L'unico cibo che vorrei aggiungere alla dozzina quotidiana!

In una recente intervista il dottor Michael Greger di Nutrition fact.org e creatore del Daily Dozen ha menzionato un alimento che avrebbe voluto aggiungere al suo L'elenco giornaliero di Dozen di alimenti poiché ha scoperto che questo particolare alimento ha vantaggi incredibilmente importanti che dovremmo ottenere ogni giorno nella nostra dieta! Soprattutto perché contiene un aminoacido e un antiossidante che non possiamo trovare da nessun'altra parte e non possiamo sintetizzarlo da soli! Scopriamo cos'è questo alimento e perché è così potente per la salute umana…

Daily Dozen

Canale YouTube del dottor Greger

Sito web del dottor Greger

Funghi: una ricca fonte di antiossidanti ergotioneina e glutatione

Consumo di funghi e depressione: uno studio basato sulla popolazione che utilizza i dati del National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) degli Stati Uniti, 2005–2016

36 Risposte a “L'unico cibo che vorrei aggiungere alla dozzina quotidiana!”

  1. I eat mushrooms so it explains why I never get depressed and gives me a reason to continue to eat them. Thanks for sharing this awesome video and love 🥰 it.

  2. I heard in one video professor who study fungi said that mushrooms must be crashed in small pieces before eating, so they can be absorbed better? is it true?

  3. Absolutely love mushrooms, a true meaty alternative. I buy a large punnet every week but I think I might combine oyster mushrooms as well, since they do have the largest amount of the amino acid

  4. Since one of Dr. Greger's original Daily Dozen Factors is Exercise, which is NOT a Dietary Factor, just like Sleep is NOT a Dietary Factor, but is also a Life/Health Factor, I think he could logically and reasonably substitute Exercise for Mushrooms, to make his revised Daily Dozen. Thanks. Love, Hope, and Joy.

  5. I knew that was it! Not because I'm so smart, but because Dr. Fuhrmam is and mushrooms are one of his GBOMBS. Clearly, Dr. Greger is pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty smart too.

  6. I wish I could eat them. I don’t eat meat for animal rights issues and I find the “meaty” texture too much for me. Any suggestions?

  7. I don’t cook. I’ve heard mushrooms need to be cooked in order to get the most health benefits from them.
    Thank you

  8. Dear PBL another interesting video. Have you thought about interviewing David Sinclair? He seems happy to go for interviews with YouTubers that are much smaller than you.

  9. This guy needs to find an enzyme to learn how to speak properly. He is like cowboys. What does he say about dry mushrooms? Is it better to eat fresh??

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