Peperoni e Parkinson: i benefici del fumo senza i rischi?

Il contenuto di nicotina nelle verdure della belladonna (pomodori, patate, melanzane e peperoni) potrebbe proteggere dal morbo di Parkinson?

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Benefici del fumo? Guarda l'industria del tabacco gongolare nel mio video precedente: Qualcosa nel tabacco è protettivo contro il morbo di Parkinson? (

I peperoni possono effettivamente essere crudi più sani. Vedi Miglior metodo di cottura (

E se mangi prodotti a base di pomodoro, scegli pomodori interi, schiacciati oa cubetti invece di salsa di pomodoro, purea o concentrato. Come mai? Vedere Inibizione dell'attivazione piastrinica con semi di pomodoro (<br/>
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• Why Was Heart Malattia rara nel Mediterraneo? (
• La dieta mediterranea o una dieta vegetale completa? (
• PREDIMED: mangiare noci previene gli ictus? (
• Quali parti della dieta mediterranea allungano la vita? (
• I Flexitarian vivono più a lungo? (
• Migliorare la Dieta Mediterranea ( )
• Dieta Mediterranea e Aterosclerosi (http://nutritionfacts .org/video/mediterranean-diet-and-aterosclerosi)

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47 Risposte a “Peperoni e Parkinson: i benefici del fumo senza i rischi?”

  1. bell peppers are among the most valuable plant foods and anything that provides valuable nutrition will help to balance the body systems, so surely yes, don' t wait for a 'scientist' to tell you they've proven you'll be healthier by eating healthy food!!

  2. The nations living in the Balkan Peninsula have a special traditional dish – AJVAR – which is made from peppers, eggplants and tomatoes, and thay make it for winter and store it in glass jars. I suppose that you can buy it in all big stores around Europe and SAD. They have another seasonal dish that is made from the same ingredients, with the addition of onion, called SATARAŠ. You can chek how its made on YouTube. =) I hope this was helpfull

  3. Could you make a video about ideology chronic pancreatitis?? My son got juvenile diabetes which is type 1 since he has been 12 years old and just a few years ago he got chronic pancreatitis just out of the blue.. He doesn't drink or smoke or do any kind of drug so no one can figure it out. I can't go into the doctor's office with him because he's over 18 yrs old. So I'm pretty much in the dark except what I read on the internet. Any information would be greatly appreciated…

  4. Does this remind anyone of that Simpsons episode where Homer accidentally makes a hybrid of tomatoes and tobacco using radiation? Bart becomes addicted to tomatoes and the tobacco industry wants to pay an ungodly amount of money to buy the Tomaco.

  5. Great news to hear, Dr.. I have stuffed green pepper with lentil and brown rice and crushed tomatoes for several days. It's yummy.

  6. Tomatoes seem to make my psoriasis worse. I know this happens with a lot of people. Any thoughts on the uglier side of nightshades, Doctor?

  7. I knew eggplants contained nicotine in far less concentrated amounts than tobacco through my own random curiosity research. I didn't know that other nightshade plants like tomatoes, potatoes, and bell peppers have some nicotine though! The cliché goes… you learn something new every day .

  8. I believe nicotine can have a positive effect ulcerative colitis. My brother acutely quit smoking and developed UC. His GI hinted at trying a nicotine patch. He didn't. It took some time, but ultimately his UC was cured. I remember an episode of "House", where his patient had IBS/ flatulence. Dr. House superscribed smoking 2 cigarettes a day. Yes, fiction, but loosely based on medicine.

  9. Dr. Greger, can you do a video on iodine, and maybe the best and worst ways it can affect us, since most of us are deficient. My wife struggles with vitamin D deficiency but hates milk, and vitamin B. We are on our 4th little one and she seems so fatigued, her Dr. said, "take centrum"…..Just curious. Appreciate all your videos!!!

  10. It is such a frustrating puzzle. Just went through the end of life of someone with Parkinson's. She smoked at several points in her life and drank caffeinated beverages heavily through most of her life. However about 10 year ago, went off caffeine due to afib, and symptoms came up within a few years. Coincidence? So puzzling.

  11. Could it be people die younger if they smoke and hence less smokers get this disease which is more commonly a late in life onset disease?

  12. When I used to walk through the tobacco section of the store my breathing improved, so I tried just smelling pipe tobacco and improved my breathing difficulties more. Smoke had the opposite effect. Always wondered why.

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