Ormoni nel latte scremato rispetto al latte intero

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DESCRIZIONE: La manipolazione genetica ha portato le mucche ad allattare nel terzo trimestre di gravidanza, portando ad un latte con livelli ormonali anormalmente alti. Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/videos/hormones-in-skim-vs-whole-milk/ e Proverò a rispondere!
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17 Risposte a “Ormoni nel latte scremato rispetto al latte intero”

  1. I am vegan but cow's milk has 4mg of zinc per 340kcals which is 31 percent of daily recommended intake. Zinc inhibits aromatase which transforms test into estrogen.

  2. I’m a woman and I love milk, and when I stopped milk for 3 months (I was living in a country where the milk tasted awful)…my acne cleared up completely! The problem is I love my lattes (I drink 2 glasses of milk a day), and I usually drink 2% or whole milk, skim milk only when I’m dieting after the holiday season (like now). I tried substituting with almond milk, but hate the taste. Needless to say, my acne is a problem that came back after I resumed drinking milk (it’s mild acne, around my chin and jawline, but still). I thought skimmed milk would have less hormones because it’s the fat that holds all the hormones.

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