Maggiore durata della vita dai fagioli

L'assunzione di legumi (fagioli, ceci, piselli spezzati e lenticchie) può essere il più importante fattore predittivo dietetico di una lunga durata della vita, ma che dire delle preoccupazioni sui gas intestinali?

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In precedenza ho trattato i gas intestinali in uno dei miei post più divertenti sul blog, Beans and Gas: Clearing the Air ( -clearing-the-air/).

I paleo spesso inveiscono contro legumi e cereali, ma come si spiegano per il fatto che gli studi epidemiologici mostrano chiaramente che legumi e cereali integrali sono tra le scelte più salutari?<br/>
Maggiori informazioni sui benefici dei fagioli (beanifits?) in video come:

• I fagioli e l'effetto del secondo pasto ( -meal-effect/)
• Mangiare sano spendendo poco (http://nutritionfacts. org/video/eating-healthy-on-the-cheap/)
• Preferibili proteine ​​vegetali (http://nutrizione

E i semi di soia e il cancro al seno? Restate sintonizzati per il mio prossimo video, BRCA Breast Cancer Genes and Soy ( ).

Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su e proverà a rispondere!

Credito immagine: theloushe, The Big Lunch, IITA Image Library, Gage Skidmore via Flickr e United States National Institutes of Health .
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100 Risposte a “Maggiore durata della vita dai fagioli”

  1. You might want to give people some proportion on that, how much of the sprouted beans do you eat in a day? Is there an upper limit where it starts to effect you're digestion? I was a raw foodest for a long time but had serious trouble digesting sprouts in general but bean sprouts in particular. I'm curious what your experience has been.

  2. well i haven't read studies about an upper limit or anything, i don't think there would be a problem but you never know. I guess the most i've eaten in a sitting is about a cup on a meal (mostly salad, couscous, and what not.)

    the one i eat most is sprouted chick peas, which i grind up with spices and make falafel. i eat quite a bit of that, never had a problem. (not raw, obviously, but like i said, i'm not into the raw food movement).

  3. Appreciate that,Simon! Never sprouted anything before, but a good friend gave me a packet of sunflower seeds to sprout, may as well try beans too. It sounds interesting, but like anything you do for the first time a little intimidating…I mean, can you sprout a seed wrong? lol probably not, but if there is, I'd find the way 😉

  4. it really is fool proof, unless your beans are really old.

    soak them (check for times on the google), put them in a colander, rinse them twice per day, and cover them with a kitchen towel and dont put in the sun.

  5. Always be sure to rinse canned beans thoroughly before eating. The liquid that they are canned in will give you gas if ingested. I think this is where the fear of farting came from.

  6. maybe black beans and black eye beans but definitely not kidney beans…castor beans will kill you…many beans have cell agglutinating properties

  7. yes, there is a video about BPA in cans. to be avoided, and it is why you should get Eden foods ones. not only are they BPA free, but they contain a significant amount of iodine (cooked with kombu).

  8. You're awful at math.
    You say 100.
    No, it's 133.3333333333333.
    And, that is a 53.33333333333332% decreased chance of death. So, it's not the tiny improvement you're implying it to be.

  9. Continued.
    If the beans don't give you gas… And, they don't. And, the other ingredients, such as salt, don't give you gas. And, they don't.
    How in the Hell could you come to the conclusion that the water/broth would give you gas?

  10. If "raw 811 heads" means raw vegans, or raw vegetarians… A lot of vegans end up with health problems from not eating things like beans. They don't balance their diets correctly, leaving out important nutrients. They're so ignorant, and lazy about food that they apparently just cut what they're supposed to cut, and don't think to look into other things they eat (like chips, sodas, etc.), or into ingredients that aren't meat or dairy.
    Then, their stories of getting sick are bad PR for veganism.

  11. I like buying dried beans, soaking them and then cooking them myself…then there are no BPA worries….AND I believe I saw news that Doc is going to do some videos on dried vs. canned beans very soon! yay!

  12. As a child, I didn't like to eat beans for fear of flatulence. Once I switched to a vegan diet, I incorporated more beans in my diet, and I'm glad I have made the switch. Thank you for this video.

  13. Pity they take so long to cook and care not to burn them. Bet there's a faster way than soaking and boiling for hours (at least half an hour), like pressure cooking.

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  15. Scientists measuring in cup units, that just fills me up with confidence.
    Even imperial is just getting trully embarrassing.

  16. great video.  Beans are so good for us and especially if consuming a wide variety of them.  People have become so scared of Phytates.  Important people educate themselves in all the facts first.  Keep up the great work

  17. I eat beans everyday, good to know they'll increase my longevity. I probably eat more chickpeas than anything.

  18. Thank you for all the wonderfully presented, helpful information. I'm looking forward to buying your book so that I can have all this information close at hand. Regards, John

  19. Since I make enough beans for a week generally, switching over from pinto to hummus, the first day is like a windstorm. But I eat them for breakfast, so the wind comes in the evening.

  20. In the Wikipedia article on "beans" it talks about Toxins in beans, and also mentions antinutrients which may hurts bones, and vitamin D.  Should a person be concerned about these things?

  21. Guys don't care if they fart so beans and broccoli are a guy thing. But they are still hard to eat. If I eat to many of them I feel like I have to poop a lot but when I go to the john I'm constipated. Changing my diet is annoying. Also Beans and Broccoli aren't the best tasting foods and they tend to ruin the foods I'm eating. A burrito is ruined by adding black beans at the south west grill. The healthy foods ruin any food and that is why people don't eat enough of them.

  22. Great video. I've been eating a whole can of rinsed black beans with corn tortillas for lunch now for 16 straight days. I'm down 9 pounds as I'm lifting a ton, too. I truly believe beans are the key to weight management and great health.

  23. Beans are delicious if cooked right and flavored to taste. Plain beans, like broccoli, don't have much taste, but rice and beans are one of my favorites. Add a pinch of baking soda to the water when cooking beans to help with gas. Also, make sure you cook them well by soaking them overnight. Emptying the water from the first soak may help with gas too, although I have no data for that.

  24. When I first turned vegan I used to eat pasta with tomato sauce and tons of white beans and smoked tofu cubes (instead of the ground beef people usually use) and the flatulence was ridiculous. I had stomach aches like I've seldomly had before. I couldn't even go to unversity because I was in so much pain and experienced so much flatulence. For the first time in life, I thought I knew first hand what women feel like when they menstruate. The cramps were painful. However after 1,5 months or so, it dissipated and now that I'm pretty much on a McDougall diet, I have no more problems (for the most part) with neither pain nor flatulence.

  25. I'm all about the bean life. Simply because I love it. (I mean yes they're healthy, but…I like them anyway)
    My favorite is always pinto beans and pico de gallo. ❤

  26. The main problem is refined sugar according to the German doctor Max Bruker. Sugar is everywhere. It doesn't match with legumes or other healthy food and causes fermentation. He compared this food combination to an orchestra: despite all members playing well except for one, the concert won't be a good one.

  27. Adding a cup of cooked white beans, or chickpeas, on a big salad with many colorful ingredients (bell pepper, beetroots, tomatoes, corn, etc.) … definitely make the dish incredibly more satisfying and fulling. Add some spice like curry, black pepper and a nut based fat source (like tahini which is crushed sesame seed paste), a nice vinegar and you're set. This is something I could eat for the rest of my life with even getting bored of it.

  28. Bottom line … 😀 I found that eating something that contained refined sugar during the day is likely to mess up digestion, especially when I eat legumes.

  29. 2:53 “Digestive distress” I wouldn’t consider farting distressful, painful or uncomfortable. Farting doesn’t bother me. It bothers the people I’m around!

  30. I´m eating vegan for about 2,5 months now , more than 3500 kcalories per day, but my flatulence ist still there. Most of the time it really distractes me and it hurts a little. Could this still be normal and go away after a few more weeks? Or should i go to see a doctor?

  31. I read in Scientific American magazine studies show that smelling farts builds up you immunity!!! So invite all your friends over for dinner. Eat lots of beans. Stand around and fart, breath deep and get even healthier. What more can you ask for? I love passing gas in an elevator, but it's hard to keep a straight face!! I'm a blessing to mankind, out there just trying to make people healthier!!!

  32. I eat 2 cups of a 15 mix beans daily. I eat 2 cups of onion/garlic/mushroom soup daily. I eat 1/2 avocado daily. I eat around 1/2 to 1 ounce of walnuts/pecans a day. I eat about 2 cups of berries a day…(Blue,Black,Rasp). I drink green/black tea 50-50 mixture 20 oz mixed with 2oz of 100% organic Aloe Vera a day. I drink 2 12oz cans of low sodium V8 juice a day I drink 1-2 12oz cups of coffee with 1 teaspoon of 100% Cacoa unsweetened with a teaspoon of honey daily. I am 100% vegan. I have eat this diet daily for about a yr now. I do add about 1oz of unmodified potato starch 2x times daily to my diet. You would think I have garlic/onion breath real bad…For the first month I would wake the next day with onion/garlic taste. I have not had that experience for at least the last 6 months. My wife has what you would call the average American diet. She does not eat the things I eat. She has not complained about my smelling weird or bad. The only time she complained was at a time I tried supplementing with MSM and DMSO. I supplemented with them for about 3 months…if anything I smelled worse every day. My brother said the smell bothered him and said it would take days for his room to air out LOL. IDK…But, at any rate, I tried cutting down…made it better but It still gave a smell. I think the last was about 1g of MSM and 1/2 teaspoon of the DMSO that I was taking daily. Now, I do not take the MSM or DMSO….sorry for the long post.

  33. Honestly the whole gas think I really don't get. I think people that have gas are just not used to them like at all because they eat them rarely.

  34. "If you wanna increase your lifespan, eat BEANS. If however you're suicidal and want to decrease your lifespan a bean FREE diet may increase the risk of death." 😅😂 love this man.

  35. If you soak legumes overnight in water and add sodium bicarbonate, then change the water and cook it in pressure cooker you get rid of much of the gases

  36. Feliz em saber! Feijão Preto no Brasil! Aqui deixo de molho na água durante à noite, lavo, fervo para tirar a espuma, lavo e depois cozinho com uma erva chamada Louro.😉

  37. I love legumes, and cook them every week. My wife initially not…. but guess what, she tried some of the things I cook, and now she also eats them as well.
    The gas and discomfort can be reliefed by drinking more, beause the body is more then happy to have more liquids to handle the fibres. Enjoy people!

  38. Beans beans good for your heart the more u eat them the more u fart. Love beans amd they ARE super healthy ! The gas is still there but not a bad :)) well worth it

  39. Flatulence, diarrhea, bloating, digestive distress etc. Are common 'side effects' of all colon fermentable polysaccharides. To me it's a sign of them working and exactly what is part of the process of building up the good bacteria to digest the food and take away the bad bacteria. If you experience flatulence or anything else from a source of fermentable fibers it means you should EAT MORE! It is a clear sign that something is happening and changing in the gut! So find the foods that make you do it be it beans, seaweeds, mushrooms etc. It's a sign that there are good gut bacteria to build up. It will dissipate after the bacteria have been built up.

  40. I try to eat eat natto twice a week, I figure fermented beans can only be healthier than just regular beans

  41. The other great thing is that dried legumes bought in bulk (beans, lentils, chickpeas) are THE absolute cheapest food there is. The cost of going to and from the store is more than the actual dried legume package itself. I buy 50-pound bulk packs of black beans and lentils, and the cost is virtually nothing.

  42. I've always felt that any non-poisonous plant that can be eaten "as is" without benefit of any processing/cooking is the natural food for humans. I have therefore, after being vegetarian in a meat eating family for most of my life and becoming "Vegan" before I ever even heard the term I have subsisted only on fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. Beans, along with grains cannot be digested by humans without cooking unless one sprouts them and consumes the sprouts. That process definitely eliminates the "toot" factor. I will celebrate my 90th birthday this November. No one else in my family ever reached beyond the early 70's, my parents passing at 45 and 67 and my maternal grandfather at 49. I would really like to know the good doctor's opinion on this.

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