Dieta a base di farina d'avena messa alla prova per il trattamento del diabete

Farina d'avena per il trattamento del diabete. Quali sono i benefici straordinari e duraturi che possiamo ottenere da pochi giorni di dieta a base di farina d'avena?

Questo è il terzo e ultimo video di questa serie sulla farina d'avena per il trattamento del diabete . Se ti sei perso gli altri, vedi La farina d'avena fa bene alle persone con diabete? ( e In che modo la farina d'avena aiuta con Zuccheri nel sangue? (<br/>
Se prendi insulina o pillole di zucchero nel sangue e vuoi provare la dieta a base di farina d'avena, assicurati di parlare prima con il tuo medico in modo che i tuoi farmaci possano essere attentamente monitorati e aggiustati se necessario.

Cos'altro potrebbe fare la farina d'avena? Vedi:
• Flashback venerdì: la farina d'avena può invertire le malattie cardiache? (
• La farina d'avena può aiutare la malattia del fegato grasso? (
• Flashback venerdì: qual è la colazione migliore: cereali o farina d'avena? (

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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione della nutrizione basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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100 Risposte a “Dieta a base di farina d'avena messa alla prova per il trattamento del diabete”

  1. I’ve been eating oats with fruits over the past few days. And I must say I haven’t seen my BG higher than 115. Before that it could go to 160 for a high carb meal. These oats are magical.

  2. Isn't insulin resistance just too much fat in the blood? So if you eat nothing but carbs you clear out the fat, right? Of course you'd need less insulin. Duh.

    But we're also told that too many carbs cause insulin insensitivity… I'm not sure I buy that without far, though, or Asia would have been insulin resistant for that last how many millennia?

  3. I wonder how an oatmeal diet would compare to the Kempner Rice Diet, in terms of “healing power” for a variety of maladies? I’m not diabetic…at least I don’t think so…but I have experimented with the rice diet on several occasions with very positive results, achieving weight loss, more energy, and a general feeling of well-being. I usually eat rolled oats , uncooked, with almond milk and fruit nearly every morning anyway, but the usual junk food the rest of the day. I actually made a big pot of rice about an hour ago, intending to do the rice diet for the next week….then I saw this video. I wonder if the rice and oatmeal would be interchangeable on a diet, while providing comparable results?

  4. Question: Is it okay that I add 1 Tablespoon of chia seeds and 2 Tablespoons of ground flax seed to a 1/2 Cup oatmeal (dry, uncooked measurement)? I also add various herbs and spices. I do not add salt, sweeteners, or butter.

  5. What if you did a hypo-caloric diet and just drank straight honey? Since your body has to utilize the energy that it has the stored in the blood that is trying to get rid of but can't because of the insulin resistance. I don't think it's the oatmeal or the plant. I think it's the fact that the patient is super calorie deficient. But the oatmeal makes them feel satiated. 😅😊

    I'm sorry but not teaching proper nutrition and then relying on some miracle cure is just complete ignorance keto diet and the elimination of carbohydrate would probably do a better job and have long-term lasting health effects as opposed to some miracle band-aid.

  6. Here come the KETO comments… Everybody is fixated on their blood sugar. It isn't the blood sugar you need to worry about it's the Insulin resistance. If you fix your Insulin resistance you fix a lot more than just your blood sugar. KETO can lower your blood sugar but it doesn't do anything to improve your insulin sensitivity. KETO is a dead end literally.

  7. I am a diabetes for over 30 years and use to take 3 times a day 56 u of insuline. My bloodsugar reading was average 168. Since i started eating for breakfast low fat yoghurt with oatmeal my insuline intake dropped to 32 u and my bloodsugar is 102. I saw the change within two days. And even I can have a small dessert at dinner. My drs are very satisfied. I didn't know it was the oatmeal till I saw this video. I just started eating oatmeal for breakfast because I wanted a change and I love oatmeal.

  8. I gave myself onset type 2 diabetes and wild blood sugar swings by following a 90/5/5 hclf diet. Just need to add a tiny bit of sugar or fruit to my porridge and I will crash hardcore.

  9. OK, sounds good, and I assume the oats being eaten are oatmeal (?). If so, what kind of oatmeal was used? Steel cut oatmeal or rolled oats? My understanding is the two are very different in regard to healthiness. Are the two interchangeable in respect to insulin resistance?

  10. On a channel that often blows my mind with the high-quality of the information I receive, this one really stands out. This solution is so good as to seem magical. Thank you, Dr. Gregor!

  11. I don't think the checkout lady bought it: That the oatmeal stout (beer) I was buying would have good effects, like oatmeal. She wanted to I think.

    And I well know better, but that I did have my oatmeal/fruit mix this morning and will have it again tomorrow morning and sometimes make this wonderful snack with oatmeal: Put a small handful of raisins into one cheek, put a similar amount of dry oatmeal in the other cheek, then chew them together. Get a little from one side and then a little from the other side and chew 'em all up. TASTES JUST (about) LIKE an OATMEAL COOKIE to me!

    But there's no oil, no sugar, no egg, nothing but fruit and oatmeal. Literally, it's "ALL GOOD!" There's nothing negative to it and you'll get full, and it's cheap!

  12. Now there will be those who use this information to improve their lives, and perhaps that of their children and their grandchildren.

    Then there will be the majority of folks who will argue about it because they like to argue or they're too "invested" in believing everything else they've heard. They'll keep poking themselves with insulin and fighting hunger forevermore. Very sad, but I'm resigned to accept that now. Not everyone appreciates change for a better life.

  13. It makes sense this would be beneficial for those who are pre-diabetic as well? I used a CGM for 2 weeks and was quite surprised when I had oatmeal for breakfast that my blood sugar had very acceptable levels. Thank you for the info Dr Gregor!

  14. Dr. Gregor…..the gift that keeps on giving!….this reminds me of the magical effects of eating 4 Brazil nuts once a month to help lower your cholesterol and has lasting effects for 4 weeks as well…….oatmeal is yet another one of these super foods that protect us from the evils of the food industry helping to make us sick for the healthcare industry…….

  15. I’ve been eating a cup of organic oatmeal daily for about a year and I am waiting on Amazon to ship me 8 pounds for $20. They are 2 days late and I can seek a refund on Friday. I ran out a few days ago and I’ve been eating almond butter and legumes instead.

    I only eat organic food. With the oatmeal I eat honey, cinnamon and a dash of pink salt. It’s filling and nutritious. It’s better than anything with processed sugar. It has very little calcium, so I take an organic calcium supplement whenever I eat it because I am also a vegetarian.

    It appears that oatmeal has vitamins and minerals that I don’t normally ingest much of. They include zinc, biotin and B1.

    If the oatmeal isn’t here by Friday I’ll just buy it locally. I found it for the same price in town. It appears that Amazon has gotten it to a nearby island, so I am optimistic.

  16. A number of years ago I lost 70 lbs. and got my blood sugar readings below 100 by periodically following the rice diet for a few days at a time, then plant based for a couple of weeks. The rice diet was two servings of grain per day and five servings of fruit with no added fat. I maintain with a plant based diet.

  17. I thought we figured out circulating insulin has nothing to do with weight gain/loss since we saw that circulating insulin was unrelated to weight loss when comparing isocaloric ketogenic vs conventional restriction? I understand insulin is highly anabolic, but if the calories arent coming in how is insulin going to store them?

  18. I delivered many meat 🥓 lover's pizzas 🍕 to Dr Greger during the quarantine while I was laid off from my regular job. He wasn't a very generous tipper either!

  19. Is this strictly oatmeal with nothing else for 2 days? Can you put soy, berries and dates in it? How about whole wheat toast?

  20. as a pharmacist sitting down to watch the evening news i continue to be amazed (but not naive) at these drug commercials. we need commercials for organic oats and corresponding plant based diets as the prescription of choice. Realizing of course the politicians have no "Oat Lobby"

  21. It would be much much better to not eat ANY oats at all. In fact you can reverse diabetes in a month by simply stopping the carbs.

  22. I love Rolled Oats (you can get rolled wheat, rye & barley too) with flax seed, cane sugar / maple syrup with soy milk. Just soak em in milk or water for 15 mins and theyre good to eat… I eat it like twice a day lol…

  23. This is important, given the number of people suffering from diabetes. Especially since Covid increases the risk of developing that awful condition.

  24. Its basically fasting while eating oatmeal far below your daily caloric requirement. This isnt rocket science you eat only oats it a long acting steady source of glucose combined with fasting of course your blood glucose is going to drop like a rock, its not the oatmeal Einstein, its the fasting that is creating the benefit. You could do this same exact thing eating below 1200 calories daily of chicken breast and brocolli or what i did a year and a half ago and have remained on steak and asperagus as my main and only meal a day once a day. Reversed pre diabetes, high blood pressure, consistent steady blood glucose of 92 average. Tell me how many vegans or any diabetics that have consistent blood glucose of 92 over a year. What vegans have failed to do their complete homework about human metabolism, fuel storage and consumption. Had they done that they would realize the human body burns 75% fat/triglycerides during normal day to day activity. Only time we burn primary glucose is durning intense activity. We only have 2000 calories roughly of glucose storage in muscles and liver so then you ask happens to someone who habitually eats a high glycemic diet. The excess glucose gets converted to triglycerides/fat for storage. So then i ask you why would the human diet be primarily plant/carb based? It wouldnt and anyone with the basic requisite sense should be able to see that. Insulin sensetivity is a falacy, we get metabolically dysfunctional because of fat storage issues from eating diets high in pure sugar and fat from grain and seeds. It is not animal foods at all driving metabolic issues its high insulin promoting, fat storage promoting grain and seed which is like pouring gasoline on a fire. Its pure fuel minus the fiber into a digestive system designed for whole foods not processed grains and seeds. Tell me one other animal besides ourselves and pets who eat a processed grain/seed based diet.

  25. This diet is doomed to fail since persistent carb eating causes hunger which will eventually lead to defaulting on the diet. What we have here is a calorie restriction and increase in fibre which slows down uptake of glucose. This reduces insulin spiking, by providing a steady flow to the blood sugar. Whilst short term calorie restriction might be effective, this is not a long term solution. It would be much much better to not eat ANY oats at all. In fact you can reverse diabetes in a month by simply stopping the carbs. There is zero dietary requirement for carbohydrate. Meat and saturated fat is not a health risk. That is out of date information based on poor epidemiology. What a Low carb diet offers is satiation, weight loss and complete reversal of T2D. What is more is that it is sustainable. I not only speak from personal experience here but a massive tide of new studies and medical programmes.

  26. I love oatmeal, but lets be clear here, these people were on a HYPOCALORIC intake of oats…
    At this intake of between 800-1800 calories worth of energy a day, ANYONE would lose weight and ANYONE would lower their blood sugar because there is not enough food.

    I like plant based eating, and think it's great for people and the animals and the planet… but Dr. Greger needs to STOP cherry picking data.

  27. Доверия не вызывают сайт с названием факт в названии. Нету даже ссылок на иследование!

  28. Opposite effect forme. Daily morning oatmeal causes glucose reading spike from 95 to 205 at 30 minutes. Love oatmeal, it hates me.

  29. I've been eating organic whole grain rolled oats with berries, chia seeds, flax seeds, walnuts, almond butter, and ceylon cinnamon powder almost daily for the past couple of years and I would say it has helped make my periods more regular and lost weight. Not sure if I have PCOS but I'm currently pregnant and owe it to a healthier diet consisting of oats and working out at the gym. Fantastic video!

  30. Carbs tend to drive hunger. So I'll not be following this advice. I love porridge but it is pointless overloading your body with carbs in the morning. When you wake up you get an injection of cortisol and glucose via gluconeogenesis (even when you have depleted your glycogen), this gives you the "dawn effect" making breakfast the least important meal of the day. So for the last 15 months I have given up breakfast. So rather than burn that lump of carbs in my gut I have burned body fat. I lost 45lbs in half a year. HDL up, TGL down, A1c down, stopped 3 medications, no more fatty liver, no more prediabetes, athletes foot and nail fungus gone, belly fat gone, lost skin tags(not kidding). What did I eat? mostly fat. I followed a diet that was satiating. Nailing satiation and hunger is the key. Carbs cause T2D. The solution is eat more fish, meat, eggs, with green carbs, one good meal per day just like we evolved.

  31. On day 2 of trying this…. interestingly enough, just 50g of oats in water spike my blood glucose by at least 30 points and it won't come back to base for 2 to 3 hours….

  32. The studies cited were hypocaloric. The severe drop in calories may have been the actual cause of the benefits. This is noted in the studies. So it really isn’t that straightforward.

  33. Words failed me on how to appreciate you for sending your Herbs to me after I place my or order which cured my type 2 diabetes Dr Igudia.

  34. On 1:40 of the video, you say they are eating1000 calories a day. So of course blood sugar and insulin would go down… They are eating 1/2 the amount of food they normally would eat. da…

  35. Standard medical advice is a high fat, low carb diet. Makes sense, no, as there is NO SUGAR, either in itself or by digestion, in such a diet. Eh, but "standard" medical practitioners haven't watched or read Dr. Greger's convincing evidence that SATURATED FAT BLOCKS INSULIN. The food industry is like an Octopus, but with eight million tentacles instead of eight. Those tentacles penetrate deep into the medical profession, into the FDA, and into Congress.

  36. I tried eating this oatmeal diet all last week. Tested my glugose this morning and it was actually 5 points higher. So this one didn't work for me. But I'll keep watching your channel and trying new things in hopes that one day I can figure this thing out.

  37. Eat red meat + animal liver. Gregors advice will cause you to become infertile, and then dead.

  38. I love Oatmeal and my Doctor said the same . However oats are carbs and Dr. GRUNDY and Dr. KEN Berry says don't eat them. What is the truth ?.I love Oats. Thus Doctor is brilliant and humble.

  39. You must, must, must avoid oatmeal that is not 100% Organic. The pesticides in foods are at their highest level in oats. Levels that are off the charts in the cheap brands.

  40. I’ve been a type 1 diabetic since 1970, and though oatmeal doesn’t give me the fastest spikes in blood glucose, it really can raise it. It’s been a while since I’ve eaten any.

  41. I have eaten a large bowl of steel-cut oats (200g dry weight), soaked in just water overnight, with some cinnamon and blueberries, every day for breakfast for over a year. I hope that is helping.

  42. If you just feed someone animal food their diabetes will also disappear. It's crazy to point the finger at just fats or carbs, it's obviously the combination in excess that causes problems

  43. This seem disingenuous: we heard the word 'oatmeal' a million times, and the 'hypocaloric 1,000 calories' just once. Seems like there are very few foods of which you can eat only 1k calories day after day, and not have this type of effect. It's like if you water fast for a week, your insulin resistance improves. IDK, it feels like every place I turn for dietary advice is weirdly biased in one direction or another.

  44. Eat oatmeal every day and you will get diabetes. The only way to cure type 2 diabetes is it a ketogenic diet. A carnivore diet would do just fine.

  45. There is something seriously wrong here. Carbs is carbs, and eating a bunch of carbs is going to raise your blood sugar. I’m not buying it until I see a peer reviewed study.

  46. There is something wrong with this. After eating oatmeal, my blood sugar goes to the moon and I feel very bad afterwards. I checked my glucose after 1 and 2 hours and it is sky high. Now, here is one theory that makes no sense, but maybe it does. The texture of foods that we eat might affect our glucose levels. Anything that looks like pudding, that is kind of compact after cooking and stick together might be very bad for us. When you cook oatmeal it looks exactly like that. Now, maybe if you ate oatmeal without cooking it, it might have good effect. I'm always hearing how oatmeals might have beta glucan or something like that that helps with glucose and lot of other things. Study that would compare eating cooked oats or maybe just eating them straight might give interesting results.

  47. Despite the nauseating narrative style, this information is very good to know. I love oats, I eat them every day, I'm T2D, and am going to amp up my oatmeal consumption. I just KNEW the stuff was good for me, despite what certain "experts" say to the contrary.

  48. I ate steel cut oats for breakfast for years and kept putting on weight. Now with intermittent fasting and keto I’m losing weight, lowering my BP and blood sugar.

  49. Eat better, exercise daily, lose body fat slowly(2 lbs. a month, every month) and you will get off your meds and be much healthier.

  50. As a type 1 diabetic, I have noticed that I am taking less insulin after a few weeks of eating oatmeal everyday, so it can help us too.

  51. Real oatmeal is made with oats that take 30 min. Or more to cook this quick cook stuff is already milled and steamed to death by that funny looking ghy with the weird hat

  52. It makes me laugh when all these carnivore doctors get on Youtube and vilify oats saying it's terrible for your health.
    Meanwhile, I always eat a small bowl of oatmeal as part of my daily breakfast.

  53. When I eat rolled oats soaked overnight or steel cut oats, it makes my bloodsugar skyrocket! How could this be good for insulin resistance?

  54. How the hell can any of you listen to this guy?
    Sounds like a 15yr old babysitter trying to make a bedtime story more exciting.

  55. I don't see how eating oatmeal, or any other high carb food, can lower blood sugar. My blood sugar goes through the roof when I eat oatmeal, rolled, steel cut, doesn't matter. Same happens with bread, pasta and anything with sugar. Even beans, rice, potatoes, bananas, grapes, apples, etc., spike glucose levels. Protein, very low carb veggies,berries and moderate fat (plus intermittent fasting) reversed my insulin resistance and took me off the brink of type II diabetes.

  56. Oatmeal still has carbs that convert to glucose. It just happens slower. Why not eat something with even lower carbs or no carbs? Like fish, nuts and eggs? You can thank me when you step on the scales!

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