I semi di chia aiutano con il grasso della pancia?

Il segreto dei benefici dei semi di chia potrebbe essere che devi macinarli.

I nuovi iscritti alla nostra e-newsletter ricevono sempre un omaggio. Prendi il tuo qui:

Ecco un link al video a cui mi riferivo: Quali sono i migliori: semi di chia o semi di lino? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/which-are-better-chia-seeds-or-flax-seeds/).

Ecco qualcosa in più sul lino:
• Semi di lino per l'ipertensione (https: //nutritionfacts.org/video/Flax-Seeds-for-Hypertension)
• Semi di lino e sopravvivenza al cancro al seno: prove cliniche (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/flaxseeds-breast-cancer-survival-clinical-evidence/)<br/> • Può I semi di lino aiutano a prevenire il cancro al seno? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/Can-Flax-Seeds-Help-Prevent-Breast-Cancer)
• Semi di lino contro cancro alla prostata (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/flaxseed-vs-prostate-cancer/)
• Semi di lino per il dolore al seno (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/flax -semi-per-mal-seno/)
• Semi di lino vs. diabete (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/flaxseed-vs-diabetes/)
• Semi di lino e prevenzione del cancro al seno (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/flaxseeds-breast-cancer-prevention)

Il rischio di salmonella è anche il motivo per cui non dovremmo mangiare germogli di erba medica crudi e dovremmo diffidare del pollame (Salmonella in Chicken & Turkey: Deadly but Not Illegal (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/salmonella-in-chicken-turkey-deadly-but-not-illegal/)) e persino uova cotte (vedi Totale Richiamo (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/tota l-recall/)).

Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/do-chia-seeds-help-with-belly- fat e qualcuno del team di NutritionFacts.org cercherà di rispondere.

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100 Risposte a “I semi di chia aiutano con il grasso della pancia?”

  1. Wow. I'd always heard you didn't need to grind chia like you do flax seeds. Thank you science for clearing this up. So much for health food store advice. 😁

  2. Easy to grind the seeds in a coffee grinder. I grind one tablespoon of chia seeds and flax seed in the grinder and then add it to my cooked steel cut oats.

  3. The last sentence in this video "stay away from sprouted chia seed powder". I did not know chia seeds could be sprouted after they are reduced to powder.

  4. What about chia pudding? I make a larger batch and keep it in the fridge to eat a little each day. Would that grow bacteria dangerously like ‘sprouting’ chia?

  5. hm i like the research
    but its going to be put to miss-use by radical vegan teen girls and the like
    vegan diets r not as satieting as conventional diets because they r typically lower in fat and protein – both of which help a lot of satiety
    so the first paper thing u showed where they felt fuller was not because their "required macronutrient-stores" were filled up, but because chiaseeds expand to like 9 times their size (or rather suck up that much water) and fill u up….an untruthful feeling of fullness

    pumpkin seeds r very satieting tho (and relatively high in protein too!)

  6. could u maybe make a vid about omega 3:6 ratio
    as we know around a 1:1 is best…but for example ive a omega 6 requirement of 17g…i doubt that ud want me to eat 17g of omega 3 right? lol
    from what ive read >21g omega 6 and >5g chia is slightly inflammatory in its own right
    its like a dilemma or something…"want to even out stuff to improve inflammation but mustnt because it increases inflammation" – the fuq is this lol

  7. Dr Greger, have you noticed that the authors of the paper that show a significant weight loss with the chia are the same authors that published an industry founded paper on chia and inflammation? And their results have never been replicated…

  8. I think it's because of the essential fatty acids. The human body can poorly distinguish types of fat early in the ingestive process, so it craves them indiscriminately until it finds the omega 3s it needs. Give it the omega 3 and the cravings stop.

  9. Put them in my smoothie ( made from keffir fresh berries cinamon) the food processor grinds them up! Didn’t know the seeds were better ground than whole. Nice to know Dr👍🏻.

  10. Belly fat……

    1) Daily exercise
    2) Whole food plant based diet
    3) 16/8 Intermittent fasting

    No belly fat…

  11. This is bad advice, you are missing a critical topic. Chia and flax seeds are dangerously high in fat soluable phytoestrogens. Remember how everyone is up in arms because factory meat and dairy is high in estrogen from using soy feeds? If you think that is an issue eating chia and flax is far worse.

  12. Soaking seeds then blending probably would be a better alternative than grinding denaturing by friction-heat/ might as well eat a twinkie. You look at the ancient chia that was used by original peoples a different animal and was considered money/food for the Royals then "The Forced March Food". And even today considered to be a hangover cure (the older species that is)

  13. I sent this vid and the one where you compare chia and ground flax to my Arivale dietician. She has sent it to the powers that be over there. Even they are a bit slow in changing their protocols.

  14. I would like to know how the ground chia seeds were used in the study. Was it one tbsp in a snack before first and last meal as in the whole chia study?

  15. I don’t understand how these foods are so good for us but yet some vegans still die of cancer or something. I am vegan btw

  16. 2:20 Apparently in Turkey, nutrition, dietetics and medical biochemistry researchers don't know how to properly write the names of species in binomial nomenclature.

  17. There's a third alternative to consume chía seeds that is neither whole nor ground/milled, which is soaked becoming some sort of jelly-like goo. I personally prefer milled seeds since I actually like the taste of all the foods I consume including flaxseeds and chía seeds, but for those who don't like them (the soaked seeds are practically tasteless) and consume them solely by its health benefits, it might be a good idea to soak chía seeds before consuming them provided that soaking them help them digest the seeds and absorbe their nutrients.

  18. Fiber this, fiber that.. when a tablespoon of raw rolled oats mixed in with a breakfast blend does the trick.. without all the additional fattening carbs.

  19. 2 raw egg yolks daily, shells well washed, whites cooked, have sufficient ant-oxidants such as selenium, the amino acids l-cysteine, l-tyrosene, l-tryptohane and B vitamins to STOP arterial inflammation, that is one of the 3 main causes of calcification. (no not caused by high blood.. nor high total cholesterol). I consume up to 10 yolks on some (omelette) days. My arteries are clean at 80 years of age as shown in a scan. Keeping in mind the phosphotidyl serine and choline in the yolks so vital for the developing and older brains.. and the cholesterol for: your sex and stress hormones, the synthesis of A and D Vitamins, and needed for the 40% cholesterol of your 3 trillion cells' double membrane!

  20. This has been my entire fat loss strategy. Fat loss progress so far? 230 pounds to 177 pounds. From December 2017 to June 2018.

    Literally eating 4 table spoons of Chia seeds keeps me full/away from kitchen naturally, for 10,12,14,16 hours. Straight.

    I blend the chia seeds in a vegetable smoothie for fun. You can eat them however you like.

    I fully soak the chia seeds in water for 7-10 minutes. Chia seeds if not soaked in water, will simply take the water they need from your stomach if swallowed unsoaked.

    Chia seeds taking water from your stomach may cause stomach pain, which i experienced Twice in my case.

    Rice, Couscous, Spaghetti and other carb types. Keep me full for 30 minutes, 1 hour, maybe 1 hour 30 minutes.

    Once Chia seeds are eaten. Everything else i eat is for fun (Not needed to keep me full)

    All the chicken, salads, eggs, etc i eat. Becomes eaten for fun instead of needing to keep full.

  21. I am very confused. I just watched your earlier video “chia vs flax seeds” where you read a study that demonstrated no benefit to weight loss with chia seeds. Now the science is saying the opposite?

  22. I grind up both Chia and Flax Seeds mixing them and I put a tablespoon of this combo in my food a couple times per day. Love it.

  23. Ok, so ground chia promotes better weightloss and other benefits compared to oat bran, but that doesn't mean it promotes more weightloss than not eating the chia seeds at all, or am I missing something?

  24. Are you a $10 coffee grinder to grind flaxseeds, Chia seeds and all kinds of things right before I mix them in. It is easy to keep a cup of soaked chia seeds covered in frig for a few days

  25. Love your videos Dr. Greger. Just wish you would go see a speech therapist and slow down a bit so that I could understand what the hell you are saying half the time.

  26. "Inaccurate advertising being a redundant term, if I ever heard one" LOL!! Dr. Greger you sure do have a great sense of dry humor! You make the best videos – not only can I trust what you say, you have a enjoyable delivery.

  27. I don't understand you recommend against chia gel? If I soak it for 30 minutes in water then what is the issue? I got confused at that part because I don't understand what it has to do with sprouted chia seeds or salmonella? Can you put me right as I'm sure I've missed something.

  28. Can I use two spoons of chia seeds in the morning and two spoons of basil seeds In the evening…after soaking them for 4HRS…My idea is to fulfill the calcium, magnesium that are required per day

  29. There is contradictory statements.in one part u said chia don't promote weightloss and inflammatory marker reduction.and in another study even against oat bran ,u showed better result in chia seeds group.its confusing so pls clarify

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