Lo zucchero fa aumentare di peso?

La risposta dell'industria dello zucchero alle prove che implicano i dolcificanti nell'epidemia di obesità.

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Per ulteriori informazioni sull'influenza dell'industria dello zucchero, dai un'occhiata ai tentativi dell'industria dello zucchero di manipolare la scienza (https://nutritionfacts .org/video/sugar-industry-attempts-to-manipulate-the-science/).

Ecco i miei popolari video sullo zucchero per ulteriori informazioni:
• Se il fruttosio fa male, che dire della frutta? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/if-frutctose-is-bad-what-about-fruit)<br/> • Quanta frutta è troppa? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-much-fruit-is-too-much)
• Quanto zucchero aggiunto è troppo? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-much-added-sugar-is-too-much/)
• Big Sugar affronta l'Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/big-sugar-takes-on -the-world-health-organization/)
• La bibita dietetica aumenta il rischio di ictus tanto quanto la bibita normale? (
• Come fermare la carie dentaria (http://nutritionfacts.org/video /how-to-stop-tooth-decay)

Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/does-sugar-lead-to-weight-gain e qualcuno del team di NutritionFacts.org cercherà di rispondere.

Vuoi ottenere un elenco di collegamenti a tutte le fonti scientifiche utilizzate in questo video? Fare clic su Fonti citate su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/does-sugar-lead-to-weight-gain. Troverai anche una trascrizione e ringraziamenti per il video, il mio blog e il programma del tour di conferenze, e un modo semplice per cercare (anche nella lingua tradotta) attraverso i nostri video che coprono più di 2,000 argomenti di salute.

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100 Risposte a “Lo zucchero fa aumentare di peso?”

  1. What'd you think of this new video design? We're rolling it out slowly over the next couple of months, and if people like it we're going to continue it. Let us know in the comments! -NF Team

  2. Hi Doctor, I love seeing you as you react to the scientific findings, however I find myself distracted by having so much on the screen that less information is retained. So personally I prefer the old style of videos for the sake of learning. Thank you for changing my life with all the great work you do!

  3. I measured and am a few inches under.  WHEW!  I will stop griping about being several lbs. less than I used to be.  Dr. McD did a video where he pointed out the main reason for fat gain is eating fat.  He has a mantra: "The fat you eat is the fat you wear."  He also said fat goes to fat a lot quicker than sugar goes to fat because the latter has a more complex chemical pathway.  It's interesting to hear some of the blame being put back on sugar.

  4. Starch in your mouth starts to convert to sugar right there. Cut fat not sugar. Sugar is for performance. Get your nutrients too, but if you eat more sugar you can do more training, and if you do more training you build more mitochondria and with more mitochondria you burn more fat. Eat more sugar and less fat and live life. Cut out simulants as they compensate for insufficient simple sugars. I've been following durianriders (YouTube) advice and improved my fitness incredibly, and I'm leaning up while eating a lot more with only moderate training. Dr Greger is wrong on this, someone's you need someone who has real world advice and experience not just theory.





  6. The new format is great but don't want it reduce the amount of videos you're able to make. Am willing to sacrifice production value, if it means we get more evidence based nutrition facts.

  7. Obese people are preventing climate change! Rather noble of them actually. Weight they lose is more CO2 in the air 😱
    Every fat person should be required to plant the amount of trees equal to their weight loss.

  8. Not eating sugar or sweets has really helped me lose weight. I found if I had some blueberries and apple in the morning with my oatmeal, it kept me from craving sweets. My waist size is less than half my height with an inch to spare. That's from being bmi obese not too long ago.

  9. I might have missed it, but did the studies he referenced have the people not eating sugar calorically equivalent to the sugar groups?

  10. I don't get it. What if my calorie maintenance is at 2500 kcal. If I consume 2500 kcal of a variety of healthy foods compared to 2500 kcal of basically just sugar. Shouldn't make a difference in weight gain. Obviously the first is healthier in so many ways, but I don't get how it would affect weight gain any more?

  11. sugar contribute to an increase of calorie intake for the day so if you're eating a cupcake with a value of 3 tablespoon of sugar you're eating 144 kcal more, added into you daily caloric intake.

  12. I like the old style better. I appreciate that some may want to see you talk along with the video, but I find it distracting. I'd rather just see the papers and graphics. Maybe you could still give an intro to the video and then get back to the old style?

  13. Hi Dr Greger, do you have any other sources to prove the relationship between the founding of the American Diabetes Association and Elli. I just found a New York Times article. 😛

  14. I'm loving this new weight loss series, as my weight loss has completely stagnated over the last year on a whole food plant-based diet. I'm definitively overfat as mentioned in the video. I still have a ton of belly fat, love handles and manboobs, and my waist circumference is 12 solid centimeters larger than half my height, even though BMI is 22.5 perfectly within "normal" range. I recently (two weeks) cut from my diet nut butters, dried fruits and avocados but still nothing is showing on the scale. It's just so hard to lose weight, and so easy to gain it right back.

  15. We live in a sad world where Money dominates everything – even if people die. Humanity doesn't deserve it's name. There is nothing human about what we are doing to people, to animals, to our planet…

  16. So trace sucrose levels in urine are not affected by whether a person has diabetes? I know that normally a glucose (not sucrose) urine test is used as a first test for diabetes, but I guess I am surprised that sucrose levels are not also affected by the disease. Apart from diabetes, there is an assumption here that people are equally good at breaking down the sucrose they eat and that the percentage that is broken down is unaffected by the amount consumed. I assume there are other studies that correlate trace sucrose levels in urine with actual sucrose eaten?

  17. could be a good way for me to gain weight! BMI 18 c-peptide 0.73. i rarely eat sugar, so when i get too thin, i'll add more to my oatmeal.

  18. Sugar SPIKES insulin which triggers body to start storing intake calories as later Stored Energy (fat).

    So if one doesn't eat any calories for many, many hours or days……one won't "gain wait"…….the body will convert over and start using its Stored Energy supplies …..for energy

  19. The problem is the combination of sugar with fat in processed foods. It's not the sugar alone.
    Nearly every hyper-palatable food containing sugar also contains copious amounts of fat with little or no fiber or protein.

  20. Yeah, I'm not going to stop adding sugar to oatmeal and tea. I'm 6"3' 160 pounds, so I don't think that I need to be concerned about obesity. I do eat low fat (< 10% of calories), so I have more leeway with other areas. Somehow I doubt that all the obese people exist because they're adding sugar to the oatmeal and fruit smoothies they never eat.

  21. This is a great way to distract people from the real issue, Greger. People aren't guzzling sugar on its own. They aren't eating sugar from a sugar bag. In fact, they're eating it alongside the the real cause: fat. They're having it in their chocolates, their fries, their potato chips and hamburgers with their sodas. They're NOT having it isolated away from fat. I guarantee it. Now, for the past year I've eaten like a Kenyan, a low fat HIGH sugar diet. And I've leaned out. Now stop this 'sugar is only good if its slowly released' nonsense. A potato for example is absorbed 2x faster than white table sugar but has far more fibre. And potatoes don't seem to make Kenyans fat in 2019. Oh, but the western fatty diet does in 2019! Provide the context with your studies, Greger, otherwise the average viewer will continue to be mislead by this poorly presented research. But I digress, there's no hope for us… the confusion will never end because we love our fatty food too much. Only very few of us have the willpower to actually find out the truth.

  22. Hmn I think this video needs to be cleared up a little.

    It seems like sugarry foods (that also contain fats and oils) are making you fat. But the title sounds like sugar (like fruits, rice, ie….) make you fat, which I personally cant confirm and also find very hard to believe. I dont even think added table sugar to smoothies ie. makes you fat. A clarification would be nice. Isnt there a difference between calories from fat and calories from carbs/sugar ?

  23. THE fat you eat is the fat you wear. When sugar is consumed from a fruit which has it's own set of nutrients rather than added sugar to to fruit drinks , sodas, junk food etc.. the body benefits from the phytonutrients it contains. "Junk food" lacks the nutrients which it reolaces with added sugar and fats. Eating a whole food plant based diet helps the body manufacture the good bacteria which digests the beneficial nutrients. "Fake " sugars tricks the body into thinking it is not getting enough nutrients which makes the person eat more, most likely the same unhealthy foods. Eating a whole food plant based diet is what we are evolved to eat not foods that are overly processed.

  24. How do you explain the weight loss and reversal of serious chronic illness on Dr Kempner's Rice Diet, which contains sugar? And how do you explain the fact that obesity rates have gone up while sugar consumption has gone down in the last several decades? Focusing on sugar, when the real and more dangerous culprit is fat, seems wrong-headed. It's just going along with the popular opinion that carbs are the problem, not the eating of animals and cheese.

  25. Regarding the new video format, I have some criticism to make: I find it a bit disturbing that your glasses "fuse" with the background making them look green on certain occasions. As for the rest, I really enjoy it. I think this new format is better, but if you could correct the effects with green screen it would be even better


  26. I have been diagnosed with Short chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (SCADD). I have been told a low fat high carbohydrate diet is what I need. What the doctor could not explain to me was how this diet could breakdown the short chain fatty acids on this diet? Is their a digestive enzyme I can take to help feed my mitochondria

  27. The plague of a junkfood vegan diet is that dairy is in so many processed food. Nobody thinks of how the sugar was processes in these premade foods, unless someone already asked, and it's posted online somewhere (ie:bonechar). Sugar is pretty much in everything. Remember when there were product wars on sodium, cholesterol, sugar..they came out with alternatives. Now we have "natural" and other synthetic sweetners, that help quell that addiction to highly palitable foods. We are so fixated over taste, that we have ignored nutrition. Thanks for the video doc..the opening tune is a bit loud though.

  28. Good content but the intro is too long and overall too sleek. Loose the magnified eye and flowery stuff :-), looks like the graphic artists are too attached to their idea to be effective…..

  29. I don't often contradict dr Greger but this video is just wrong. Please watch Dr Mcdougall here:
    Dr Greger needs to put this into context. Sugar in foods does increase fat because of the fat in the foods. White rice and sugar got so many people off of Type 2 diabetes! OK fanboys and girls, I am ready to hear it!

  30. I struggled with weight for years and eventually developed Type-2 diabetes. I thought I was going to have gastic bypass done so I could drop the weight. I found High Fat Keto (Ultra Low Carb / No Sugar) and without even trying I lost almost 200lbs over the course of 2 years and my high cholesterol and high blood sugar (type-2 diabetes) reversed itself without drugs. What was astonishing is that in the first week I went off my Type-2 medication. That told me all I needed about sugar/carbs.

  31. I’m sure that on an Omni diet, any extra would lead to weight gain.

    But what about adding more sugar in forms of fruit like more dates or figs to the diet?

    Because if sugar makes you fat then raw vegans, who eat a high fruit diet or fruitarians would be obese but they are even skinnier than the average vegan. .. and they drink cane juice and other juices that are basically refined sugars in water, on top of the sugary fruits.

    If I added brown cane sugar to my sweet potatoes, I saw no weight gain.. so .. idk for me, I haven’t seen any weight gain with sugar.. and seeing all the fruitarians and raw foodists eating so much fruit and drinking so much sugarcane juice and liters of OJ while being thin and even losing weight … idk what to think about that ..

    To me it’s pretty stupid to say that sugar is unhealthy and demonize it. Sugar is basically carbon – a carbohydrate that all the cells need to produce ATP. If you don’t give the body carbon, it will make carbon out of whatever you’ve got – fats, proteins..
    the body in fact needs sugar, it’s the 1st energy source. And even greens have sugar in them ( glucose.. of course other simple sugars too like fructose and galactose ). Sugar is essential and you can find it In every plant.

  32. The reflection of the green screen in your glasses is distracting. I wonder if you could stand in front of an actual tv with the same content and get the same effect without it. Also the excerpts fly around a little too much. I would prefer they fade in and out more than move. Thanks for asking!

  33. My uncle recently had a heart attack and was referred to a clinic that not only promotes a plant based diet, but recommends ALL of Dr. Greger's resources – book, website, Daily Dozen app, etc – in their healthy living plan.
    I can't tell you how happy it made me! When my mother had her heart attack, there was no one advising her on the proper diet, and not even one doctor told her that she could get off her medications, but this clinic did that for my uncle. 
    So unbelievable and SO AMAZING! 
    I wanted you to know Dr. Greger, if you happen to read this, that you are making a difference, and your influence is FAR reaching. This unrelated clinic is recommending your content to patients! How incredible is that!
    Where my own voice wasn't powerful enough to change my Uncle and Aunt, yours was. You have influenced their lives for the better, and countless other people, some of whom haven't even sought you out.
    Thank you so much, to you and your team, for your hard work. I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart.

  34. This video format is good. I always enjoy seeing the good ol Dr Greger in action. And the graphic changes with the transitions are all very clean. Keep it up guys, i love the whole NF tean

  35. Too much abdominal fat is linked to estrogen. Too high estrogen. Because of all the soy in everything… GUYS they're even putting soy in bread, beer and protein bars! They are making us infertile! Same with wireless radiation(wifi/mobile phones) – also makes people infertile with enough exposure among countless other side-effects! Also, carbs = weight gain. This is already widely known. Hence the keto diet was born.

  36. Great video design. Btw I'm outraged. The administration has asked our high-school to impart a "healthy diet" project and I've been selected to coordinate the teachers involved. When I read the program, like 1/3 of it is all about dairy and it's marvels! (and half of it is about fish and other sea products) I don't know how but i'm totaly sabotaging it……

  37. So eat fat? Get diabetes? Create a weight gain/loss scenario that cannot be broken? No, the brain and cells operate on sugar, 3/4 of the planet eat cheap and simple and good carbohydrate based diets, thank you

  38. I can go either way as long as the content is easily understandable. I just appreciate the time and effort you put in to educate all of us, for mind you FREE. Lastly, I’m overweight and eat starches and fruit, should I stop?

  39. I do prefer the older style of videos, but I do listen more than I watch so it won't affect me much. I've actually upped my sugar intake and have lost weight, but I seem to have some underlying absorption issues as far as I can tell, so I expect I'm very much an outlier.

  40. Bill Ding the constructor

    2 days ago

    sugar is unhealthy? I would say it is more neutral. Show me ONE high level endurance athlete who does NOT consume sugar! You couldn't. I believe it was reported that Chris Froome was consuming 1000 calories from straight sugar per hour during a hard stage race. Cyclists, runners, and swimmers slurp down sugar all day long when they are doing training. It fuels athletics.

  41. I have some specific questions about sugar:
    – are cero-calorie artificial sweeteners healthier/less harmful than refined sugar?
    – if the sugar I eat is in the soy milk I use for my daily oatmeal or in my whole wheat/oats cereals, is it as bad as if that sugar would come from refined flour cakes, sweets, candy, nutella and stuff like that? I mean, soy milk/whole wheat/oats are unhealthy just because they contain some sugar? Doesn't the fiber of thise foods decrease the sugar absorption speed?

    Thank you. I would appreciate so much if anyone could answer 🙂

  42. Thanks, Michael! Now I know that it’s the waist circumference in proportion to height that is that real judge of fat being harmful to your health.

  43. It is sad how we like call ourselves "enlightened" and "developed" societies yet we continue to suffer so terribly by the blatant lies of advertising and marketing. The sad truth of our "developed" world today is that lying is legal, even if it kills people, as long as it makes someone money. Thank you Dr. Greger for being one who is brave enough to expose these lies. When profit becomes a higher priority than health, its time we re-think our priorities.

  44. Sugar comes with FAT- refind fat. Twinkies, donuts, icecram, Snicker's, Mars, cookies, cakes. Maybe the weight gain is from the FAT not sugar

  45. It's so much easier to start reducing obesity, by reducing added fats, e.g. in the form of oils. There is actually research showing that sugar itself is not contributing much to body fat. So the sugar intake is increasing obesity mainly because it's a preferred fuel for the body. So instead of being used for energy, more of the dietary fat is stored. That means that in the context of a very low-fat diet, added sugars a harmless and won't cause significant weight-gain, even in high amounts.

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