ora in spagnolo / è ora in spagnolo

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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione nutrizionale basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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100 Risposte a “ ora in spagnolo / è ora in spagnolo”

  1. I'm from Argenina and i really thank you for translating the term "alimentación basada en evidencia" (evidence based diet). Since i don't like saying i'm a vegan, mi alimentación es alimentación basada en evidencía con la ayuda del genio Dr. Michael Greguer

  2. Grande doctor! Va a ser de gran ayuda para familiares y amigos que quieren/necesitan cambiar su forma de comer. Tengo también el libro 'How not to die' ('Comer para no morir') en español que lo vengo leyendo hace un tiempo.

  3. Congrats doc! I follow you a long time ago , I am vegan and endocrinologist and use your researches and informations a lot, but is easier for me in spanish. You so funny in spanish as I am in english hehe. You are very smart!…good luck… love you from Caracas

  4. okay, my love for you just grew immensely Dr. Greger.
    "un servicio publico con mucho amor!" hahah!
    and the faces you make as you enthusiastically pronounce every word in Spanish! <3

  5. Hehehe This is mazing Dr Greger!! Thank you so much : ) My sister in law was recently diagnosed with cancer and I'm so happy she now can learn about help in Spanish from Nutrition Facts. GRACIAS!!

  6. Gracias Dr. Greger. Usted es uno de mis mentores y es muy agradable ver el esfuerzo que hace ahora en mi idioma. Lo hace excelentemente y además es muy simpático. Lo sigo en inglés y ahora en espańol. Suerte!!

  7. Dr Greger- I have loved and respected your work for several years now, and I now live in Nicaragua and am trying to help out some non-English-speaking friends of mine with converting to a plant-based diet. I can't tell you how ecstatic I am that you not only have a Spanish site but that you actually created this video. I have tears of joy! You are just amazing. Really. <3

  8. Genial! Muchas gracias Dr. por todos sus esfuerzos en darnos toda esta información tan importante. Great! Thank you very much Dr. for all your efforts in giving us this important and amazing content! I love your work ♥ I've been having a 100% plant-based diet for more than 4 years now and it has been the best decision in my life! Muchas gracias ☺

  9. Este doctor además de ser un buen médico es muy simpático yo lo sigo y guardo sus vídeo-conferencia. Le saludo desde Haifa Israel

  10. Hi, i couldnt find your book How not to die in Paper copy in Spanish. I love this book and wanted to buy one for my mother but she does not use internet at all. It will be a great idea to have the spanish version as a paper copy as well I am sure many people will benefit from it. Thanks.

  11. Gracias Dr. Greger!! No podía compartir esto con mi familia HASTA…. AHORA! Hahahha we need to hear an ”until now” in Spanish! This video made me so happy, I started on the plant-based world two months ago and your videos have taught me so much! Thank you for sharing all of this with us!

  12. Muchas gracias doctor. Mi hijo me ha prestado el libro "Comer para no morir" Felicitaciones. Sufro de SII. Y me ha ayudado mucho.

  13. I love that you did this yourself vs having someone overlay another audio. Too cute!! And I’m SO glad you guys have a Spanish version for my Mexican family members who need this info more than ever! ♥️♥️♥️

  14. ¡Qué sorpresa! Busqué bajo Michael Greger en español esperando ver sus vídeos traducidos y sale él mismo hablando español. 😅 Un aplauso por eso. 👏 👏👏

  15. Muchísimas Gracias por su esfuerzo, doctor Greger.Thank You Very Much for all your great effort, Dr Greger (Michael) and for continuing to inform us with all these latest interesting medical-scientific studies. We appreciate it A LOT.

  16. Awesome Dr.Greger, you helped me, now I’m showing my dad this video, so we can help mom that recently suffered a mini stroke and had total heart blockage and got a pacemaker. Thank you again for your sincere efforts to help us all.

  17. penoso amigo, te ves horrible y tienes los huevos de predicar sobre alimentacion saludable, das pena. Menos mal que soy carnivor xD

  18. This is awesome. I am a dietitian and I LOVE to share your info with my clients. As I live in Costa Rica not everyone could understand your content. I LOVE that I will finally be able to share it with Spanish speakers. THANKS

  19. Este man es un genio, su libro how to not dice lo leí y comencé a seguir la dieta que plantea, a todos mis platos sanos pero siempre le agrego proteína animal: huevos, pechuga pollo, cerdo, mucho pescado, etc.

    Es que uno no puede ser vegano por serlo gente, sean balanceado, lo que el indica es 90% correcto basó mi dieta en su libro pero siempre agrego proteína animal para darle ese plus y estar sano

    No Sugar, no alcohol, no drogas, no medicamentos, no harinas, etc

  20. Muchísimas gracias Dr. Greger. Por fin alguien se preocupa de ir a la raíz del problema, alimentarnos correctamente para dejar algunas enfermedades atrás. Somos lo que comemos. ❤️

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