Aggiornamento sulla cannella per il controllo della glicemia

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DESCRIZIONE: La cannella non può più essere considerata un trattamento sicuro ed efficace per il diabete. Gli antiossidanti in un pizzico ( video Sono così fiero di può essere trovato qui ( The Safer Cinnamon ( è il luogo in cui ho originariamente allevato la cumarina problema. Che dire degli Oxalates in Cinnamon ( Non è un problema, ma gli ossalati in troppa curcuma ( può essere motivo di preoccupazione. Superfood Bargains ( è dove ho classificato gli alimenti in termini di antiossidanti per costo unitario.<br/> Parlo di più sulla potenza potenziale delle piante in generale in Centrali elettriche ( e altro sulle spezie in particolare in video come:
· Benefici dei semi di fieno greco (
· Zafferano per il trattamento dell'Alzheimer ( the-treatment-of-alzheimers/)
· Zafferano per il trattamento della sindrome premestruale (
· Garden Variety Anti -Infiammazione (
Amla contro diabete ( esplora l'uso dell'uva spina indiana come un modo per aiutano a controllare la glicemia, anche se il modo migliore per affrontare il diabete è prevenire ( to-prevent-diabetes/) e trattare ( /come-trattare-il-diabete/) con una dieta sana. I libri che consiglierei (in ordine di pubblicazione) sono Defeating Diabetes (, Dr. Neal Barnard's Programma per invertire il diabete ( e La fine del diabete (

Come te stai preparando la tua torta di zucca sana ( 2/), non aggiungere per sbaglio troppa noce moscata, oggetto del mio prossimo video, Don't Eat Too Much Nutmeg (

Hai una domanda per il dottor Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su -per-controllo-zucchero-sangue/ e cercherà di rispondere!

Credito immagine: Cannella Vogue via Flickr. L'immagine è stata modificata.
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100 Risposte a “Aggiornamento sulla cannella per il controllo della glicemia”

  1. oooohhhhh go figure another white coat is telling the masses NOOO natural things are bad for you, but yet EVERY  SINGLE PRESCRIPTION DRUG HAS FAR WORST SIDE EFFECTS, AND YOU KNOW WHAT THOSE DAMNMETFORMIN INJECTORS SIDE AFFECT IS CANCER 

  2. I have taken a cinnamon supplement for years, just don't have to take Aspirin as a blood thinner…plus Chromium  don't always take every day, just if I've not exercised enough or got off my diet and sugar starts going up. 
    I don't take any prescription meds for diabetes…just a good diet and exercise which gives better control anyway.   Plus with my diet I do eat carbs…potatoes, rice and  bread,   Calorie counting works so you can eat any food you want, just keep inside your calorie allowance.

  3. Look for a cinnamon brand called CinSulin.  It uses a patented water extraction process to remove the potential toxins and leaves just the beneficial parts of the cinnamon in the extract so it is concentrated.  It has clinical studies proving it is both safe and effective.  

  4. Anything that inhibits liver function keeps your blood sugar from spiking.  The more anything screws with your liver, the less glycogen it will make.  Alcohol, testosterone, acetaminophen, etc.  All lower your (future) blood sugar.

  5. i have two 8 year old Cinnamon Trees in my compound here in Dar es salaam. I use its leaves as tea! Are they harmful to a diabetic?

  6. Oh hai! Have you used – the Curesal Rapid Diabetes Reversal program (do a search for it on GOOGLE)? Ive heard some far out things about it and my sister got stunning changes in glucometer readings from it.

  7. Question about cinnamon and diabetes, esp. with food.  It comes in several formats, such as ground cinnamon and pill supplements.  What's the best way to take cinnamon?

  8. @Faria Dassy Something that had the power to change the way peopIe across the world look at what diabetes is… and how it can be treated… And that holds the key to reversing alI traces of diabetes while naturally bringing your blood sugar levels down to non-diabetic leveIs within the next few weeks. >>

  9. Here we go once again with a myriad of plugs in the comments section that tout some other miracle cure for diseases like diabetes.  Go ahead, suckers, and throw money at these cures when it costs nothing to lose weight and take a walk each day. Lazy obese Americans.  Only the sloths die young.  And I'll keep taking my cinnamon no matter where its harvested.  I'm sure the side effects are far less unpleasant than the industry's prescription diabetic drug which is just pure poison.

  10. Cassia cinnamon is potent and benefit to those have diabetes. However, it all defends on how much you intake into your body. Any good food will become poison if you consume too much of it. Why don't you guy who has diabetes try the cinnamon pill which has eliminated the bad stuff? I believe Costco or Sam club carry the supplement.

  11. @***** I’m talking about an all-natural, safe and permanent, yes that’s right permanent CURE for diabetes. I’m talking about not just covering up your diabetes symptoms through so called diabetes ‘management’ medications or treatments but tackling the root cause of your diabetes head on.==>

  12. Cassia IS the non toxic cinnamon. I have used it with noticeable health benifits. Incorrect info from a person with no experience who believes anything typed up as a report (funded by what phrama co?) is science.

  13. Here's the problem with this video and many others of Dr. Greger. Foregone conclusions. This is ONLY 1 study. Many animal studies show it does have a blood-sugar lowering effect. In fact, I am willing to bet future research will show Ceylon cinnamon to be just as beneficial if not more than cassia. Furthermore, there are some studies that show cassia cinnamon has no beneficial effect on blood sugar. My point exactly! Ceylon does lower blood sugar, just wait and watch my words be validated by future research.

  14. ln 2011, British researchers (Ied by Professor Roy Taylor of Newcastle University) announced that diabetes (even advanced type 2 diabetes) can be reversed through diet changes. SpecificaIIy, they discovered that Type 2 diabetes can be COMPLETELY REVERSED by diet alone. As a matter of fact… after 1 week, blood sugar normalized. By 4 weeks, normal insulin production returned. After that, participants ate normally.

  15. But what's the actual risk? How many adults actually had lver damage? I don't care about speculation that it might do this or that…

  16. >>>>With common medication, diabetes can not be eliminated permanently. Fortunately there's a simple way to cure diabetes naturally proven scientific>>>>>

  17. +>>I feel worried about constantly checking blood levels being a former diabetes sufferer imagined I would undoubtedly die with diabetes>>*

  18. It is easy to say a healthy diet, when one just gain weight by just breathing air to stay alive.  I am diabetic so I know it is in my genes as my mother died of few strokes due to her long exposure to diabetes for years and years. Drug companies don't want to find a cure to keep sucking $$$$ blood from us.

  19. >>I feel worried about constantly checking blood levels being a former diabetes sufferer imagined I would undoubtedly die with diabetes>> 😍😍😍😍😘😘😘☺;)

  20. ہمارے تجربہ میں بھی ذیابیطس کے مریضوں کے لئے دارچینی مفید ثابت ہوئی ہے
    پروفیسر حکیم زاھد نذیر علوی
    راولپنڈی طبیہ کالج راولپنڈی پاکستان

  21. CNo worries. Ceylon cinnamon works wonders! I take it and it it is wonderful! My blood sugar is greatly under control. I feel a significant difference when I take it, as opposed to the days I may be rushing and don't take time to make my Ceylon cinnamon and organic raw honey drink.

  22. My eye sight problems began in August of 2015 when I noticed a small swirl of liquid was preventing my right eye sight from seeing things. By September 2015, the swirl continued to grow and decreased my vision gradually.

    This problem increased by October 2015 when the same thing was occurring in my left eye as well. Literally scared the crap out of me. This only happens when you don't take control of your sugar levels.

    I did some research and found out that the combination of Cinnamon & Honey is a decent solution to my problem. It could help you as well and I hope it works for you as it did for me.

    I said my prayers everyday that my eye sight would be restored as I consumed 1 teaspoon of honey and sprinkled cinnamon into my coffee and these two proved to be natural sweeteners as well, then added 2% milk. Didn't need any sugar in my coffee because the combination of these two natural food elements gave the coffee a natural sweet flavor.

    Honey and cinnamon have been used to resolve many diabetic issues. Long story short, these two combined together in coffee have saved my eye sight. I'm extremely grateful and acknowledge those who have posted the data on-line.

  23. Everything is toxic in high levels so take everything in moderation(including non-Ceylon cinnamon). I personally like Vietnamese or Saigon cinnamon, it's sweet and spicy.

  24. but wait, coumarin is sold at super profits in the pharma industry

    so, are they telling us, don't buy cheap cinnamon, buy our chemical extraction at 1000x the price of cinnamon ?

    could it be the pharma industry is greedy ?

    could it be they paid for the study to protect their business interest ?

  25. basically, stop helping yourself the legal drug dealers, doctors, R saying ur destroying ur liver, let them do that instead. that's their jobs.

  26. I'm still trying to figure out what the cheap cinnamon from Mexican spice suppliers is in the US. To me, it's a really low grade of Ceylon, since there's no sweetness nor intense heat of cassia. Any ideas?

  27. I never herd of anyone diabetic or non diabetic being hurt by taking cinnamon.  I think this study is a joke and is probably done by the drug companies that made Glucophage or Metformin.

  28. I heard that cloves may help to lower blood glucose levels, and are sort of like cinnamon on steroids as far as what cloves do to help lower glucose levels.

  29. Kudos for the video content! Forgive me for chiming in, I would love your initial thoughts. Have you considered – Patlarny Sugar Outcome Principle (search on google)? It is a good one off product for reversing diabetes without the headache. Ive heard some decent things about it and my good mate called Gray got astronomical success with it.

  30. your video would have been worth watching if had chosen to do the commentary in your natural voice. you are chung chinang choon choon shon shung shiant ; your accent is horrible to understand it looks like a widow who just buried her freshly died husband and crying over being lonely and in black dress. thumb down for you……..nay nayningnain

  31. Excellent, science-backed info and advice. But dang it I’m still trying to adjust to that mellow dramatic, condescending-sounding tone of voice! Perhaps someday I’ll learn to completely ignore it and just focus on the content.

  32. sooo what does "seigun" cinnamon fall under?
    I looked it up and it is a Vietnamese cinnamon but it also says it is a Vietnamese cassia…

    so again which is it? Vietnamese (yellow light) or Cassia (red light)
    i have the kirkland brand seigon cinnamon

  33. What about doing 50/50? Buy a bottle of casia cinnamon and a bottle of Ceylon cinnamon. Mix together and take a teaspoon a day for dual benefits..will it be better or safer?

  34. Is anyone know how to nominate dr. Greger for a Nobel Peace prize, either in medicine or some other pertinent category? He has done the best work I've seen during my lifetime with improving people's Health.

  35. Proanthocyanidins (PACs) bind Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) thus preventing inflammation!
    Foods high in PACs include cinnamon, cocoa, tea, cranberries, blueberries, grapes, plums, apple skin, almond skin, hazelnut skin, black bean coats, …
    Just another amazing component of plants.

  36. The difference between medicine and poison a lot of times is dose…
    How much you take. You can overdose on water if you drink enough of it.

  37. no wonder cinnamon is toxic in large doses, its really strong taste like hot pepper.
    i use 50% ceylon in my cinnamon mix.

  38. Want to note from what I've read from the website Cinnamon Vogue regarding coumarin content of different types of cinnamon.

    Type of Cinnamon and Coumarin content:
    Ceylon/True = 0.017 g/kg coumarin
    Cassia/Chinese = 0.31 g/kg coumarin
    Indonesian/Korintje = 2.15 g/kg coumarin
    Vietnamese/Saigon = 6.97 g/kg coumarin

    So, Cassia cinnamon has just over 18x the amount of coumarin as Ceylon cinnamon. Indonesian cinnamon has just over 126x the amount as Ceylon cinnamon. And Vietnamese/Saigon cinnamon (the only kind I've seen sold at Costco) has 410x the amount of coumarin as Ceylon cinnamon.

  39. A compromise; use 1 tsp Chinese and 1 tsp Ceylon cinnamon per day. This keeps the toxic coumarin level down, while still helping blunt blood sugar spike. I also find that the intense flavor of cinnamon I like varies GREATLY, depending on when I add it to my oatmeal. I typically add 1 tablespoon to my boiling cooking water (=mild flavor). Sometimes sprinkling in my bowl when serving (=medium flavor). Occasionally storing leftover cooked oatmeal in the fridge overnight (=strong flavor!). Using 1 tbsp of cinnamon on cold oatmeal stored overnight seems to ramp up the intense flavor significantly – sometimes so overwhelmingly strong even I say it is TOO much. Perhaps an oatmeal cold soak overnight cooking method can help reduce the amount of Chinese cinnamon required? Combine with Ceylon cinnamon to get the best of both worlds. Enjoy and Good Luck.

  40. Nobody have said anything about consumption of Ceylon Cinnamon in Pacients with renal failure or Glomerulo nephritis and as consecuence Hi Blood pressure, Ceylon Cinnamon will increase your Blood pressure in this type of patients

  41. This is the dumbest video I've ever watched. Ceylon cinnamon is true cinnamon and has significantly lowered blood sugar in many people. Coumarin can't be toxic and helpful at the same time. The active ingredient is the cinnamon. Don't let them fool you!

  42. This guy sounds like a shill for the pharmaceutical industry.OH!, by the way,cloves have the highest ORAC value of any food in the world.As an essential oil it's ORAC value is 10,786,875.

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