PREDIMED: mangiare noci previene gli ictus?

Uno studio randomizzato controllato ha rilevato che una dieta di tipo mediterraneo può ridurre drasticamente il rischio di successivi attacchi di cuore. Come si confronta con i dati sulla dieta a base vegetale?

I nuovi iscritti alla nostra newsletter ricevono sempre un regalo gratuito. Prendi il tuo qui:

Questo è il secondo di una serie di video in 6 parti sulla dieta mediterranea. Per uno sfondo storico, dai un'occhiata al primo in Perché la malattia cardiaca era rara nel Mediterraneo? ( Ecco il i prossimi quattro a venire:
3. PREDIMED: Mangiare noci previene gli ictus?<br/> 4. Quali parti della dieta mediterranea allungano la vita? (
5. I Flexitarian vivono più a lungo? (
6. Migliorare la dieta mediterranea (

Per ulteriori informazioni sull'incredibile lavoro del Dr. Esselstyn:
• Le malattie cardiache iniziano nell'infanzia (
• Cuore completamente consensuale Trattamento della malattia (
• Medicina basata sull'evidenza o basata sull'evidenza? (
• Dieta del riso Kempner: rimetterci in forma ( -diet-whipping-us-into-shape/)

Se gli omega-3 vegetali a catena corta in semi di lino e noci sembrano così benefici, che dire degli omega-3 a catena lunga che si trovano nel pesce e nell'olio di pesce? Ci sono pro e contro. Vedi, ad esempio, Mercury vs. Omega-3s for Brain Development ( 3s-for-brain-development/) e l'olio di pesce è solo olio di serpente? (

Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su e cercherà di rispondere!

Credito immagine: Chris Coleman tramite Flickr.
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18 Risposte a “PREDIMED: mangiare noci previene gli ictus?”

  1. Your videos for some reason are not coming out in order which makes it harder for people to see if a new video came out. I have realized this and learned to account for it, but others probably haven't and i think its hurting the view count.

    Content is great as always!

  2. I wish youtube would fix their subscription box. I want to know when there's a new nutritionfacts video >.<

  3. Hi Doctor. Wondering if the benefits of nuts elucidated in this series applies to nut butters as well. I would assume so since it's the same food grounded up, but who knows.

  4. Lock him Up !!! d trump d trump does not need to do research he just asks the crown prince if he is guilty and believes him to his personal interest and son in law jareds

  5. In the study cited in this video, go to 0:29" you'll see the names of the scientists involved in that PREDIMED study. Among them you'll see two names: Emilio Ros and Jordi-Salas Salvado. Both work for the Spanish nut and olive oil industry. The PREDIMED study is a hoax and I believe has been retracted since.

  6. Jeff on vegsource is saying all these nut studies are rigged and sponsored by the nut companies. He mentioned asking Dr. Greger to speak with him on youtube. What is up with this ?

  7. Ive recently been interested in preventing strokes. Cancer doesn't run in my family, the only thing (physically) that runs in our family is strokes. We thought my grandpa was the first with alzeihmers, but turns out it's damage from LOTS of mini strokes.

  8. I'd love to get free raw nuts weekly. I eat 4 oz of nuts daily. My doc told me to take a teaspoon of olive oil daily but I have not tried that yet.

  9. I ran across this post 'cause it's new on insta. I am surprised to hear that the overall risk of dying from stroke is the same in all groups, however the risk of having a stroke is reduced almost in half by the nuts group. Does this mean, that only light strokes are avoided, not severe ones?

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