Marrone, nero, viola e rosso a differenza del bianco sul riso

Al riso bianco mancano più di fibre, vitamine e minerali. I fitonutrienti, come il gamma orizanolo, nel riso integrale possono aiutare a spiegare i benefici clinici e le varietà di riso pigmentate naturalmente possono essere ancora più sane.

Nuovi abbonati alla nostra newsletter elettronica ricevi sempre un omaggio. Prendi il tuo qui:

Il passaggio dal riso bianco al riso integrale consente alle persone in sovrappeso di ridurre significativamente il peso, il girovita, la pressione sanguigna e il livello di infiammazione all'interno dei loro corpi. Sembra che meriti un video, no? Sta arrivando! Resta sintonizzato per Vale la pena passare dal riso bianco al marrone? ( (In realtà doveva andare per primo, ma ho commesso un errore e ho incasinato l'ordine). <br/>
Nel frattempo, guardate altri video sul riso:
• Malattia di Alzheimer: Grain Brain o Meathead? (
• Dieta del riso Kempner: rimetterci in forma ( /)
• Se il riso bianco è legato al diabete, che dire della Cina? (
• Le droghe e la fine della dieta del riso ( -e-la-morte-della-dieta-del-riso/)
• La retinopatia diabetica può essere invertita? (
• L'ipertensione può essere una scelta ( be-a-choice/)

Sei anni fa ho fatto un video su Arsenic in Rice ( Merita sicuramente un aggiornamento. Farò anche un altro video o una serie di video su quello. Assicurati di essere iscritto (, quindi da non perdere.

Maggiori informazioni sulle potenziali meraviglie dei pigmenti antociani blu/nero/viola:
• Effetti antinfiammatori di patate viola (
• Trattamenti dietetici per l'affaticamento oculare del computer (http://nutritionfacts. org/video/dietary-treatments-for-computer-eye-strain/)
• Come rallentare l'invecchiamento cerebrale di due anni (
• Anti-infiammatori La vita è una ciotola di ciliegie (http://

Hanno una domanda per il dottor Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su -white-rice e cercherà di rispondere!

Credito immagine: ronamae via Flickr.
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100 Risposte a “Marrone, nero, viola e rosso a differenza del bianco sul riso”

  1. I ate a sweet potato today and was wondering if eating it with the skin would have been better, particularly for digestive reasons?

  2. Im foreign and i often dont understand alot of words you use in your videos and i get really confused sometimes…could you try to sum up what you said at the end of every video please? I would really like to know what all these studies show because im a vegan and im looking for science to support the claims i make when i talk to people about veganism

  3. The only problem with BR is inorganic arsenic(carcinogen) and from what ive heard because WR has much less because its more processed. Any opinions?

  4. "White rice is like apocalypse food. Even putting twinkies to shame. Still eatable after 30 years, but by then may have a slight playdough odor" – Hahahaha… sooo funny xD I laughed so hard xD
    thank you for your very good video, I already changed to brown rice, some days ago, but this video supports what I felt (inflammations after a white rice meal).

  5. Doctor, I've refrained from eating too much brown rice because of the arsenic that is in it. Have you got any additional info on that?

  6. hey Dr. Greger! I have a question for you. Are low HDL levels actually bad? I am vegan, eat lots of raw food with some cooked food, no processed food, no table salt only himilayan, mostly organic, etc but have low HDL levels. thanks in advance

  7. I've still got some wild rice, multicolored quinoa, amaranth, and non-GMO corn kernels for popping I haven't eaten. Wild rice goes good with broccoli and beans. Wild rice may take almost as much time to cook as some types of presoaked dried beans. The wild rice gives off, to me, a somewhat tea-like earthy pleasant aroma as it cooks. If I can break away some more from the pb with celery, bell pepper, and apples craze I've got going on then maybe I'll eat more rice and whatever. Good info about the rice though. I've heard it said, you should eat a rainbow. It just goes to show.

  8. Is Jasmine rice included in white rice category. I have been thinking it hasn't been stripped of minerals and hasn't been bleached.

  9. Word of warning on Lentils, these can triggers inflammation due to Lectins. I used to get serious pain in my shoulder area and chest. It was only by eliminating food from my diet and discovering what was triggering the pain that I discovered it was Lentils and Aduki beans. Research into lentils confimed this.

  10. All sounds good but i saw article in paper the other day that brown rice and other white rice is full of arsenic.Pretty much cleanest rice out there is basmati rice which comes from poorer countries which can't afford pesticides.So which is better?Eat rice full of arsenic or eat bit fatter basmatti rice?

  11. Dr. Gregger, you provide wonderful content and tips for the public. What I want to see is how you adapt this knowledge to your life. Can you please do a What I Eat in a Day video?

  12. Dr Greger, I wish I could sufficiently express how much I appreciate all the time and effort you put into helping humans become as healthy as possible. Much love to you and your family.

  13. White rice and refined white flour both act on me like refined sugar…cause burning in my gullet….whole grain rice I can have all I want.

    Please comment on the arsenic levels now being found in domestically grown rices.
    Thanks for this info!

  14. I can only eat white rice, brown rice tend's to make my stomach feel like it's being poked by hard brown rice plus it takes forever to cook whereas white rice is fast food.

  15. Too bad the rice bran contains the highest levels of the naturally occurring arsenic rice pulls from the soil… and that the 40 minutes red and black rice need to be cooked degrades their anthocyanins.

  16. mmmm, i think that a brazilian chef, Alex Atala, was the person who gave attention to a farmer who cultivated these wonderful good tasty Black Rice. At least is very tasty when I eat in the restaurant

  17. I honestly hate the texture and how it feels like I'm eating nothing when I consume white rice. I love that black rice is much tougher and the texture is just perfect. Cannot deal with mushy rice. Black rice is life <3

  18. I switched over to brown rice years ago when someone told me about short grain brown rice, much more palatable. Now I mix my brown rice with black and red rice

  19. started eating forbidden rice. purple, amf it makes my tummy sensitive and little nauseous. But I love eating it, it's after that it's not so great.

  20. I'm looking forward to your new videos on rice. including rice and arsenic. I looked up some of the research on PubMed with Search terms like "rice arsenic Thailand" – and it looks like the rice produced in Thailand is still relatively safe. but I'm really looking forward to Dr. G!

  21. You have shown no data reporting on actual presence of AS in human, rice-consuming bodies. Until you do so, this is
    all conjecture.

  22. Recent magazine articles in Germany have warned of the dangers of arsenic in rice, and recommended white rice over brown due to the lower arsenic content. Any thoughts?

  23. Okay does anyone know a good source for the colorful rice options that's not high in arsenic? has several videos warning about rice and arsenic and then there's this! So where oh where can I purchase this colorful rice that is safe

  24. I have a problem with brown rice. Every time I eat it i get horrible stomach cramps, and bloating. I’ve tried making the same meals, just with brown vs white rice. It’s definitely the rice. I never see videos addressing this, I’d like to eat brown rice but my stomach hates me when I do. Love some insight on this issue.

  25. Rice bran is addictive to wildlife, pour some on a stump and the deer will chew the stump to the ground, what is it that deer know that we don't? I personally prefer the taste of whole grain rice, kind of a mild nutty flavor and for the life of me I cannot figure why people ever thought to remove the bran.

  26. I'm thankful that i live in a place with sufficient amount of different rice from white, red and black, i eat rice on daily basis..i preferred red rice for longevity and taste good as well..

  27. brown rice is bad it has more phytic acid which is removed with white rice making white rice healthier than brown it contains anti nutrients that prevent you from absorbing the nutrients anyway and there is more arsenic in brown rice than there is in white rice which gives you cancer the phytic acid is found in the hull and germ that is removed with white rice making white rice healthier than brown rice and there is only like 1 gram of fiber anyway in brown rice which is no big amount of benefits when your going to be eating lots of fruits and veggies in a plant based diet me personally i like white rice better because its not bitter which brown rice is very bitter and has a nutty taste that i dont like to taste when i am making a pot of stew like dhal but thats just me personally its just a matter of preference i like white rice im from guyana and we eat white rice with everything and i just cant see myself eating tasteless very bitter brown rice. uh no sorry taste over health i guess

  28. I’m on a low glycemic diet and I’m really confused about the difference between white rice, wild rice, jasmine rice and brown rice as far as as its insulin loader it’s glycemic load. Which race is really the best for you and which brand of that rice is really the best and why who should be consuming what kinds of rice and why?

  29. Thanks for the tip about putting a handful of lentils in the rice in the rice cooker. Koreans often make a mixed grain rice but you must soak it first.

  30. Okay, the healthiest way to eat rice is…
    not eat a lot
    not eat rice often
    eat black, purple, and red rice instead
    add other foods like lentils or split peas

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