Pallido, debole e vegano? Ottenere il ferro in una dieta vegana | Dr. Michael Greger di

I vegani sono spesso raffigurati come pallidi, deboli e anemici a causa della mancanza di carne nella nostra dieta. Ma la carenza di ferro è davvero un problema in una dieta a base vegetale? In questa intervista con il Dr. Michael Greger di, esaminiamo la differenza tra ferro eme e non eme, che è migliore per il nostro corpo, e quali fonti di cibo contengono ferro dietetico ideale. Tieni traccia della tua assunzione di ferro con Cronometer:

Prova Cronometer:

Tweetables: <br/> Diete a base vegetale Ottieni il giusto tipo di ferro:
Fagioli e verdure!:
Bistecca Di Spinaci:
Spinaci e bistecca Dai numeri:

Video in primo piano/Playlist:
Dr. Greger su Protein:
Dr. Greger su Omega 3:
Dr. Greger sul calcio:
Serie di nutrizione vegana con il Dr. Greger Playlist: http://bit .ly/WhereDoYouGetYour
Playlist salute, nutrizione e fitness:
Come diventare magri, in forma e tonici in quattro semplici passaggi: La mia routine di sollevamento pesi:

Entra in contatto con il Dr. Greger:

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100 Risposte a “Pallido, debole e vegano? Ottenere il ferro in una dieta vegana | Dr. Michael Greger di”

  1. I've been having a couple of nosebleeds, though I never have them. Last time I did was a couple years ago, when it was reaaally cold outside and I was biking, so I think the cold dry air popped something.
    But now, well it is winter again that I am having them and dry air. I had two in the shower, and now I am having a huge one after blowing my nose. I just took out a tissue of my nose and with it came a huuge clot of snot and blood. And I coughed up blood because it went down my throat.
    But you never know, maybe my blood is thinner or maybe it's the dry air, or both

  2. I Just got the result of my bloodest af ter 2 month of being vegan , everything fine exept too much iron, cholestérol and lac' of vitamin d, what CAN i do to improvove?

  3. Despite regularly eating the products you mention here, I ended up passing out with iron deficiency – my doctor said it was because I could only get enough of the type of iron found in meat from animal products, that I couldn't get what I need from plant based products. I'm looking into this now – I've also had B12 & vitamin D deficiencies on a vegan diet, and felt low in energy. I just don't know what I'm doing wrong 🙁

  4. Thanks for this video. I wish you and Dr Greger would address actual iron deficiencies in vegans though. How do you explain I had no iron deficiency when I turned vegan (did a blood test then and my iron levels were perfect) and three years later I now have one and suffer badly from it? I'm a raw vegan eating lots of fruits, greens (maybe not enough? but still), nuts (esp. cashews which are high in iron) and seeds.

  5. I added Silk, pure coconut milk in my cronometer and it says 0% b12, but on the label it says B12 50%. I'm confused.

  6. Thank you so much for this Emily! I'm already anemic and starting veganism so it's something I've been very concerned about. I'm currently using supplements but I'm glad that I see a way to stop taking them! You're amazing and my hero!!!

  7. I've been vegan for two years. For the past year I have done two blood tests, and my ferritin levels were extremely low. After my first initial blood test I made sure to each a lot of iron containing foods and I even took an iron supplement everyday. But still it shows I'm iron deficient. I just don't know what to do anymore…

  8. my brother is considering adopting a vegan lifestyle but he has hemochromatosis (too much iron in his blood) and his doctor has warned him about eating too many iron-Rich foods. any suggestions on what sort of foods he can have that won't hurt his condition?

  9. HELP! Im vegan but I'm 17 and I live with my parents today I got diagnosed with anemia and my parents want me to eat meat again! They are literally forcing me, what should I do? :'''(

  10. important to note is to cut down on tea and coffee on a vegan diet since they stop vegetable iron absorption. back when i was an exchange student in china my friends would always drink green tea, except when on their period. i didn't know why, it was only when i turned to veganism i made the connection!

  11. Hi Emily (or whoever is reading this), I am currently vegetarian (transitioning to veganism) I got my blood checked and now I got the results back and the doctor says I have an iron deficiency. I'm so pissed (excuse my French) I always thought veganism is the way to go and now I am iron deficient eventhough I DO eat lots of iron-rich Food. I don't EVER want to start eating meat again but I also don't want to take supplements. I'm female by the way. Any fellow vegans who can help me?😓

  12. Thanks for this video it was quite informative. I have hemocromotosis (don't actually know how to spell it) so i've never really worried about getting too little iron regardless of what i was eating, but my good friend who is a meat eater but considering veganism just got told his iron is too low, and his doctor recommended he eat more meat. So i called bullshit on that and sent him the link to this vid to give him the knowledge to improve his iron without all the crap that comes with dead flesh (and the sad stuff too).

    Whenever one of my friends tells me they have low calcium or anything like that i send them this way so they can have the facts instead of what their doctors say which always involves upping their intake of animal products.

    Your videos are such a help in these situations and actually help me in my studies as well as i have to design nutritionally balanced meals for children at different development stages and don't like to recommend animal products.

  13. I'm plant-based and I have all the symptoms of anemia : fatigue, dizziness, headaches, difficulty thinking and concentrating, depression .. 🙁 (for all my life)

  14. We have this thing at school where once a semester everyone has to eat at the school canteen because it´d go bankrupt otherwise (not many people eat there) and I was the only one who refused to pay and eat that because their meals are all non-vegan . My classmates encouraged me to ask for something vegan but I just didn´t want it anyway – now my class teacher thought I had a problem and offered to pay for me because she thought I don´t have the money and not that I do have principles XD I feel like people react as if I´m alien instead of vegan sometimes.

  15. 7 months vegan and I'm mildly anaemic (from 36 to 11)- but this is because in that time I also upped my tea/coffee consumption. Tea is great for health, but i am now limiting it to at least 2 hours away from meals!

  16. Thank you for the best channel on YouTube! It is compassionate, clever, empathic and funny ❤

    I study nutrition and is very interested in an article that shows what the dr said – that the hem iron can have a bad influence on our health. I have never heard this fact, and it could be interesting for my study 🙂

    And what about the factors that make it more difficult to absorb non hem iron? Can you do a video on that (with the doctor)? E.g peptides in legumes and phytic acid from whole grains can have a negative effect on the absorption. But how big an impact? I have a hard time finding it, and how much more you should eat to compensate.

  17. Hi! I was looking for some advice cause it really worries me the fact that I haven't gotten my period for 2 months. Before I went Vegas I got some blood tests that said my iron levels were just a bit low, but now that my diet has changed I hace also missed my period! I am only 15, but I was already pretty regular so idk what to think

  18. I had better iron levels during my vegan pregnancy than my vegetarian pregnancy, but I had massive blood loss and have been struggling to catch up. Molasses is an excellent source too, if you can stomach a couple tablespoons!

  19. Okay hi so I've been vegetarian for six years and recently went vegan about a month ago and started feeling constantly lightheaded and so I went to the doctor and they said I'm probably iron deficient and wanted to me eat meat and since I obviously don't want to eat meat and I already eat a lot of beans and greens as you say what can I do? Honestly any and all help is appreciated!

  20. Thanks for the video. Another way to get a tasty and phenomenally high amount of iron, calcium, magnesium, and healthy fat is Vegan hummus dip!! In a food processor or blender mix 1 cup toasted sesame seeds, 1 15oz. can of drained garbanzo beans(chick peas), 1 cup almond milk, 1/2 lemon(squeezed), 1 clove chopped garlic(or powder) and salt to taste. This recipe provides about 206% daily calcium, 146% daily iron, 165% daily magnesium requirements. This is 2-3 days worth of tasty hummus dip for me. You can also mix in 1 cup of 1-minute oats and a chopped onion to the hummus dip to make hummus burgers. Rejoice!

  21. lol i have a congenital heart condition so i feel like i tend to seem pale and weak and tired a lot already. ppl tell me i gotta eat meat omygod i just ignore them. but a lot of other ppl have lately been telling me i look great and healthy haha so uh whatever i guess.

  22. loving these videos! good to know and also good for telling ppl who are concerned about my health. re-educating society on true biology yay!

  23. I've been allergic to meats for nearly 3 years but all my life I've either had an iron deficiency or a zinc deficiency
    don't know if I've been anemic or not
    I am slowly going vegan this year, i know what happens to dairy cows, knowing that makes me gag

  24. wow i agree. i give my kids red lentils and their iron is great. the lower inside eyelids go pail when anemic. try lentils and spinach.

  25. Today, my GP was having trouble getting his head around my high (but still within guideline range) iron levels from my blood test haha

  26. Es gibt kein ‘w’ in ‘du’. Auf Englisch muss man überall ein ‘w’ hinzufügen, auch wenn es nicht so geschrieben ist, aber auf Deutsch soll man es lassen. 😉

  27. Girl u are crazy – der Anfang ist der Hammer XD
    P.S. the way you say "Blas und Schwach" its sounds like "Blasenschwach" I had to laugh so hard

  28. i came back from the hospital due to a knick on my thumb and was very disturbs of how uneducated doctors are.1st she told me i had a good blood supply to my arm and i figured great im doing something right .I told her it must be all the nice food ive been eating as before becomeing vegan it was very hard 4 them to find my veins.1st thing she said is arent your iron deficient from lack of iron.I told her noway i get more iron from veges than i have not being vegan.Omg her response was so brainwash related.She told me no your completely wrong about that.I then responded that ive done my research,many specialists online disagree and i dont believe that.Her response was pure brainwashing techniques.Stating that she is a professional doctor and that she was very educated lol 😛 (in my brain)i was thinking yep in like 2 hour training course right?neither included nutritional factual health info 😛

  29. The cooked spinach is important here because raw spinach contains a very high amount of oxalates which will bind to ferric iron and stop absorption; Zinc and calcium will too. Mustard greens, collard greens, and kale are all low in oxalates. Also, be careful of tea, coffee, and chocolate because they also contain anti-nutrient qualities.

  30. I have been vegan for over a year now (since 12th September 2016) and I had never really worried about iron as I eat lots of dark leafy greens. Then I showed my science teacher "What the Health", and he said he wouldn't be able to get enough iron on a vegan diet. I dismissed his claims, but kinda was a little worried. So I tracked my nutrients and had all of my recommend iron intake just from breakfast. I never really trusted him anyway, he said that cheesy, meaty pizza was a healthy breakfast food, AND smokes cigarettes 🤦🏽‍♀️

  31. According to cronometer I got 150% the RDA for iron today and I primarily just ate vegan junk food and whatever the hell else I wanted.

  32. Hey! great video!!! I was vegetarian some years and vegan others. Being vegetarian did not help AT ALL. So vegan is my beautiful way of eating, never again going back to vegetarian. When vegetarian I became iron deficiency, never in my vegan years! So vegan, vegan and vegan YES!!!

  33. 😂😂😂 it was so fun to hear you speak german!!! I've already recognized your german tattoos but didn't know you could actually talk in german pretty good! loved it….and the information your videos provide! thank you and freezing greetings from Germany 😊

  34. Hi…i hope you read this?
    Pls tell me what youre eating to get 2422 mg calcium?….i eat kale 6 times a day but dont have anything like that level 😑

  35. hi BSV!my mother is a vegan(that eats lots of the foods youve mentioned) and was diagnosed with low iron.When the docs heard about her lifestyle laughed and suggested her a supplement …aaand lots of beef meat

  36. The thing to note with tofu, though, is that soy protein blocks iron absorption. Fermented soy doesn't do this, but non-fermented soy products do. Also avoid tea, coffee, and chocolate. Tea (even green, chamomile, and peppermint) can block iron absorption by up to 90%, so don't drink it with meals. And to prevent the oxidation in cells caused by iron supplementation, be sure to take it with Vitamin C, which significantly reduces oxidation and allows cells to more easily absorb the iron.

  37. Soya chunks have lots of iron, calcium and fiber and have a meaty like texture. I geT them At an Indian store called Patels. The companies that make them are called Nutella and swad.
    They are really easy to make all, u do is boil them for a few minutes and rinse and drain them,and walla
    U can have boneless chickenless chunks if u put some hot sauce and seasonings or general tso chickenless chunks if u put the gen tso sauce on it. There is barbecue sauce too if u want barbecue chickenless chunks.
    Gluten free too!

  38. YASSSSS! GENAU, Das Deutsches Intro gefällt mir sehr! Tut mir Leid; mein Deutsch ist schlecht >__<
    that intro 😀 lol

  39. I’ve been a vegan for 9 years, I eat tons of beans and Whole Foods and just found out I’m anemic…. 😟 not sure what to do ….

  40. Great Clip !!! Fe Edu. I work in a hospital and so many patients are on iron supplements which constipate them. How ironic. Plant-based diet provides all the iron that we need but keeps us regular. FYI: the iron supplements in the hospital are green in color. I'm not sure why. PS: you are cute.

  41. i hear spinach's Iron is absorbed by the body at 2% rate.. so that 2.5 cups need to be more like 100 cups.. is my math wrong?

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