry stuff, but much better than gayening fart inducing soy
    look up spirulina's aminoacid profile…its nearly perfect…even better than animal protein

    chlorella is more of a micronutrient-boost
    try eating 5×1 tablespoon (at least semi-high quality) chlorella thruout ONE day and ull see its power, ull get much more body aware n stuff, sit straight etc…its really nice
    spirulina is cheaper and u can just eat the tablets
    they r the best/cheapest/most available protein source on this planet and raw and vegan that i know of

    fuck beans and grains and their trash aminoacid profile and the fact that they need to be cooked and r nearly indigestable and fart inducing!!!!!!!!
    all hail spirulingo

  13. Dr greger,

    Can you make a video about multiple sclerosis and how to treat it? Im a nurse and am currently having seminars about it but the thing is that they only promote pills and say that it’s the only thing that can help people from the desease.

    They never mention nutrition or other possible alternatives to help people that are suffering from it.

    Can you tell about multiple sclerosis and possible alternatives to help people, other than constantly give drugs?

    Thank you 🙏🏾

  14. Don't let meat eaters watch this video if not chlorella world storage is going to disappear… Stop eating meat and eggs not way… as always do not take supplements but eat a whole plant based diet.

  15. I need an advise, on another subject.. blad gladder stone – any information on possibility to melt it with right food? I am vegan for few months, after years of vegeterian. But before I was eating meet so it is – a suvenir in my glad bladder 😉 any chance to get rid of it without being operated? I never had any medical procedure done yet and prefare to stay like that 🙂

  16. Wait, isn't "detox" is a term from alternaive medicine, which means to clean bidy from so-called "toxins", an invented pseudo-scientific term? Never expected to see such terms in the name of the video on this channel!

  17. Hi guys. This is my second week of being on a vegan diet and was wondering if there is any tips on having less gas or having more solid long stools? Thanks.

  18. @Dr. Greger: I very much appreciate the service you do for all of us. Love your delivery also–very entertaining! High production value, as they say. I ordered HOW NOT TO DIE, and it's on its way; but I am really more interested in HOW TO NOT DIE. I'm hoping the book will help with that too. Anyway, thank you, thank you, thank you!

  19. If you're using chlorella to detoxify you need cilantro aswell. The cilantro pulls toxins from the cells and the chlorella then binds the toxins.

  20. Every time I see the word “Chlorella” I read it as “Cholera”, which is perhaps problematic 🤣 I’m sure I’m not the only one who does that.

  21. I´ve been using chlorella for many years and it is a wonder food. The flaw of the studies shown here is that they measure the efficacy of chlorella with studies that are a few weeks long. Chlorella is a very subtle supplement, it will not change things overnight or in a few weeks. Now, in my case, it does absolutely nothing to control my high colesterol, zero, BUT it helps me quite a lot on energy and mood, not to mention digestive issues. I have tried many supplements in my life, and by far chlorella is #1 in my list. I use chlorenergy Brand and have also used Sun Brand, they are the best. I will not buy cheap chinese brands that are full of toxins .  FYI I take between 2 and 4 grams a day on an empty stomach with lots of water. Last but not least, do NOT take vitamin C with chlorella since chlorella will bind all vit C and flush it out.  Either you take chlorella or vit C, and yes, it has been researched and documented, it is not acnedotal. Sorry for my English, it is not my first language.

  22. Theres 2 types of chlorella 1: chlorella vulgaris and 2: chlorella pyrenoidosa.
    The one in these test is vulgaris, pyrenoidosa is supposed to be better , also Taiwanese chlorella is the best it's the least polluted and has the least heavy metals in it especially the organic ones. Also I want to know if chlorella has b12 in it or not, cuz some brands say it has high amount in it and other brands say trace. Isn't this something very important to test , cuz I'd rather take my b12 from something natural than vitamin b12 tablets.

  23. Chlorella can be toxic to some people causing the body to react as if you’ve ingested a poison… I’m talking from personal experience, not once but twice as the first time the person in the vitamin shop told me it couldn’t possibly be the chlorella that had caused the reaction, tried it again a month later with exactly the same outcome. I’ve since done research into Chlorella… for some people the body will see it as a poison and react in severely aggressive ways to remove it from your system and body as quickly as it can…cold sweats, violent vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, headache, etc.

  24. Can you elaborate more on the one pound per week weight loss? Was there another condition in the study treatment that encouraged weight loss? Or was chlorella given along with high fiber food… were there confounding variables, or is the weight loss attributed to chlorella? I assume there was a confounding variable that is thought to have affected weight loss, or you would have done a video on chlorella and weight loss and you would have included it in your Daily Dozen or 21 Tweaks… am I right?

  25. i just checked where the chlorella I bought is sourced from-Hainan Island in Southern China. There are conflicting views about heavy metal contamination. Is it a safe product?

  26. This guy doesn’t know a thing
    Eggs don’t cause heart disease sugar does – get with it
    Also Chorella is used for detoxification of heavy metals and fat cell binding chemical compounds
    That is the benefit of it, must be broken celled and organic
    Get your facts straight and dont post what you dont know

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  28. I highly recommend Dr Ozuka herbal medication in getting rid of your Genital herpes this great man helped my friend and myself

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