Flashback Friday: fagioli cotti o fagioli germogliati?

Come si confrontano i fagioli in scatola e quelli germinati (come le lenticchie germogliate) quando si tratta di proteggere le cellule cerebrali e distruggere il melanoma, i reni e il seno cellule cancerose.

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Per ulteriori informazioni sui fagioli, vedere: https://nutritionfacts.org/topics /fagioli

Altri video su consigli pratici per la preparazione includono:
Seconda strategia per cucinare i broccoli (
https://nutritionfacts.org/video/second-strategy-to-cooking-broccoli/)<br/> Il modo migliore per cucinare le patate dolci (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-best-way-to-cook-sweet-potatoes/)
Miglior metodo di cottura (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/best-cooking-method/)
Tè verde caldo freddo (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/cold- macerazione-te-verde/)
Il modo migliore per cucinare le verdure (
http:/ /nutritionfacts.org/video/best-way-to-cook-vegetables)

E per un gustoso ripieno di fagioli cena, prova il Three Bean Chili (https://nutri tionfacts.org/recipe/three-bean-chili/) dal mio How Not to Die Cookbook (nutritionfacts.org/cookbook).

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44 Risposte a “Flashback Friday: fagioli cotti o fagioli germogliati?”

  1. as far as I know, bean sprouts are poisonous, no? In general, seedlings are the “sun” on our table, they need to be eaten, there is a huge amount of literature on this subject, because the sleeping grain has high-molecular proteins, and when you germinate it, there are already short chains of peptides, and accelerated synthesis of vitamins

  2. Whoooo so pleased to here this, I absolutely love my soaked cooked beans. They have absolutely transformed and revolutionalised my diet. Something I intend to remain a staple!!

  3. Thank you, Dr. Greger. I'll have to look for organic canned lentils, never tried them. I'll probably eat more if I don't always have to cook my own 😊.

  4. What the study left out was the toxic excito-toxin additives a/k.a glutamic acid you get during the processing you find in almost any canned food. If you see "citric acid" on the label or "natural flavors" or any of a number of code names for what amounts to MSG, you've got them. So you are FAR better off taking the time to DYI. Of course Dr, Greger can't say that because that wouldn't help BIG FOOD or BIG MEDICA. Dr. Katherine Reid Biochemist is an expert and has first hand knowledge of the damage of excito-toxins. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3Se_2pCjMA There of course is also Dr Russel Blaylock, retired neurosurgeon author of EXCITO-TOXINS: THE TASTE THAT KILLS

  5. Awesome video as always Doc! I've followed you for a while and you've inspired me to achieve a healthier vegan lifestyle. I've even just created my own Youtube channel where I make short, easy and healthy vegan recipes with extra focus on the nutrition part (listing all macronutirents, calories, vitamins, minerals and more) to give people more tips on how to prevent any deficiencies and maximize their health on a vegan diet. I would love some support and feedback so please check it out and leave a like/comment and subscribe if you like it, thanks! 🙂

  6. As far as I know, cooking stuf destroys the nutrients. I think science doen't know all the nutrients yet, so that is why, when cooking tomatoes, we get more nutrients..

  7. Thank you Dr. Greger. Went to the Dr. today after listening to your advise on Plant Based Nutrition. After 6 months, here are the numbers.
    Before BP: 135/91
    After BP: 118/76

    Thanks to my special morning breakfast smoothie of:
    Kale/Spinach (1 cup shredded)
    1 Banana/5 Strawberries/ .5 cups Blueberries
    Dash of Lemon Juice/1 Date/2 Tbls Flaxseeds

    Eating cashews as I sip this delicious drink down almost every morning.

  8. Best by far is to boil or steam bean sprouts; lentils work especially well this way. Raw sprouts allow too much hemagglutinin and trypsin inhibitors into our diet.

  9. But what about the minerals ? One of the biggest problems of seeds, beans ,grains and nuts (basically everything able to sprout) is the phytic acid which decreases the bio availability of calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc. Phytic acid is also pretty heat stable, but it can be lowered by soaking and sprouting. As we know already, the human digestive tract is able to host bacteria that produces phytase and therefore helps with absorbing minerals from the food. But how good is the mineral absorbtion of cooked beans in comparison to sprouted beans? That is a far more interesting question.

  10. Apparently, there has been a paper written that confirms the efficacy of the AIP diet. I struggle with an autoimmune condition myself, and I would be grateful if you could make an unbias, scientifically accurate video about AIP, please.

  11. Check out doctor Mercolas article may 22th 2017 " The case against beans and all other foods containing lectins ". Beans chickpeas and lentils contain the highest amounts of lectins … according to this article.

  12. You should always say if these are test tube studies or internal human studies. I’m guessing they are test tube studies which basically mean very little since the human body works very differently then test tubes

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