Mangiare sano con un budget

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DESCRIZIONE: Se misurato in base al costo per porzione, al costo per peso o al costo nutrizionale , frutta e verdura battono carne e cibo spazzatura.

Ho alcuni altri video sulla stessa linea:
· Mangiare sano spendendo poco ( · Più grande Nutrition Bang for Your Buck ( <br/> · Fonte più economica di vitamina B12 ( · L'effetto del tonno in scatola sui salari futuri ( · Sono Le bacche di Goji fanno bene? (
· Superfood Bargains (
Ma la nutrizione delle nostre colture non è diminuita nel corso dei decenni? O è solo un supplemento alla propaganda del produttore. Scoprilo nel mio video Crop Nutrient Decline ( E se vuoi sforzarti di massimizzare la densità di nutrienti della tua dieta, dai un'occhiata a Calcola il tuo punteggio di alimentazione sana ( /calcola-il-tuo-punteggio-di-mangiare-sana/).

Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su e cercherà di rispondere!
Crediti immagine: Daniel Oines via flickr; Abete0002, Onef9day, Evan-Amos, Hrushi3030, Pingpongwill tramite Wikimedia Commons; Renee Comet tramite il National Cancer Institute; e Maxím Fetissenko.

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55 Risposte a “Mangiare sano con un budget”

  1. Wow, research from the late 1800s. Fascinating. This video is a good reminder to me that we should be critical of how government (and anyone) defines "healthy food". Ask: What's behind the numbers?

  2. Yeah, and how about the cost savings when you make over a couple flower beds and grow your own kale?

    Not much news here WFPB vegans have been knowing and saving, now and later, for many, many years! All the best, people.

  3. You can get quite a bit of protein from legumes, nuts, seeds, grains – and yes, fruits and veg contain protein. The question is: How much do you need and is too much a bad thing?

    Well… we don't need very much protein (you get enough protein by eating enough calories on a half-decent diet) and we know that too much from animal sources is damaging to our health.

    So what's the problem?

  4. 0.3 to 1 g/kg body mass per day.
    Now exactly how much depends on age (younger = more) and physical activity. Hitting 0.5 g/kg is about good. It's not hard at all to reach this level on a vegetable diet with just legumes and/or nuts.

    Here's official CDC data, on, go to: nutrition/everyone/basics/protein.html

    Unfortunately, Youtube disallows all links.

  5. My point exactly… people get hung up on protein because the meat industry uses it as a selling point for their product, but it doesn't take long to figure out that almost everything you eat has protein and getting IDEAL amounts is easy on a plant-based diet.

  6. In addition, when we consider the hidden health care cost associated with consuming harmful foods, the overall variance in cost is almost immeasurable.

  7. are you for real?? – bananas are a clean, clean energy source! plus for cheap cals, the premise of the video, there is nothing better…

  8. yep, Kale is EASY to grow…so is arugula…my arugula is in 2 large round containers by the way…in another large round container I have kale and chard. Just saying…TRY growing some greens …parsley is another easy one..grab a handful or 2 each day and you'll see great health benefits!

  9. No problem just stating some facts, lean meat is all protein. Percentage wise you won't find anything in the vegetable or fruit world with that much protein. What are some high protein legumes? Nuts and seeds come with a lot of fat, healthy fat I know but still fat. What grains have a lot of protein?

  10. I think you're caught in the trap of believing that more protein is better, and that's not true, especially when you're talking about animal protein.

    Let's say you required 80g of protein (a 180lb male who works out requires this), 1 cup lentils, 1 medium potato, 1/5 block of tofu and one small can of kidney beans will give you over 60g and you're only at 1000 calories… the rest is simple to get. I got over 90g today just eating regular stuff (no fake meats or tofu).

  11. Watch this guy's video called "Uprooting the Leading Causes of Death". It's the top hit on youtube. It's about what else you get when you eat animal products – 15 of America's leading causes of death. They are all tied to meat and dairy consumption. Vegan diets are not only nutritionally adequate, but prevent, all 15 leading causes of death as well as treat and reverse some of them.

  12. Yes, and not too much else – they're expensive too. Compare with some other cheaper staples.

    The data from (useful site, Cronometer has the same data):
    Bananas: /facts/fruits-and-fruit-juices/1846/2
    Potatoes, baked: /facts/vegetables-and-vegetable-products/2770/2
    Potatoes, boiled: /facts/vegetables-and-vegetable-products/2558/2
    White beans: /facts/legumes-and-legume-products/4319/2
    Tomatoes: /facts/vegetables-and-vegetable-products/2682/2

  13. That's still not very hard to get to get on plants – you just need to eat more calories. But those ranges you give are for bodybuilders – not exactly the healthiest (or realistic) way to live. And most (all?) bodybuilders get extra protein from supplements, even when they are eating meat.

  14. I like to see you keeping up with me fuelling with tomatoes!! 😛 – they are great a love them, I eat them by the pound but as a cheap calorie source??!
    …the only thing I could buy cheaper per calorie than bananas is rice and some dried legumes – neither of which I eat! Bananas are highly nutritious, and relatively calorie dense – they are one of the most perfect foods…seen as the topic of the video was regarding cost and cost per calorie – they’re win, win!

  15. Great info! I regularly try to balance budget and nutrients… Please keep making videos like this one and I'd love to see something about the most bang for your buck nutrient-wise 🙂

  16. @realsc00ter, youtube will not allow links ….just google it and you'll see a BUNCH of nutrient density charts by Joel Fuhrmann. 🙂

  17. Great vid. Since I turned vegan, people try to convince me that I'm paying more for my food, which isnt true.

  18. @JonFrum, not all veggies *NEED* to be organic…organic whole carrots are $1.00 per pound…kale can be eaten conventionally…about $1 or $1.50 per bunch…both very cheap. Also sweet potatoes are usually 99 cents a pound…and they don't HAVE to be organic. Just saying…

  19. I already told you. before I started eating right it didn't matter how much I exercised my abs were still jello.  But The surprising part is my friend who is not doing much excercises, maintaining his six pack with this secret food items. check it out here ->


  20. kale is usually on the Dirty Dozen list, the list with the 12 produce items that are most contaminated with -icides (pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, etc). That's why I always try to find organic produce. Plus, by buying organic I support an industry I believe in while starving the industry that I don't believe in.

  21. Potatoes and pasta really aren't that bad if you're eating them whole — with all the grain and skin intact. Just get some nutrient dense veggies on the side and you should be good.

  22. I don't eat meat and I don't leave the table hungry. I spend about the same on groceries as I did before I quit eating meat, but I eat a lot healthier.

  23. Organ meats and animal products from pastured animals (including raw dairy and eggs), bone broths and fermented foods have the highest nutrient value absent of caloric content which should ALWAYS be measured separately and therefore provides more bang for your buck. That's a real nutrition fact!

  24. So… let's calculate!
    What I eat in a day:
    Breakfast: 1 Apple, 2-3 bananas, green leftovers, spinach or salad: maybe 2 €
    Raw 2: the same or salad, maybe even with quater a block of Tofu or homemade hummus: 3€
    Cooked: some kind of cooked veggie and brown rice, potatoes, whole wheat pasta or sometimes lentils: 2€, depending on the vegetable
    Snacks: some fruit, nuts, a few times a month a bit of vegan dark chocolate: 2€
    Let's conclude: in total around 9 € for a day.
    Beat that, Omnis! 😉
    P.s.: I don't always eat rt4, but 2 raw and one cooked meal. And I know: I don't eat very much, but always when I'm hungry till I'm full and I try to eat more 🙂

  25. Add in the cost of Chemotherapy, Open heart surgery, Radiation treatment, Insulin, Drugs and being a vegan wins again.

  26. If you really want the highest amount of calories per dollar spent, grains and potatos still give you more bang for your buck than any animal product. I'm really not sure what made anyone think meat eating won on this front; nobody forces you to eat the "average" of a food group, so obviously selections for the purpose under consideration should be compared.

  27. But… Cost per calorie works perfectly fine when calculating your daily cost, as you need 2000 kcal per day with or without meat. This makes vegetables more expensive per day

  28. Wrong…not true…the fat in the cheese will satiate you much more. The fruit sugars will just make you hungrier. Veggies are almost neutral. Junk food is just that. MEAT…!!! not sure?

  29. I barely make ends meet. If I ate meat, dairy and processed foods, I’d go hungry most days. But as a vegan, I eat extremely healthy and it costs me a fraction of what omnivores spend a month.

  30. I hate how they say healthy foods are more expensive. Fruits and vegetables are cheap if you buy from ethnic grocery stores, and dry legumes/whole grains are just about the cheapest food there is, especially when bought in bulk.

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