Il ruolo dei geni nell'epidemia di obesità

Il “gene grasso” dell'obesità rappresenta meno dell'1% delle differenze di taglia tra le persone.

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Ovviamente non sono i nostri geni! I nostri geni non sono cambiati improvvisamente anni fa. Allo stesso tempo, però, in un certo senso, potrebbe essere pensato come tutto nei nostri geni. Questo è l'argomento del mio prossimo video The Thrifty Gene Theory: Survival of the Fattest ( il-più grasso).<br/>
Questo è il 2° in un 40-serie di video sull'epidemia di obesità. Se ti sei perso il primo, dai un'occhiata a The Role of Diet vs. Exercise in the Obesity Epidemic ( -vs-exercise-in-the-obesity-epidemic).

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57 Risposte a “Il ruolo dei geni nell'epidemia di obesità”

  1. Calories in calories out. Genes may play a role when it comes to appetite and the desire to eat high calorific food. Bottom line though you eat too many calories you will gain weight and vice versa.

  2. just stay away from starches and u cant get fat
    i mean mixing carbs and fat (not necessarily in the same meal but as overall macro-makeup that is) kinda increases bodyweight too no question but it wont yield super snorlax fattttttttttttt fatties if its done raw (u still can prolly get as fat as unnatural vegan if u really tried)

  3. While some people may be obese because of genetics (there have always been some fat people) no way does that explain the increase in obesity all around the world – any or all of the following are better explanations 1. changes in gut flora 2. mineral depletion in food 3. increases in highly processed foods 4. decreased activity 5. messed up sleep and stress

  4. This is awesome! I try to explain this to patients, clients, and others on a daily basis! We have much more control over our health than we might think!

    More often than not, a disease might not "run in the family," but rather the poor habits that support negative health outcomes do.

    Daily choices are so important overtime. We are ultimately what we consistently do!

  5. The fact that some people struggle to lose weight while others do it easily suggests a strong genetic component in body constitution. I can't eat cake, ice-cream, bread, pasta, etc etc etc, in order to maintain a moderate weight. My coworker that sits next to me eats all of these things and is skinnier than me. Denying the genetic component of body constitution is counter productive in the fight against obesity. I'd be going crazy trying to understand what does he do different than me that makes him skinny. Since I use my brain and common sense, I immediately recognize the genetic component in his body constitution, while accepting mine. And to fight obesity, I'll keep eating low cal foods and keep doing exercise for the rest of my life, which are good things anyways. Come back to reality "Doctor".

  6. True! genes may load the gun but diet pulls the trigger! It's all about what you put in your mouth! Whole Foods plant-based is the best way to eat for optimal health and a long life!

  7. Twin studies on obesity and the degree of similarity in weight between identical twins even if brought up by different families show a large genetic component to obesity.

  8. My mom knows everything. She will say you're wrong!
    Luckily for me I didn't inherit this trait and can distinguish common, but false, beliefs from what the science says. Unfortunately most people have what my mom has. I love her but I can't change it. No matter how I show her the opposite of what she thinks is true.

  9. Obsesity is NOT just calories in-out because BIOCHEMICALLY the body will process different foods differently, and there ARE genetic markers for certain types of enzymes and their activities in our Digestive System. If i eat 1000 calories of broccoli i will not get the same biochemical AND "energy tranformation" output (from chemical to other forma in the body) from 1000 calories of Oreos. The process of digestion, storage, absorption of nutrients is very different.

  10. I love Dr Greger's work, but I think I liked the earlier format more where we used to see more of the studies on the screen instead of him. Easier to follow the studies that way I think.

  11. How do we know adopted children placed with overweight parents are being affected genetically? There was life history (varying degrees) before placement, no? Couldn't it be true that psychology is also (way) more influential on outcome than genetics?

  12. Not taking anything away from diet, good healthy plant-based diet is NUMBER 1 but some people have had altered metabolisms which make it harder for certain individuals. Our chemical laden world has led to altered metabolism from chemical exposure, so-called "Obesogens". It would be interesting to follow this trend alongside plant-based diet.

  13. My mom was always very thin, but not so fit (passed at 69). My dad is fit and active and has always been at a healthy weight, even at 79 he's still in good shape. My three sisters have for as long as I can recall are, very overweight but not morbidly, and unfit. Two of them have no health issues. One has heart and diabetes diseases. Then there's me, the 'thin' one and semi active. I have more health issues of all of them (????).

  14. Ηow come there are people who eat junk food in massive quantities and don't get fat at all. I have a few friends like that.

  15. No, it's not the genes making you morbidly obese, it's all the garbage you are putting into your face without a break.

  16. Believe it or not, just last year my colon doctor told me that your lifestyle and what you eat don't matter. He argued it's all a matter of genetics. Seriously? He makes a very good living doing colonoscopies.

  17. I once knew a lady who weighed between 300 & 400 pounds. What makes her case interesting is she was adopted by 2 petite and very thin people. A couple years later, her sister was adopted by this family. As an adult, this younger child weighted at least 400 pounds. So both sisters who were extra heavy were raised by extra thin parents.

    From my own journey going from SAD to WFPB since September 2019, it seems addiction is playing a strong role. Addicted to these chemicals they put in processed foods. At times I feel like a drug addict craving all the bad foods I use to eat. It is a daily battle.

  18. A hopeless ectomorph here. I don't know where all those calories go (went) but my body is determined to weigh 145 pounds no matter what, when, or how much I eat. And at 6'1" this has annoyed me once in a while over the past 50 years.

  19. Why do “twins” for example always seem to typically se the same weight, even if one loses weight, that twin usually gains the weight back within a year or two, thus looking like the other twin in physique again?! And I’ve seen this done with twins who eat different foods or don’t live close to each other.

  20. hey doc Greger I am about 1/2 through your book how not to diet. how early can you eat breakfast. I get up early at 4:00 am and have a huge nutritarian breakfast

  21. Is there going to be a video on nutrient deficiencies and obesity?

    I would like to see what the science has to say on the matter.


  22. sorry but this time i don't agree. Each person has their own basic metabolism. Of course diet is the main factor in obesity.
    But the variation in weight of 2 individuals of the same sex, same age, same weight, same physical activity, eating the same diet, will not be the same. And it won't be 1% difference.
    some eat very little and gain weight anyway, others eat and don't take a gram. The variation in weight is very dependent on the hormonal system and the basal metabolism.
    And Genetics and heredity are closely linked, but what is genetic is not necessarily hereditary.

  23. Have there been any studies looking at changes in the digestive bacteria that may contribute to obesity? Maybe a change in the biome all over the world, kind of like a pandemic, that led to obesity

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