Patatine fritte: e altre stupidaggini che dovremo spiegare ai nostri nipoti

Uno sguardo bizzarro al patriottismo e al consumismo in America. Esplora l'assurdità di molti dei gesti simbolici che hanno recentemente pervaso la nostra cultura, come lo spreco di vino francese perfettamente buono e lo sventolamento di bandiere americane di fabbricazione cinese. Con l'aiuto di un eminente studioso e di un attivista sociale schietto, questo film traccia una relazione concreta tra il consumismo americano e il patriottismo.

42 Risposte a “Patatine fritte: e altre stupidaggini che dovremo spiegare ai nostri nipoti”

  1. "The red represents the blood the French never spilled for freedom
    Lol, how ignorant.

    "France makes it an anti-american affair"
    How hypocritical, way to turn the tables on this.

    Good video

  2. @MrFussmucker He wants to go back to the gold standard. That WILL destroy our very electronic focus economy nowadays.

  3. America is the greatest country of all. But let us not forget that such greatness will end if we do not protect and preserve all the things that keep us alive.

  4. 28:00

    Guy: "Fuck Xzibit, I know how to pimp my car." (Goes ahead and shows off car in detail.)

    White man: "What do you think about our Foreign Policy?"

    Guy: "Foreign what?"

  5. The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.
    (2 Thessalonians 2:9-10 ESV).

    George bush and all the elite leaders are all puppets and are planted here to decieve you all !! what ever your religion is or no religion at all dont be fool by these false people thaat are led by satan !

  6. One way or another, we are FREE to behave the way we want.

    Want people to change? Start by changing yourself.

    I had the privilege of studying an MBA in the USA. It was hard as hell to get in, but I fought for it because I wanted to live the American dream. However, as soon as I graduated I got the HELL out of that country. They train you to be somebody’s little bitch. FREEDOM to be a MODERN SLAVE.


  7. wow at the beginning the American guy said' this red wine represents the blood the French have never lost in the name of freedom', how can people be this stupid, why did the French give the USA that gift 'the statue of liberty' they shed enough blood for the USA to become the USA, do not Americans get the same history lessons as us in Europe (seems not), bet the same guy wishes he'd shut his mouth now with what he should know now about that/this war, its about rich getting richer using the poor

  8. Fantastic film, made by Americans for sleeping Americans, a wakey wakey film for them that most of Europe know so much about and see it almost as plain as day, probably the east does too and ain't that sad, munch those Freedom fries and you ll be free too (but probably not for as long as the industry will be) but as the Advert says "JUST DO IT"

  9. In recent news Jesus came down for Heaven looked around for around for 30 seconds said. "I don't get paid enough to deal with this shit" and left…!

  10. "This wine does not represent the blood the French spilled for freedom"
    how about when the French liberated usa from being a british colony?

  11. Not all Americans supported the War in 2001. Millions of Americans were opposed to the War, and saw the stupidity of "Freedom Fries" and other stupid things like waving American Flags made in China.

  12. This is a pretty good movie. I thought it was going to be complaining about George Bush and the GOP, but it's actually a pretty good look at Consumerism in the U.S… It is funny though how the guy keeps suggesting the solution is to drive more fuel efficient cars instead of SUVs. In a documentary about consumerism, the guy is saying 'Buy THIS, instead of THAT".. can't help but laugh at those parts.

  13. The USA is a consumer based democracy. The only way to enact change is to change your purchasing behavior. You won't stop buying a necessary vehicle because you can't, the transportation system in the US is design to prevent you from having better options. All you can do is decide to be less wasteful in your purchasing decisions, within the constraints of a broken system… At the moment anyway… It'll take 100 years and systemic resource shortages before we start truly fixing the system.

  14. yea im sure the french forgot how many americans died on their soil during WW2… just like they forgot that we stole their gold in vietnam.

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