Perché il bagno nella foresta aumenta la funzione delle cellule killer naturali?

L'aroma degli oli essenziali del legno può replicare gli effetti immunitari di una passeggiata in una foresta? In che modo il bagno nella foresta influisce sulla funzione delle cellule natural killer.

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• Migliorare le prestazioni atletiche con Peppermint ( -performance-atletica-con-menta-piperita/)
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100 Risposte a “Perché il bagno nella foresta aumenta la funzione delle cellule killer naturali?”

  1. Being surrounded by nature grounds us to the earth. In a small forest, the milivolts in our body is zero which is ideal. At zero our blood flow is faster bring blood circulation up.

  2. I knew immediately what the title meant when I read it. I leave my cell behind during my morning walks on the trails. I can feel the stress melt away. It definitely a spiritual thing for me!!

  3. Questions: How long do you need to be in the forest, or use the essential oils, for it to have this effect? 8 hours? 5 hours? 1 hour? And, is there a minimal and optimal number of hours for there to be an effect? For instance, if you need 3 hours for an effect, does 8 hours make the effect more pronounced, or do you reach your optimal effect at the 3-hour exposure?

  4. Earthing or grounding is the feeling you get from touching Mother Earth. We're insulated from nature. You NEED to touch the earth with your bare skin. You're still an animal on this rock.

  5. Getting away from the insanity and artificialities of the current socio-economic system and all the stressors that the system creates.. also improves health. We should really spend most of our in nature but unnecessary jobs force us to abuse our bodies instead. Sunlight, aromas, fresh air, beneficial microbes and more essential health promoting factors… it's a crime that people are being denied healthy living.

  6. Amazing information! I know NutritionFacts often references the Adventist Health Studies. Here is a 1902 quote from a famous Adventist author about the health-giving properties of trees: “There are life-giving properties in the balsam of the pine, in the fragrance of the cedar and the fir. And there are other trees that are health-promoting. Let no such trees be ruthlessly cut down. Cherish them where they are abundant, and plant more where there are but few.” – Ellen G. White

  7. One thing that doesn't quite connect: in the previous video we saw that even thinking about getting to go to the forest may have a beneficial effect like actually going to the forest. Clearly no pinene involved in that scenario.

  8. In New Hampshire you can see the many invaders from Massachusetts walking through our forests with their masks on.

  9. I grew up surrounded by orange groves. The smell of orange blossoms is such a wonderful, powerful aroma that when I just imagine smelling it, I feel my happy endorphins doing their happy dance!

  10. I live near a big, old, forest. Even the part you drive through makes you feel better if you put the windows down 🙂

  11. Yet people in the UK are being fined for going to places like the woods as we are in the middle of a lockdown. If only they knew how much people really need the outdoors in times like these. Mentally and physically!

  12. I love learning from NutritionFacts fascinating team research, thankyou so much! I love herbal scents especially lavender and rose water and ylang-ylang for therapeutic and mindful wellness. I recently bought slippery elm bark powder by indigo herbs is that also of benefit for instigating natural killer cells too? excellent love the activation of natural killer cells by reducing stress and less cortisol. love microorganisms to boost the immune system. That is so cool, love that trees produce aromatic volatile compounds called phytoncides like pinene breathed into the lungs for immune-boosting effects. Amazing that 1 hour after exposure to pinene can circulate through the blood inducing natural killer cell activity, with added cypress, white cedar, eucalyptus, or pine and the cancer cells don't stand a chance. Amazing that vaporizing some of the essential oils significantly boosted natural killer cell activity. Love that these phytoncide compounds are part of the tree's own immune system, with a correlation between forest population and lower cancer occurrence

  13. Hi Dr. Greger! Big fan of your work! I have a type of Ehlers Danlos Syndrome where my glutamine is being replaced by lysine. What are the best sources of glutamine on a vegan diet? Thanks!

  14. Great science based evidence on the benefits of forests/nature. Florence Henderson included this information and so much more in her book the Nature Fix. Vast amounts of research also points to the mental health benefits of walking/hiking/running in nature as opposed to urban settings. It's basically how EMDR, used to treat PTSD and other mental health issues, was discovered. Nature!

  15. The danger in any health advice is that people get way too focused on one thing. On defeating one gremlin or bad guy. Or ramping some ostensibly healthy or beneficial thing up to the nth degree. There's real balance needed in all of this. A great centering, a harmonious medium.

    Besides, I've got some trees for you to smell right here. G doesn't like the most beneficial plant on the planet though. He still thinks it's bad for you. What's bad for us are the chemical fertilizers and pesticides being sprayed on our plants and dropped in the soil which can make a vegan diet deadly. You can smoke dried spinach leaves and tell me all about how bad spinach is for me too. Doesn't have dip to do with the spinach. But boy do we love to demonize cannabis. So dumb man.

  16. Following the Carnivores and Gundry logic:
    Hence its the forrest innate immunsystem, trying to defend itself from predators with its Planttoxins, it would be very unhealthy for us humans to go into the woods.

  17. Beware, not everyone will benefit.
    Trees give off pollen and a miasma of toxic chemicals (to ward off insects), I can’t go anywhere with trees in the early part of the year.
    That said pine trees seem to do good.

  18. I am healthy 63 year old . Hike on trails breathing fresh healthy air in Alaska . Live in rural property .Never get colds or any communical diseases . However my neutrophils are ,always low.alll my life! . Blood,work last week showed
    1379 neutrophil cells. Should be within 1550 to 1780cells/I'm. Should I be worried ?

  19. I'm very lucky to live next to small area of pine trees on top of hill in my city (Wellington) I got up there around sunset, and I see maybe one other person. It is so spiritual and uplifting for me, just listening to my music.
    Nature is good for the soul – and the body apparently!

  20. So Michael, This begs the question, are there any studies where cortisol levels are lowered by some proven intervention (ex. Having subjects vigorously exercise on a treadmill in the presence of…) in conjunction with the essential oils intervention already proven efficacious to see if, or to r/o if, that is the magic combo? Thank you SO much for your amazing life's work!!!

  21. It's not that forests have an inherent immune-boosting effect it's that urban and even suburban life is so toxic by comparison.

  22. wow, please can you cover more information regarding essential oils and their anti-cancer effects please, thanks. The research in this area is amazing

  23. We live in a 100% plantbased community and we currently live in a jungle and are moving to a 15 acre property with several homes. It would be amazing if you could do some studies on our community to see how our health as 100% a plantbased community in a rain forest/ jungle! Let me know what you think?

  24. I think I have known this for a long time, interesting to have it explained scientifically.
    Off for a walk in the piñons 😋

  25. Have you ever even been to a forest? Here in Canada, mosquitoes would pick you up and carry you away…. but more importantly, do you even lift bro?

  26. Thank you Dr. Michael for the valuable information. I learned a lot from your videos.
    I have non nutrition related question. What technology (software) do you use to create your videos? I am a teacher and I like the way how you present the information, and I think it is a good method for virtual and distance learning.

  27. I like the health facts you present. On your statement about evolving over millions years, and even though presented as fact in our schools, the theory of evolution still remains a theory – not a fact. Cheers

  28. Have you ever wondered how awesome it would be to chat with a tipsy Dr. Greger at a bar about forest bathing? Play the video at 0.5x 🙂 (discovered this while taking notes)

  29. I have no doubt that the fragrance from plants is healing .. I do believe there’s more to the health benefits of bathing in a forest though such as “grounding”..
    I have a grounding mat that I use daily and the instant I touch it with my feet .. it’s like every cell in my body is released from all stress . It’s why so many people also find a shower or bath so soothing .. if you are standing in water that is touching the drain — you are grounded..

  30. We moved our family away from the city to a 10acres block with pine trees in forested areas. It’s been 8 years growing most of our own veg and my immune system is the strongest it’s ever been. No more seasonal flu and colds

  31. well one should consider that walking, sunlight and the aromas/pine pollens inhaled are all working together! Go outside and play like your Mama told you

  32. I have an small booklet from 1976 in Swedish called "The Old Herb Man's 25 Wonderful Healing Plants". Yes, isn't it a cute! According to this a professor B Tokin in the Soviet union studied the affects of phutoncides in plants on different deseases. He used RAW ONION PASTE because of the extra richness of phutoncides in onions. So therefore it turned out it isn't only the vitamin C that is beneficial to fight the cold but rather the phutoncides. Love lots! Kicki

  33. I watch this video the most & just realized today that my fav fragrance (hinoki cypress) is listed which gives me an amazing feel everyday. Try a sample of hinoki by monocle-X-comme-des-garcons or hinoki shower gel by Le-Labo.

  34. After watching this I am even more glad to be the person who walks my family doctorˋs dog through the woods 4 days a week (my doctor is a kind man without any clue about good nutrition 😉 who prefers to keep it this way 🤔). The dog and I are the winner 😊

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