Tasso di verdure per nitrato

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DESCRIZIONE: Se i nitrati possono aumentare le prestazioni atletiche e proteggere dalle malattie cardiache, quali verdure hanno di più: fagioli, verdure a bulbo (come aglio e cipolle ), ortaggi a frutto (come melanzane e zucca), verdure (come rucola), funghi, ortaggi a radice (come carote e barbabietole) o ortaggi a stelo (come sedano e rabarbaro)? Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/videos/vegetables-rate-by-nitrate/ e ci proverò per rispondere! Il riferimento alla protezione dalle malattie cardiache è spiegato nel video di ieri (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/hearts-shouldnt-skip-a-beet/) e atletica leggera in Doping With Beet Juice (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/doping-with-beet-juice/) e proseguendo con Adescamento della pompa protonica (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/priming-the-proton-pump/) e i video successivi in ​​questa serie di video di 3 settimane. Un altro modo in cui le verdure, The Healthiest Veggies (http://nutritionfacts.org/topics/greens/), possono proteggere il cuore la salute è spiegata in Boosting Heart Nerve Control (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/boosting-heart-nerve-control/). Ci sono anche centinaia di altri video su più di mille argomenti (http://nutritionfacts.org/topics/) se non puoi aspettare fino a domani per la correzione del video del giorno di NutritionFacts.org.<br/>
Per favore, controlla anche il mio blog associato post http://nutritionfacts.org/blog/2012///utilizzo-di-verdi-per-migliorare-la-prestazione-atletica/!

Credito immagine: Evan-Amos, Benjah-bmm27, Quadell, Sanjay Acharya, Bjankuloski27en, ZooFari e Whut tramite Wikimedia Commons, Cory Doctorow / Flickr e Caramelle crude.

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76 Risposte a “Tasso di verdure per nitrato”

  1. Green leafies protect our heart…our eyes….our colons….our stomachs…our entire body!!!! GO FOR the GREENS! yay!

  2. I had read that a diet rich in nitrate may be detrimental for your health because it can react with free amino acids and generate nitrosamines, especially when the food is heated or under acidic conditions (such as in your stomach). Granted, if you follow a low-protein protein the rate of those reactions would be lower.
    The advice warned particularly about eating green leaf vegetables like chard that had been grown using synthetic fertilizers since those could cumulate large amounts of nitrate.

  3. yes it oxidizes the very nutrients you are trying to put into your body. so literally you have to blend and drink immediately. No sitting that junk down. in 15 minutes you could loose half the nutrition you started out with, due to oxidation.

  4. I keep reading that reheating veg containing nitrate turns the nitrate into nitrites which is very toxic for the body – is this true? i normally freeze mixed vegetable soups and reuse

  5. Help me understand… would you consider a blended veggie a whole food? Let's say a few veggies in a nutra bullet blended fully… does our body see it as a whole food like chewing (Ain't nobody got time for that)?


  6. I would like to know if Arugula sprouts are as good or better in producing Nitric Oxide in the body as the mature plant.  I grow my own Broccoli in this manner to increase Sulforaphane and other nutrients. I would be grateful to receive the answer as it will cause me to begin yet another life long healthy habit based upon the answer.

  7. So, I gave this a try. I ate Arugula before playing basketball. I felt a lot better and less tired. Felt energetic even after. Normally, after an hour of full court basketball, I am drained. It works. Thanks, Dr. Greger!

  8. WOW! I'll just eat my bacon and ham! Both have nitrites and nitrates. But then, we're told nitrites in bacon are bad!? Well experts…which is it??? WTF? Hard to keep the lies straight I guess.

  9. So if arugula has an even higher concentration of nitrates than beet juice, shouldn't arugula top beet juice for athletic performance too?

  10. Great video, but the chart may be misleading because its measured in Nitrates/100g. Its much easier to eat 100g of beets than 100g of cilantro. Leafy greens are less dense so you'd have to eat more of them. 100g of cilantro is like $2.00, where 100g of beets is like $0.50

  11. but if you look into this a bit more; you find that nitrates vary seasonally. Some are higher in spring, some in fall; "A single hundred-gram serving of spinach can contain anywhere from 24 to 387 milligrams of nitrate. Depending on the growing conditions plants face before harvest, the amount of nitrates present can vary significantly".
    So; in some seasons baby spincah is highest, sometimes it's arugula.

  12. I found a study about testing nitrates in croatia spring and fall for several types of green leafy vegetables. It concluded the same about arugula. about 4.5k mg per kg (or 450mg per 100g as seen in the table) but it shows about 1.1k mg per kg in kale, which is about 1/4, so arugula is 4x the amount in kale according to that study, not 18x. i don’t like arugula and eat kale salads so i was keen on finding out. would like to know where dr greger got this info. I’m gonna tweet him lol

  13. For the sensible person it’s not just about amount per 100 grams. It’s about amount per reasonable portion.
    I’d easily eat a few hundred grams of beets or their juice… but arugula or even worse, basil?? No thank you.

  14. Thanks for the awesome presentation. Can I get a copy of the “vegetable rate by Nitrate chart. Thanks

  15. So wrong, you US city dwellers near supermarket must stop supporting the home team, the very best Top vegetable is Moringa leaf or young seed pod, dandelion leaves, coconut milk & flesh, and if you have a good look around

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