Le patate aumentano il rischio di diabete?

Il legame tra patate bianche e diabete si estende alle patate non fritte senza burro né panna acida?

Questa è la prima di una serie in cinque parti sulle patate. Resta sintonizzato per:
• Le patate aumentano il rischio di ipertensione e morte? (
• Indice glicemico delle patate: perché dovresti raffreddarle e riscaldarle (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/glycemic-index-of -patate-perché-dovresti-raffreddarle-e-riscaldarle)
• Come ridurre l'impatto glicemico delle patate (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-to-reduce-the-glycemic-impact-of-potatoes)
• Il tipo di patata più sano (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-healthiest-type-of-potato)<br/>
Interessato a un campione di video sul diabete? Scopri:
• Il diabete come malattia della tossicità dei grassi (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/diabetes-as-a- malattia-della-tossicità-grassa/)
• Quali sono le cause del diabete? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/what-causes-diabetes/)
• Diete vegetali per il diabete (
• Curcumina alla curcuma per il prediabete (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/turmeric-curcumin -per-prediabete/)
• Uova e diabete (
https:/ /nutritionfacts.org/video/eggs-and-diabetes/)
• Pesce e diabete (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/fish-and-diabetes/)
• I diabetici dovrebbero prendere il polso (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/diabetics-should-take-their-pulses/)
• L'aceto può aiutare a controllare la glicemia? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/can-vinegar-help-with-blood-sugar-control/)
• Quando farmaci e diete non riducono i decessi per diabete (https ://nutritionfacts.org/video/when-drugs-diets-dont-lower-diabetes-deaths/)
• Invertire il diabete con il cibo (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/reversing-diabetes-with-food/)
• Inversione del diabete: sono le calorie o il cibo? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/diabetes-reversal-is-it-the-calories-or-the -food/)
• Come non morire di diabete (
• Lo zenzero è benefico in una dieta per diabetici? (
https://nutritionfacts.org/video/is-ginger-beneficial-in-a-diabetic-diet /)
• Benefici di una dieta macrobiotica per il diabete (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/benefits-of-a-macrobiotic-diet-for-diabetes/)
• Una dieta chetogenica aiuta il diabete o lo peggiora? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/does-a-ketogenic-diet-help-diabetes -or-make-it-worse/)

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100 Risposte a “Le patate aumentano il rischio di diabete?”

  1. So… basically, everything in moderation. Good grief. Who'da thunk it.

    Now, for those who have diabetes, it's too late, and that may include 30% of the American population, with millions more on the road to pre-diabetes. For them, potatoes are OFF the menu, period. So are all grains in ANY form – brown, whole, or anything. Not buying that? Check your blood glucose an hour after your baked potato or that deli sandwich on rye or wheat bread.




  4. I have fallen in love with Japanese sweet potatoes! Murasaki sweet potatoes are what I can get in central Pennsylvania. They have a purple skin and the interior looks and tastes like a chestnut. They’re sooo delicious, they need nothing added! I prefer them steamed😋😋

  5. If you remember, there was a morbidly obese man who went on a year long fast of white potatoes. I believe he lost over 100 pounds and all his physiological markers for good health were in an excellent place when he broke his fast. It would be interesting to see how he and others who followed in his footsteps did in terms of their overall health markers.

  6. what about falafels? I use a cup of garbanzo flour, half a cup oats and spices, herbs to form the balls then air fry them for 7 min at 180 degress. NO OIL, is that also carcinogenic due to acrylamide? does it even form? I'm so confused and scared about this topic, I really want to make healthy cooking but sometimes my family wants to try a new vegan recipe and I make it as healthy as it can be though, that's what I was aiming for but this study got me puzzled now…

  7. Ultimately you need intervention studies to get a better idea what is going on. I'd bet if you in increased plain (boiled, whole or mashed – NO Oil) potato consumption, that health markers would improve.

    But it's almost impossible to factor out the excess fat that almost always accompanies potatoes on North America in population studies. I don't think I ever seen anyone outside of my family eat fat free potatoes. It's either french fries, mashed with milk and butter, or baked potatoes covered with sour cream, or cheese, or at the very least eaten as a side for fatty meat meal. More often than not, it's a side to fatty meat meal, and loaded down with fat itself.

  8. Did the people who ate a lot of potatoes also have high rates of obesity? That's probably the main explanation for the diabetes, not the potatoes themselves

  9. Mom always maintained that it's wasn't the baked potato that was a problem, it was whatever you put on it. And to always eat the skin (provided it wasn't green). Mom is currently 94.

  10. Boiled or baked potatoes are a superfood, plain fact. They have one of the most complete nutrition profiles (including amino acid profile) out of any plant food when eaten with their skin. They're also by far the highest food on the satiety index, making them ideal weight loss and management food. Their high potassium content is also one-of-a-kind, and are one of the most reliable dietary sources when it comes to hitting the potassium intake requirement.

  11. Diabetes has a lot to do with genetics for some grapes is raising blood sugar levels for others it’s potatoes. Iranians might have genetic preferences for high starch veggies compared to western countries. If I have to tell you this the I don’t know why you should be considered a scientist.

  12. I eat lots of potatoes, and my blood sugar level is low and better than average. I mostly eat roasted potatoes with some oil. Skin on. I'd go through 1200 grams of potatoes per meal, at least.

  13. Even if some of these studies adjusted for baked or boiled potatoes, let't not forget what people tend to do with the potatoes after they are cooked. Don't Americans tend to put butter, cheese, cream cheese, meats crumbling, bacon, etc. on top of it? If it were just herbs and spices, and maybe a little bit of EVOO, it probably would have been fine. Also, the high glycemic effects of white potatoes can be diminished by the overall fiber content of the meal. I mean, I wonder how in the world a potato by itself could lead to fatty liver and pancreas and excess "fat cells," which is what actually causes T2 diabetes.

  14. I'm plant based myself but I hear this tripe all the time. Because the healthiest populations eat high carb foods you can too! No, you cant if you're I bad shape, metabolically.

  15. Add apple cider vinegar with the Mother to your morning routine. Bake the potatoes or steam them in the Instant Pot. Avoid frying potatoes, or any food for that matter, in oils. This is my take away. I wish I knew this decades ago but am doing better now. Thanks Doctor Greger!

  16. The humble spud. I'm Irish and many poor people ate nothing but potatoes prior to the Famine and did not suffer diabetes, in fact the population increased massively because of this tuber. Obviously people didn't eat them fried then, just boiled and eaten with skin so key is how they are cooked and prepared. I've eaten them mostly boiled or mashed my whole life and never had any problems with high blood sugars or diabetes.

  17. Only eat boiled potatoes with herbs (rosemary, dill etc.). Frying and baking potatoes makes them not healthy because of the high temperature turns them into carcinogenic compounds (not to mention oils, cheese or butter and cream that people often put on them.

  18. each person can test their tolerance to potato with a blood sugar meter (as well as other foods). I learned that 30g max of fat (minimizing the saturated fat) can do BIG differences to lowering blood sugar. You can see a difference in a few days and the following weeks. You can learn a lot about your body with a blood sugar meter.

  19. Where is the study of rats and mice fed only potatoes and the results ? All the studies cited in this video were not focused on someone eating straight potatoes boiled or baked with water . The simple starch in the potato will produce an insulin spike when eaten with other foods containing protein and saturated fats . The Standard American Dumb Ass diet of processed foods covered in oils, sugar and salt along with sugary drinks and more sugary dessert gums up the bodies cells making them insulin resistant . It is not nutritional rocket science . If you eat processed high salt ,sugar and saturated fat crap foods your pancreas , liver and kidneys have to work overtime to process that garbage and will eventually lead to diseases like diabetes and gout . Eat healthy and your body will recover . One small baked or boiled potato with a piece of codfish and broccoli is a healthy meal rich in iodine , calcium, potassium ,fiber, vitamins B6 & C . Intelligent food choices, preparation and pairing will heal the body .

  20. This Summer I was at the farmers market. They had a bushel of potatoes that looked like they just got pulled out of the ground. A tall woman picked up 2 potatoes and said to the short woman, "these potatoes remind me of my husbands things." The short woman said, "really, that big?!"
    The tall woman said "no – that dirty."

  21. Thanks for this information, I hope you all do a video on the "broken heart" another form of heart disease, but the news specifically said its not related to diet or clogged arteries, its caused by stress. The news report implied diet can't fix this. I would love to hear from Plant-Based Doctors about this issue, could it be diet could also prevent this too? This is the link to one of the news reports about this:https://youtu.be/jH-UBm99-bw

  22. As long as you eat just the potato and keep your OVERALL fats low too, it's all good. It's the combo of fats and carbs that will spike sugar levels. I used to be diabetic until I got my total fats around 10%. I can eat all the potatoes or even white rice I want without spiking my sugar… unless I also ingest something fatty. None of these "studies" seem to understand what constitutes "low fat"…. it is NOT 30+percent! And I don't give the glycemic index much validity when chocolate cake has a lower GI than a potato!

  23. If you’re talking about French fries then you have all of the seed oils which are known to cause inflammation and greater risk of heart disease…but not if you fry in healthy animal fats.

  24. It’s the FAT ! Butter, Sour Cream etc. the fat gets into the muscle cells and doesn’t allow the glucose from the potatoes in, releasing Insulin. 🤔 Maybe?

  25. I found one of these the other day.
    A study using this data found that milk fat in the blood was correlated with decreased risk of diabetes .
    It turns out that vegetarians have a much lower chance of diabetes than meat eaters and so skewed the results to make it look like dairy was protective .

  26. Fries are unhealthy..boiled potatoes are the healthiest potatoes unless you put on it sour cream or combine them with bacon and eggs..potatoes are only a marker for un unhealthy diet. Same potatoes in a vegetarian diet are healthy.

  27. I got a theory; High glycemic foods like potatoes and white rice can give you problems if you eat high amounts of fats (animal or plant based) and animal protein. But in a low fat, high carb diet (Dr McDougall, Dr Bernard, Dr Pam Popper type), you body is going to manage those spikes without problems.

    Insulin doesn't seems to handle fats and carbs with ease at the same time. If you prefer a high protein, high fat diet (Ginny Mesina, Jack Norris or Simmet nutrition type) or a nutrient dense diet (Dr Klaper, Dr Greger, Dr Joel Fuhrman), better stick to low glycemic carbs and lots of greens, non-starchy veggies and nuts.

  28. Love potatoes, one man only ate potatoes for almost a year and didn't die, in fact lost a lot of weight.
    They cop a bad reputation like rice, wish the general population weren't conditioned to be carb phobic

  29. Here's the truth: If you ate JUST potatoes every day for a year, you would not have diabetes. Many people have done it, including here on YouTube.

  30. I really doubt that white potatoes is that bad that it would cause that, I'm pretty sure it is the butter, margarine, meats, oils or salt that
    they add to it that is the problem which they use to make chips and there would be a similar problem if you used butter, margarine, meats, oils or salt with even sweet potatoes to make sweet potato fries. The best way to eat potatoes in a healthy way would be to steam them and use just the necessary amount of water to make them cook so that the vitamins don't get washed off and if you want to use a spread make it something healthy like peanut butter (ideally free of palm oil) or smashed avocado or tahini for some examples.

  31. I really wonder how these findings fit together with the study that showed that potatoes in the evening allowed for better blood sugar control in diabetics, even better than whole grain rice

  32. Next time I go to a restaurant: I'd like to get a the type 2 cow flesh patty burger with pig belly slices and an order of diabatatoes.

    Waiter: Will that be an order of french friabetes or diabater tots?

  33. Harvard studies are corrupted by Willet attitude bias. We know concretely how good a predominantly sweet potato plus vegetables diet works because of Okinawan centenarians who ate most of their calories from potatoes. Ordinary white potatoes are very similar to sweet potatoes and even having better nutrients in certain categories. Gregor has perpetrated confusion on white potatoes because of his own bias without accepting the facts of The Rice Diet, the Okinawans, and the past very good health of cultures throughout the world that thrived on high potato and sweet potatoes as a staple. Gregor, shame on you for not being able to think beyond the confounding factors in studies like the Nurses Health Study from Harvard and Willet bias.

  34. My dad used to work in his brothers’ grocery store in the 50’s. His first job was to bag the potatoes- they were sold in 15lbs bags. People definitely used to eat more potatoes. I’ve been whole food plant based for 10 years but learned everything I need to know from the Medical Medium podcast on potatoes – it is epic!

  35. Still passing of junk epidemiolgy as science???? Nothing was controlled in these studies so nothing can be learned from them You say "reasearchers tried to adjust for other things". How does that work then? You can't adjust the data to control for something after the data has been recorded. That is like triying to take the eggs or the flour out of a cake after you have baked it. It's impossile and it is not science.

    I'll give you the answer to you question "do potatoes increase the risk of diabetes?". YES. Potatoes are full of starch which is a type of sugar. Diabetes is caused by sugar. It is not very hard to then see that potatoes increase the risk of diabetes. You don't need a complicated study to tell you that. Eating any form of sugar increases the risk of diabetes.

    I feel sorry for people who think that Dr Greger knows anything about nutrition. He is fooling you! Just because he flashes up extracts of pointless studies does not mean that he understands them. If he undersrtood them then he would know that they are worthless. If he does understand them yet keeps pushing the information they contain then he is a liar who's only concern is building his bank balance. Shameful!!!!!

  36. My grandparents grew organic potatoes in the sixties. We lived off them and everyone was as think as a rake. In fact I can only recall one boy at school being what we now call obese. After that came the microwave, ready meals and fast food joints.
    The answer is plain to see despite what the spuds are evil lobby might have you believed. And fried potatoes only occasionally.

  37. My favorite way to eat potatoes is boiled and then baked with herbs and a dash of salt. They’re oil-free, crispy and so delicious with a homemade black bean burger 🤤

  38. I did a research project on the potato and that is what I found out. Amazing just 50-60 years ago most of America's potato farms grew potatoes for eating the entire potato: baked or mashed etc. However, now majority of farms grow for potato chips and fries. So, that shows how we have distorted our food for the worse.

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  40. Animal products is associated with type 2 diebetes… How? It's not possible. Animal products on their own does not cause nor has it ever been shown to increase risk of diebetes. The reason there was a risk was because carbs and red meat causes the Randle cycle.

    We're not suppose to get our sugar content from outside sources like carbs and starches. In fact less then 20% seems to be the gold standard of either reversimg type 2 and managing type 1 far better, that's because our body doesn't need outside sourced sugar for energy content. Our bodies creates its own in many ways however the two best examples in which the liver creates sugar/Blood glucose is from
    1) glycogenolysis
    2) gluconeogenesis

    Unless your a athlete Carbs simply isn't needed in a proper human diet

  41. I eat bags of taters, no oil, butter, sour cream, cheese, bacon, or gravy. My blood sugar is perfect at 67, even with diabetes on both sides of my family.

  42. A suggestion and a request. It would be a blessing if you repositioned your camera as counting your nose hairs is not a pleasure. Thanks.

  43. I LOVE burger and fries day! "Fries" = Yukon Gold (or similar) spuds, steamed, cooled, then baked until they begin to brown. They have an even better "crunch" factor than real fries, and are perfectly soft in the middle. (Oh, and: they taste like POTATOES, not fat and grease.)
    ("Burger" is, of course, tempeh. And I make my own ketchup, no salt, no sweeteners. It works!)

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