Oh! La migliore spiegazione su come invertire la malattia autoimmune!

Qual è la dieta migliore per invertire la malattia autoimmune? Quali sono i migliori alimenti per invertire la malattia autoimmune? Qual è una delle cause principali di tutte le condizioni autoimmuni? La dieta paleo è la migliore dieta per autoimmuni? O il keto è il più efficace per invertire i sintomi? Scopriamolo!

Progettazione e sviluppo di un indice infiammatorio alimentare derivato dalla letteratura e basato sulla popolazione
https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/public-health-nutrition/article/designing-and-developing-a-literaturederived-populationbased-dietary-infiammatori-index /50BE2C580CE93DC6B50F9F9AD50CC68

La randomizzazione ad approcci dietetici a base vegetale porta a maggiori miglioramenti a breve termine nei punteggi dell'indice infiammatorio dietetico e nell'assunzione di macronutrienti rispetto alle diete che contengono carne

Canale YouTube del dottor Greger

Sito web del Dr Greger
http://nutritionfacts.org /

Stock footage p fornito da Videvo, scaricato da www.videvo.net e Pexels https://www.pexels.com/

28 Risposte a “Oh! La migliore spiegazione su come invertire la malattia autoimmune!”

  1. All auto immune problems are caused by leaky gut syndrome. When gut leaks due to not able to heal itself anymore it let's in food particles which then target cells. Can take up tom2 years of new diet lots of microbiome goodies. With bone broth and collegen.

  2. inflammation-wise:
    organic meat > any non-organic whole plants
    of course wild caught/collected/crafted stuff is even better (dont care if from plant or animal)
    i havent had any meat since april 2019 so dont think im a biased 2Header vegan hater or something

  3. c'mon. to call something like this the best explanation is quite a stretch. I understand that we are in the era of clickbait where the title is more important than the content, but c'mon …

  4. firstly, the study could serve as an excellent means of inducing emesis but that is its only value. secondly, it is based on 1943 articles from 2010 and starts from the assumption that all articles were of correct design and cogent. a lot has changed in the meantime. besides, Dr. Greger is known for manipulations and unscrupulous lies, so I wouldn't take his word for it because he lost his credibility a long time ago

  5. Since I switched to the plant based diet many of my ailments have disappeared. For example: I had so much pain in my right hand, I had to give up my hobby of knitting. I didn’t knit for many years. Now I’m pain free and I can enjoy my relaxing hobby again 🙂

  6. This video like some of your others risks your bias influencing the advice given. What people really need is advice without bias. I would want to compare with the other mentioned at the start and see which one gets the best results in practice. It might well be the plant one (I don't know). And if people have ethical reasons for not wanting to eat meat then fair enough. But I'd want to know more about the different diets in practice not theory. For instance, there are other illnesses where keto diets get outstandingly and life changingly good results for the people who follow them. I don't always feel I'm getting the best advice from this channel and that is sad

  7. 70yrs old, born with juvenile arthritis,developed ankylosing spondylitis and anemia very early in life, found plant based diet when i was 62, anemia has gone, arthritis almost gone,im in my 9th month of pain free after a life time of pain, life is suddenly worth the effort

  8. As much as I like Dr Gregor, I think this sort of video (and title) are just click bait. "Reverse autoimmune disease" and it's just "eat plants and lower inflammation". There are so many contributing factors to inflammation, from stress, lifestyle, work, exercise (or lack thereof), pre existing conditions, depression – there is so much to consider apart from eating a plant-based diet.
    And while I understand that Dr Gregor has based his brand on the whole-food, plant-based diet thing, I think this is a lost opportunity to discard the reductionist approach and embrace a holistic view. You can eat plants all day long, but if you experience chronic stress from say a job you hate, proinflammatory hormones are going to be released anyway. What about addressing that it's a multifaceted issue and diet plays only a part? Bit disappointed in this video, especially as someone with AI issues.

  9. How I wish more people understood this simple reality, but they don’t. I know a number of people with autoimmune disorders and they all favor meat over everything else based on what their doctors have told them and they intentionally avoid the best vegetables and grains as a result. They stay sick and keep getting sicker and simply won’t listen to anything that contradicts what their doc has told them because they like the taste. They don’t seem to understand they are making themselves sick with their diet. I no longer try and disabuse them of their beliefs. Instead, I try to serve as an example of someone who has (or had) heart disease but changed my diet and exercise habits losing 100 pounds and run miles every day. I’m healthier now and feel better than I did 30 years ago.

  10. Thankyou for giving the references, I appreciate being able to look at the original science. Too many sites summarize studies without giving the reference.

  11. I've been vegan for many years and mostly (4 or 5 days a week) wfpb for a couple years. At 67, recently started developing vitiligo, 1st legs and now a little on arms. Although my cheat days never include any animal products, guess I should lay off the vegan junk food completely to see if vitiligo can be reversed.

  12. I have AS and vegan whole foods diet is the only way to go. I give thanks to Doctor Greger this holiday and every day. Happy Thanksgiving to you all.

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