Le noci possono aiutare a prevenire la morte

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DESCRIZIONE: Solo poche piccole porzioni di noci a settimana possono aumentare la durata della nostra vita e ridurre il rischio di cancro .
Altro su noci e malattie cardiache nei miei video Dadi e bulloni per abbassare il colesterolo (http: //nutritionfacts.org/video/nuts-and-bolts-of-cholesterol-lowering/) e In che modo le noci prevengono la morte cardiaca improvvisa? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-do-nuts-prevent-sudden-cardiac-death/). <br/>
Altro su noci e cancro in Frutta a guscio o arachidi per la prevenzione del cancro al seno? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/tree-nuts-or-peanuts-for-breast-cancer-prevention/) .
Noci e malattie infiammatorie: combattere l'infiammazione in un guscio di noce (http:/ /nutritionfacts.org/video/combattere-l-infiammazione-in-un-guscio/). Più di quanto avresti mai voluto sapere su noci e peso qui: Noci e obesità: il peso delle prove ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/nuts-and -obesità-il-peso-delle-prove/).

E se il tuo medico ti dicesse di non mangi noci perché hai la diverticolosi? Condividi questo video con loro: Diverticulosis & Nuts (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/diverticulosis-nuts/) .
Quei 100 pistacchi un giorno può avere un effetto collaterale, però: pistacchi per la disfunzione erettile ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/pistachio-nuts-for- erettile-disfunzione/).

Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/nuts-may-help-prevent-death/ e cercherà di rispondere!

Credito immagine: The Daily Meal.

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• Negozio: 580https://drgreger.org

46 Risposte a “Le noci possono aiutare a prevenire la morte”

  1. We incorporate small amounts of nuts and seeds daily, and feel all the better for it.  Flax, almonds, walnuts, and maybe chia seeds when I am too lazy to grind the flax, but also some others.  Many of the plant-based leaders advocate limiting them and keeping fat really low, but I think they may in part be addressing those who get really hooked and go hand to mouth w/ a jar of roasted nuts that have added salt and fats.  But also, I have found as I work on a little remaining weight loss, and life history of extreme blood sugar swings, having at least 10% fat and 10-12+% protein from plant foods has helped me tremendously, esp. compared to eating lower fat/protein, more fruit based.  Thanks as always for all your work getting this info out.

  2. Yes, but it may just be that they have less of a craving for fatty MEAT!!!!

    I want to see studies done with the exclusion of meat. Or else to me it's meaningless. Was it controlled for meat consumption?

  3. Oh  I wish I had the time to go into details of how this information is cleverly introduced to you in a way that promotes the good doctors VEGAN bias. Nuts are nuts, you do not typically eat much of them., nor has man ever eaten much of them on a consistent basis….   but if listen closely…the operative words are "associated with…:   and  "survey suggests…"  "pretty much a  wash…"…..  so to sum it up…food is good chemical are not….  imagine that !

  4. Ive experience this Dr. Ive been into the workout world for the last 2 years trying to build up my body and when i ate the recomended high carb diet, i was alaways having to bulk and cut. However ive recently switched to higher fat diet with nuts,,,,and ive been eating alot more calories then usual and ive been losing weight due to high fat diet and getting stronger faster 0_o. ALL PRAISE THE NUT!

  5. More like, delay death :).
    But one of these days you will upload a video with a way to prevent death and all that are subscribed will be immortal  >:-)

  6. How much peanut butter is too much? I eat good quality pure organic, nonetheless, now that I'm learning about omega 6, I suspect I might eat too much. Thank you very much.

  7. I eat around 6 servings a day of walnuts, almonds, and peanuts in the form of peanutbutter. I pretty much use them as the "meat" of most of my meals, they're just so satisfying and amazingly adaptable for almost any dish.

    However, I am concerned about the fat content. Am I eating too much, will this many nuts have any negative effect on my cholesterol and arteries? I'd really like to see a study looking at large amounts of nut consumption and its effect on health.

  8. I eat one to 2 ounces of either walnuts or pistachios every morning, and have another similar amount at lunch. It gives me significant calories, but apparently I seem not to be able to gain any weight. I’m stuck in a normal. That was the goal. I trusted Dr Greger‘s evaluation that nuts don’t actually cause weight gain. so they seem to give me fullness and calories without an increase in weight.

  9. Raw nuts are best. Dry roasted next best. I try to avoid nuts that are roasted in oil. Salt can also be a factor. All in all, pecans and walnuts are the healthiest. They tend to be raw and salt free. Best nutrition too, per Dr. G

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