Linee guida dietetiche: “Mangia meno colesterolo possibile”

Perché le linee guida dietetiche federali ufficiali per gli americani raccomandano di limitare il più possibile l'assunzione di colesterolo alimentare (che si trova principalmente nelle uova)?

Ho testimoniato al Comitato Linee Guida Dietetiche per queste nuove raccomandazioni. Guardalo qui (

Per ulteriori informazioni sulla falsa pubblicità dell'industria delle uova, dai un'occhiata Uova e colesterolo: affermazioni palesemente false e fuorvianti (

Anche i grassi trans e i grassi saturi dovrebbero essere limitati il ​​più possibile. Vedi: Grassi trans, grassi saturi e colesterolo: assunzione superiore tollerabile pari a zero ( -tolerable-upper-intake-of-zero/)<br/>
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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione della nutrizione basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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100 Risposte a “Linee guida dietetiche: “Mangia meno colesterolo possibile””

  1. This Channel wants you to be a vegan …., that is the whole point of these videos.
    I'd suggest you get some balance to all this vegan propaganda.

  2. This is utterly BS! The degree of bias behind this contend is amazing. As a person who've studied human health for years and learned from countless studies and scientists, I can say for sure that a lot of the contend on this channel (including this video) is indeed twisting the truth about dietary health. Have a real talk with the leading scientists on the world on human health and longevity and they will all tell you that eating plant based alone isn't the solution nor to always avoid meat, eggs and dairy products.

  3. Your work is so valuable! Thank you so much, Dr. Greger! Your book saved my mothers life. She and my father follow a whole food plant based diet since 4 years and they both feel so good. They are now age 79 and 85.

  4. Another great video on how dishonest and devious the Meat and Dairy Cult is.

    Thanx to Dr. Greger, I reversed my heart disease, after having a heart attack and quadruple bypass surgery 10 years ago. With NO medication. No statins, nothing.

    My cardiologist sent me home a year and a half after I went plant-based and told me I don't need him any more. He was amazed at my results. I've made a few videos on plant based eating, and other things, on my channel.

    Good luck to everyone.

  5. I will ask you again if cholestetol is the cause of disease then why does it not damage veins snd tiny capilaries?
    This is just golden. You make the case those of us who are rational omnivores have been making when you look at cause and effect. Of course cholesterol goes up and down and it stays flat most of the time because it is a lipid. Triglycerides also go up and down as well as glucose after meals. Could it be because cholesterol is suppose to go up a down, the liver knows what it is doing and cholesterol is not the cause of heart disease and stroke.
    Could it actually be habitually high blood glucose caused by habitually pure fuel sugar and oil from processed grain/seed over whelming the liver causing liver dysfunction, leading to fatty liver, leading to diabetes and the habitually high blood glucose damaging the primary arteries leaving the heart and feeding blood to everything. Then cholestetol comes and tries to fix the damage the sugar caused. Which then makes cholesterol a vector moot and the fact our body produces it without eating and keeps it largely flat should tell someone with advanced education that the body/liver probably knows what its doing unless you feed it pure fuel that our digestive tract wasnt designed for 🤪

  6. I don't like this video. Each individual can check their own cholesterol profile and act on it ONLY if some parameters are too high. I'm old enough, and used to have high cholesterol all my life. I have tried going on and off eggs, but that made no difference to my cholesterol profile. I brought my cholesterol down with HIIT 3-4 times a week. There is no reason for universal guidelines advising against egg consumption. This goes for even "all North Americans who expect to live past middle age".

  7. It's so confusing and I don't know what to believe. I just read from Harvard Health that dietary cholesterol has only modest effects to blood cholesterol unless you happen to be a "responder" type. I have always thought Harvard Health would be a credible source. How should we know what to believe?

  8. Thank you Dr. Greger for your commitment to the truth!

    I’m sure this video required a lot of work, in both time reading the studies and the fantastic visuals produced in this video, to make things clear for us to follow.


  9. But low cholesterol can also bring an increased risk for high blood pressure, a higher likelihood of heart disease, and the potential for a heart attack, strokes, and cardiovascular disease

  10. The reason they're testing your fasting cholesterol is because that would show excess cholesterol period the cholesterol that you're absorbing and using to rebuild your veins and arteries and brain and so on are not excessive cholesterol buried

  11. I have a three eggs omelette every morning for breakfast with bacon.
    But, thanks to this informative video, I have replaced it this morning with a large pepperoni pizza from Dominos.
    I feel great! Thank you!!

  12. Thanks. That was helpful. As I try to educate myself and improve my eating habits, I've been running into a lot of conflicting information on dietary cholesterol. Now I know why.

  13. i mean theres that like 77 year old guy who just eats 22 eggs a day so thats proof it doesnt really matter and i say this as someone who just eats plants and dairy products lol

  14. Very convincing… so many online health Dr. Guru's promote the occasional egg.. even the BBC health report. Some calling it the perfect protein. I like eggs & would prefer that their consumption wouldn't have any negative effects.. but if the science proves otherwise than I will give them up.

  15. As almost 100% of any animal based food study, they animals aren't fed organically and what the animals are supposed to eat. Usually animals used are farm factory raised on chemicalized and pestisized food and injected with various serums. Get back to me when the herbivores are fed grass and the chickens are pasture raised and the pigs are allowed to root, ect. organically. People ate over 1 million yrs as hunters and some gathering, 10,000 yrs grain based and highly altered fruit and vegetables. 99% vs 1%, just look at all the ancient skulls of wide faces and perfect teeth at the Smithsonian proving superior nutrition without dentistry.

  16. I will do as you say Dr, and hopefully will look 20 years past my age and exhibit a bald spot to land chinook on. Your advice are invaluable. May the god of œstrogen bless your 75 yo heart

  17. Does the effect of eggs on blood cholesterol levels change if they are consumed through baking such as cookies, cakes, and brownies, as opposed to consumed through frying like scrambled eggs?

  18. I have been reading Peter Attia's just published book "Outlive" and find it factual, with lots of new info, and really worth reading. However, he does buy into the notion that dietary cholesterol does not contribute to blood cholesterol ( and hence cardiovascular disease). Even without this recent paper cited by Dr. Greger, Attia should have known better.

  19. Can you do another video on DART 2? Apparently there was an funding issue and now it is disregarded as evidence contradicting DART. Our dietary guidelines are based on DART 1 with mentioning DART 2 as no evidence.

  20. Would some of you professionals consider contacting the mayo clinic concerning their statements on their website telling people eggs won't raise cholesterol.

    I personally don't eat eggs and I feel empathy for those who do when I read what the mayo clinic has online concerning eggs & cholesterol. It's a real pity.

  21. But what i heard from other studies is that dietary cholesterol was not linked to cholesterol levels. This is so frustrating.
    And when going plant based i do crave plant fats like nuts and seed butters and avocado or olive oil. Don't those have cholesterol too ? I need some fat in my diet.

  22. Why is LDL bad????? It's the sugar that causes heart disease. I call Bullshit on this. People with higher cholesterol live longer look it up

  23. In my lifetime i have seen at least six times the advise on eggs change. They will raise your cholesterol and cause heart disease, then, no eggs a few times a week are actually good for you. Here is a novel approach, everything in moderation, as long as it is not processed food. If nature provides it and it grows or mates, eat it in moderation, and get off the couch and move and do some exercise. Happy Easter to all. 🥰🥰🥰

  24. One common argument I hear about eggs consumption is related to "happy chickens" eggs being different from factory-farm eggs. Is there any evidence on that?

  25. Hi doc, I love your channel, but on this one, not. Heart disease is known now to be caused by endothelial cell damage, not from cholesterol. Seed oil, sugar, toxins, etc… causing chronic inflimation!
    Get rid of this source of inflimation, and good foods with cholesterol are not bad for you.

  26. Why do so many people, including doctors say we need animal fat / cholesterol / collagen ? our cells are surrounded by fat. Our adrenal glands need lots of animal fat, it's confusing. And Dr Terry Wahls developed serious MS with plants, she healed on animal-based diet !

  27. If eggs were just a guilty pleasure, then I would have no problem with the recommendations of this video. However, eggs are a nutrient dense, low oxalate source of things like biotin and choline, the former of which is essential for innumerable biological processes, and the latter of which protects you against fatty liver. So rather than making a blanket recommendation for an entire population, why not make individualized recommendations? If your LDL cholesterol, or more relevantly, your ApoB/ApoA1 ratio is elevated, then you should first cut down on saturated fat until normalized. If you do that, and your lipid profile is still not normalized then you probably need to cut down on dietary cholesterol, which is not as strong a driver of LDL cholesterol. One last note, is that the ApoB/ApoA1 ratio is the best predictor of heart disease if, and only if, like most humans, you happen to be overweight. However, if you happen to be one of the few normal weight humans, then your triglyceride level is actually a better predictor. So you need to pay more attention to your fructose intake, even fructose in the form of whole fruit, which can drive up your triglyceride levels.

    I wish they would stop publishing guidelines, because different diets have dramatically different effects on different individuals. For some people, a vegan diet is great, for others it's a disaster.

  28. This reminds me of Emma Morano, an Italian who lived to age 114, ate two eggs a day for pretty much her whole life. I'm not saying you should eat dozens of eggs. But as always, quality over quantity. Especially, as we grow older. Eggs are a very easy and good source of protein and choline for brain and muscle health. Personally, I never worried about dietry cholesterol much. There are far more important things to worry about health wise.

  29. At the same time quality eggs have high content of the for heart and artery vessel so beneficial vitamin K2! So obviously a combination of positive and negative aspects for same target organs… what could be the summed up result of that?

  30. I listened to Simon Hill interview lipidologist Dr Thomas Dayspring on his The Proof podcast. The doctor said that apob levels (which indicate the number of LDL particles) is a better marker than the amount of cholesterol in LDL particles (LDL cholesterol). He also suggested that only a fraction of the population is predisposed to pick up excessive cholesterol in the gut and that removing dietary cholesterol for most people did not have a significant enough effect on apob levels (number of LDL particles). I don't eat eggs for ethical reasons but wondering if we were measuring apob levels in these studies if results would look different.

  31. I watched one of your egg videos like 10 years ago. I became vegan soon after that (and watched many more videos). Now with this video I see that nothing has changed. The world is still in denial about eggs. Will have to check back in 10 more years I guess 😉

  32. High cholesterol is not bad for everyone. Plus these studies don't include info like carb intake and inflammation.
    I don't buy it.
    My grandfather is turning 100 this year. He lived in Greece eating eggs every day on a Mediterranean diet all his life

  33. Everything in moderation. My grand father ate two eggs everyday, never smoked and hot a nightly tot of brandy. He lived a very long life. Added was his enjoyment of bacon and collection of bacon fat to use in cooking
    So tired of over hype on natural foods. If you keep foods in moderation, socialise and walk often you are fine …just like The Mediterranean folk

  34. i'm really getting sick of this bs !!!!! every few days comes out a "new best research" that has completely opposite results than the previous one which was also "new best research". you can all go to hell!

  35. This guy has been a quack for years. Our bodies need cholesterol. Been a carnivorous vegan for4 months. Feel great. Eat a dozen eggs a week. Funny how nobody reports how much money Harvard gets with all their “studies” from food companies. 🤔

  36. I eat almost a dozen eggs a week, as we have chickens. That's our main source of protein. The rest of our diet is primarily vegetarian. We have a small farm. Yet my latest bloodwork shows my LDL, HDL, total cholesterol and triglyceride numbers to be well within normal limits. So is my blood pressure. My doctor does not understand this, as it's supposedly 'not possible'. The number don't lie, though. My wife and I are slender and fit, get plenty of vigorous exercise, rarely drink alcohol, never smoked, never eat in restaurants, never eat take-out or convenience foods, and use only olive and avocado oils (never refined seed oils). Although we are in our sixties and seventies we take no pharmaceutical drugs and have no underlying health issues. Our secret? We never fell for the idea that abandoning butter and eggs and loading up on refined carbohydrates was a good idea. Look around: see what following the official 'science-based' dietary guidelines for half a century has done to western society? We are surrounded by millions of overweight and obese citizens with one foot in the grave.

  37. I thought, via nutritionist at Boston Heart labs, saturated fats are ok, not harmful, as long as grass fed, organic, etc, and as long as you refrain from consuming sugar and highly processed foods. Sugar acts as irritant inside veins, causing inflammation. Cholesterol then acts as a bandaid to try and heal the area. Hence, plaque formation. So is cholesterol and saturated fat ok as long as sugar and HPF’s are avoided? Thank you!

  38. I just bought a dozen eggs. And paid extra for pastured ones. Sigh. I guess that was money wasted. I’m glad I saw this though. I’ll take losing $7 over losing my life.

  39. I would say consumption of eggs raises LDL cholesterol, but it's not by a huge amount (going from 0 to 1 egg per day increases your LDL cholesterol by about 7 mg/dL), so if you don't have an already high LDL (and you have to reach 100 mg/dL to be considered high/dangerous) there is no problem in taking 1 or even 2 eggs per day.

    It's not the consumption of eggs that increases the risk of heart disease, but a high level of LDL cholesterol, and you can have a safe level of LDL even if you eat eggs everyday.

    Source of the numbers:

  40. The Ketogenic diet SPECIALLY emphasizes that free range EGGS are acceptable!! The B6 and B12 benefits are exceptional!! Its mindboggling how contradictory the information on this subject CONTINUES!!!!!

  41. I have people in my family with a lifetime of "high cholesterol" and it hasn't caused any problems. 0 CAC scores too. So let's get off the bologna wagon that dietary cholesterol causes disease.

  42. I don't know what to believe anymore! Just wait a couple months, and a new study will de-bunk this one, then another will de-bunk that….

  43. Dietary intake of cholesterol in the context of a low carb diet increases the receptors on the liver to uptake triglycerides' to recycle or excrete. Eating carbs will oxidize cholesterol and keep it from being taken up by the liver and thus causing heart disease.

    you cant ignore millions of years of keto because you like junk. you're lying to yourself and the medical field is too

  44. This has been debated for years and both sides have compelling arguments one thing to consider is SOME people genetically are predispositioned to generate cholesterol….SUGAR is the worst issue.

  45. I have been eating a dozen eggs a day all my life and I'm 55 years old. I recently had a cardiac MRI with contrast and the doctor said, NO SIGN of heart disease. I also love my milk. I drink 2 litres a day.

  46. It's very disturbing that different countries have reached totally different conclusions with regard to egg and cholesterol consumption. Therefore none can be trusted, including this one. The keto diet still runs rampant and the much applauded Mediterranean Diet contains EVERYTHING. I do feel that this as with other DO NOTS should be avoided. We all know that chemicals etc are used in place of NATURAL FATS. KEEP AWAY from "low fat" alternatives at all costs Just consume a balanced diet and heed the things you need to with regard to one's PERSONAL HEALTH requirements.

  47. Thank you for spreading the news good doctor!
    I hope it'll help keeping the demand for eggs low and thus prices affordable. I am looking forward to consume eggs at reasonable cost!
    Yes, I'll bite the bullet and leave all the healthy food like rice crispies, chocolate, white bread, pasta for 'the science followers' 😂

  48. So many counter narratives on what is good for you and what is not. One thing you are all agreeing on is processed food with all their associated chemicals, sugars and sugar derivitives are not good for you.

  49. I looked at the first study. I only says that more than 1 egg per day "may" increase lood lipid markers. LDL does increase but so does HDL. And the LDL/HDL ratio doesn't change. It also mentioned that one egg per day isn't going to bring any health issue.

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