L'olio dell'albero del tè è sicuro?

Le avvertenze per l'uso del tea tree oil, compresi i suggerimenti per una conservazione sicura.

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Che dire delle segnalazioni di ginecomastia (sviluppo anormale del seno) tra i ragazzi esposti all'olio dell'albero del tè? Questo è l'argomento del mio prossimo video L'olio dell'albero del tè ha effetti collaterali ormonali? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Does-Tea-Tree-Oil-Have-Hormonal-Side-Effects).

Finora penso di avere altri tre video di tea tree oil. Dai un'occhiata qui:
• I prodotti naturali e fai-da-te per la pulizia dell'olio dell'albero del tè disinfettano e candeggino? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Do-Natural-and-DIY-Tea-Tree-Oil-Cleaning-Products-Disinfect-as-Well-as-bleach )<br/> • L'olio dell'albero del tè funziona per la forfora e il piede d'atleta? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Does-Tea-Tree-Oil-Work-for-Dandruff-and-Athletes-Foot)
• L'olio dell'albero del tè funziona per i funghi delle unghie? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Does-Tea-Tree-Oil-Work-for-Nail-Fungus)

Ho anche fatto alcuni video sull'aloe con avvertenze simili sull'uso interno:
• L'aloe è efficace per la pressione sanguigna, le infiammazioni intestinali, Guarigione di ferite e ustioni? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/is-aloe-efficace-for-blood-pressure-infiammatori-bowel-wound-healing-and-burns/ )
• Gel di Aloe Vera: il miglior trattamento per il lichen planus? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/aloe-vera-gel-best-treatment-for-lichen-planus)
• Aloe per il trattamento del cancro metastatico avanzato (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/aloe- per-il-trattamento-del-cancro-metastatico-avanzato)

Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/is-tea-tree-oil-safe e qualcuno del team di NutritionFacts.org cercherà di rispondere.

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51 Risposte a “L'olio dell'albero del tè è sicuro?”

  1. Not mothersafe – like cowmilk – so I won't give teetreeoil to the cat either not for intake for anyone. But for outside-use it is ok. Thank for this – I like teetree-oil – the last oil in the house.

  2. Dr. Greger could you please make more videos on skincare; what the scientific literature says about certain ingredients, what works, what's just marketing etc.
    Skincare can be ridiculously expensive, but there's very little reliable information out there on whether it's actually worth it.

  3. When sick I tend to add a few drops of tea tree oil and eucalyptus oil to boiling water and steam for about 10-15min. This kicks the cold really quickly. However, is this considered ok?

  4. I have never liked tea tree oil, the smell, the effect, even in a diluted state. I've had more irritation from off the shelf products and am throwing all of it away. It sucks.

  5. what do we think about using in a diffuser? Its definitely diluted to less than 1% so its safe for coming in contact with our skin but we're breathing it in…as long as we arent noticing any adverse effects it should be fine, right?

  6. The FDA wants Truth In Advertising on all natural products! Why doesn't the FDA want Truth In Advertising on all pharmaceutical drugs that promise the world?

  7. I had mosquito bites ALL over my arms and legs when I was in India a few years ago and basically dumped an entire bottle of tea tree oil on my skin for some relief. Whoops. At least I had no reactions to it. xD

  8. Oh shit, I need my tea tree oil. It helps my razor bumps. I should use more aloe vera also. Thankfully this video supports it's use to be safe.

  9. Dear Dr Greger, (or anyone here that could help me)

    what can a woman in her mid 50´s do to low high blood pressure?

    I am asking because my mom is having an issue with high blood pressure at the moment and I am trying to find a way to help her out with it. her blood pressure is 180/80 as of today. she actually eats healthy, doesnt eat meat that much, but loves butter and occasionanny drinks milk and drinks lots of coffee. she went to the doctor to check because she is having medial pain in the thorax region and she is also reporting having rapid heartbeats, mostly when she is doing something or when she gets nervous or agitated about something. she said that she is also dealing with depression because of loneliness. she lives alone, has no partner or friends. we both live in germany and here we only have each other as family members. she is single since years and that is making her depressed. she is at home today and the doctor told her to rest a little bit.

    today we spoke on the phone, she cried and kinda talked to me like she was already saying good bye. I am kinda confused because you actually never expect something happen to your parents. I dont want to lose my mother and I would love to at least try to help her get better.

    Is there any types of food that she can eat to low down the bp?

    I am scared about her 🙁

  10. I found diluted tea tree oil to be pretty ineffective especially at 1%. I apply just a drop onto rashes, irritation, acne and it works great. I never had a bad reaction, but obviously be careful to not use too much. A drop is enough

  11. I had an infected bite on my leg, used a tiny dab of neat TTO on it a couple of times and it healed quickly. Also use it diluted as a mouthwash. Thanks for the info though, good to know.

  12. I remember a video of a woman who for months to years had horrible allergic reactions – and continued to eat essential oils against them..
    Didn't know they could cause allergic or any bad reactions. Damn I'm half her age and knew that for years, it says so even on the bottles.. Felt bad for her still, so much suffering because of lack of knowledge.

  13. Tea tree oil is also commonly used in DIY mouthwash solutions. I've made my own from time to time. I'm curious to hear more about the safety in this context.

  14. I vaporized it in a diffuser and used it topically a lot with no side effects.  Then I decided to try using it diluted in water as mouth wash and spit it out.  Bad idea.  Needed to call 911 within 30 minutes.  It is HIGHLY toxic if ingested in my experience.  Luckily blood pressure and pulse stabilized by the time emergency crews arrived but I still felt very shaky and terrified for several hours.  It was very traumatizing.  Don't get any in your mouth or spray on cats because they lick their fur.  Now I am kind of afraid of it.


  16. What's an example of a good tea tree oil brand/product that's safely diluted? Most of the tea tree oils for sale seem to be selling 100% tea tree oil, no mention of dilution…

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