Perché le persone non mangiano in modo più sano?

Il cosiddetto pregiudizio di ottimismo può ostacolare uno stile di vita sano.

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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione nutrizionale basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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100 Risposte a “Perché le persone non mangiano in modo più sano?”

  1. The problem often relies on authorities. People expect their government to protect them, their doctors to help them get out of trouble when needed, their food to be healthy regardless of where it's bought etc etc. This has caused lots of confusion. Doctors generally do not advise people how to eat healthy, the government allows the sell of junk food, food is sold with additives and artificial ingredients etc etc… The blame mostly relies on the people we have come to trust when in reality the people we trust screw us over and over again. Everyone should be educated in nutrition since elementary but it's not done… Of course when people get ill and see that their own doctor just prescribes pills over and over and over again they begin to question the system in place and begin to educate themselves in human nutrition. And even educating yourself in human nutrition is confusing. You have so many people tell you eat this eat that not that but this etc etc… Everyone has an agenda. People often rely in intuition and what has worked for other people which is something the medical community often rejects and labels it as anecdotal because their isn't a Pharma study to prove it works. Just saying.

  2. there are many factors that play a role in this scenario but when over 30% of the population in this country is obese and then you look out your car window as you drive past every fast food joint possible, every commercial on TV one consumes is promoting unhealthy foods and the lack of discipline we as a nation end up in the scenario we are currently in

  3. pizza tastes too good.. 🙁
    I go a few days without greasy food and I have serious cravings, it's worse than withdrawal from quitting smoking.
    When I have those cravings, if I just cook my usual relatively healthy pasta, I'm good, but sometimes I succumb to the seduction of delicious cheese on pizza

  4. Thank you for keeping us informed! Sometimes these videos serve me as a personal reminder to keep eating healthy when I slip.

  5. Try to talk to someone about diet and most all will immediately get defensive and argue their diet is the best diet. Other than my immediate family, I gave up trying to help others years ago.

  6. I went WFPB 8 weeks ago, lost 18 lbs, feel better than in my twenties (I worked out religiously in the Navy and was in great shape), and am absolutely gobsmacked at the results. I'm now disgusted by unhealthy foods. What started out as a fad diet is now the only food that tastes good to me. I thought I'd miss meat. For now I hate it.

  7. People treat their bodies like dumpsters. So when a big fat scam like Covid and vaccines comes along these same people are not clear headed enough to say "No"Junk food primes humanity for willing acceptance of oppression

  8. Most people do not believe our most common diseases can be prevented or reversed. Most people think that meat is healthy.

  9. I eat healthy on and off. Unhealthy food and sugar is like an addiction. I feel a huge amount of boredom without having junk food sometimes.

  10. Maybe because we’re told how healthy vegetables are when they actually are highly inflammatory due to their self protection mechanisms. Then we’re told animal foods are bad, while people have brain damage from the lack of saturated fat.

  11. This reminds me of a survey results paper I read years ago that 90% of Americans rated themselves as eating a healthy diet. When 70% of the US adult population is at least overweight 🤦🏻‍♂️

  12. You mentioned at least once that EGGS provide ABSOLUTELY NO BENEFIT whatsoever to the huiman body – correct?

    Would you please explain more in depth WHY that is – since other experts DISAGREE, citing eggs as the best source of CHOLINE, a necessary compund for one's health.

  13. I do, got rid of all plants and cured every ailment I had. Great if you can with plants too, just so much harder. Either way is loads better than SAD.

  14. Respectfully totally disagree with Dr. Gregor on this one. 

    "You gave cancer to yourself" is true on one level, sure, if you look only at what the person themselves were doing physically. Zooming out though, if fast-food companies hadn't been trying so hard to get addicted to their junk, they also probably would not have cancer, and zooming out further, people eat junk so much because of the thoughts they were thinking in their head, eg, they've been misinformed. This very video shows that a predominant number of people erroneously think that their harmful behaviors will harm them less than they'll harm other people. 

    Why do they think that? Probably, again, because this is a narrative that you buy, right along with the food from these fast-food companies. In their ads, they don't say, "come on in and eat our morbid obesity!" or show you films of real people eating at their real restaurants, they say, "just stop on in for lunch!" and they show you models who were paid to sit in their real restaurants and act like they'd ever eat there as much as the average person in the restaurant. The marketers know they only have to convince people that less harm will befall them than their average consumer, make them feel special (again, we hear lots of commercials that say all kinds of nice things about what hard-working, good people their consumers are). 

    This is not a personal accountability issue. It's always, always possible for someone to become convinced by another that they've given something enough vigilance. There are people here watching this because they've decided that Dr. Gregor takes a lot of time to do the diligent work that they'd ordinarily do ourselves but they can't, and from that become convinced that so long as they take his word seriously, they will have given their health enough vigilance. On the other hand, people who run away from the McDonalds because they were convinced by Dr. Gregor to take "personal accountability" can easily run straight into the arms of the next keto diet book author. So long as there not going to go do all the work themselves, they have to trust someone and something.

    When you push the mindset of "take personal accountability now!" you're still operating in a manner where you can be easily led astray by some opportunist who will try to convince you that you've reached a finish line and you can quit. It's reductive. People out there will convince you that personal accountability is this binary thing that you can reach and then it's done. When you orient your actions around ALWAYS wanting to never exploit those smaller or more vulnerable than you to the greatest degree, such as your children who need you to be in good health, you're motivated to go beyond these artificial goal-posts that people want to convince you exist, and that you've reached them so you can stop.

    I realize it's a subtle distinction, but telling someone they did it to themselves in a health context is similar to victim-shaming in a sexual context, and victim-shaming just doesn't work. Victim-shaming is why people who have been sexually assaulted once tend to get sexually assaulted again. You need to teach abuse victims to adopt a "perpetrator always wrong, victim never wrong" attitude, and help them see that anyone out there can always become either a perpetrator or a victim. Then, they'll always strive for the greatest expression of sexual safety and pleasure in all situations for the sake of the people who they might unintentionally cause to feel a little victimized, and that's when you've truly inoculate them the greatest amount from further abuse. 

    The corollary here is that we can't make it sound like whether or not took accountability for their health was a binary, yes/no thing. What they did wrong was not making personal accountability an ongoing strive for total perfection, on behalf of those who depend on their good health but don't have as much control over it as they do. That's the only thing that can truly cause major emotional and behavior changes, speaking as someone who has actually conquered sexual assault-related PTSD.

  15. THIS is so important. Please make more videos about how to implement the positive habits additional to the question what is healthy.
    Would be great if you interview Huberman for this topic.

  16. Because even if you do you will get sick anyway. People I know eating a whole plant based diet for over 14 years have just been diagnosed with Thyroid cancer and need to have surgery, an other one cancer of the breast and plant based for nearly 10 years. Many others that never cared to do any diets and taking any supplements never seen a hospital all their life. Many people I spoke to told me constantly that everyone eventually will get sick and die. Some earlier some a little later but all will end up underground and what we eat it is just a part of the big picture that very few if none understands fully. This is what people think for the majority.

  17. I eat meat almost exclusively, occasional apple etc. as a sweet treat. I believe I'm eating healthy and historically appropriate. All the modern vegetables didn't exist 10,000 years ago.

  18. I think is also issue of inequality

    Healthy eating requires knowledge and affluence, because fresh healthy food is expensive even tho advocates say it’s not

    I live in a big city, eat whole food plant based, and it’s like $800/ month. I also spend at least 1-2 hrs per day cooking, and most of day eating at work cuz so much fiber. Lots of people can’t do that

    Also on personal level, have to go through enough suffering before ready to change

  19. Doing Dr Greger's diet very strictly for a good month now. Unfortunately haven't noticed any improvements. Asthma didn't change at all, digestion is definitely worse than before (or at least it's still not used to the new diet) and eczema is stronger than ever before which is very surprising :-/

  20. How about the chemicals that are added to edible things, not real food, that causes addictions or habits that hides the dangers of choices…

  21. Yes but I'm not a separate individual. I only exist as part of a social group. You can't advocate that a social primate behaves against all the norms of its group. It would be difficult and cruel. We have to take collective action. Sure that is made up of individual actions but it isn't all down to the individual. You can not take personal responsibility for winning a football match or a war you can only do your bit.

  22. This brought to mind Peter Josephs 'structural violence' concept in which the market economy should ultimately be held accountable for taking advantage of peoples physchobiological vulnerability. as mentioned in the video the advertising shows people having a great time eating unhealthy food and works by manipulating our need for social inclusion by making us have fomo. knowing this though for most people, may paint a grim stockholm syndrome like perspective of the reality of the capitalist consumerism agenda and only lead to even greater weakened will by inducing apathy.

  23. I don't even need to watch this video. Nearly everyone I know is either overweight or obese. They literally don't care. They think it's funny the way they splurge and junk all the time and when you bring it up, you're the ass that doesn't know how to live life because that's what they tell me. I'm anal and boring while they're enjoying life. Even when health issues arise they don't really change anything. It's the norm to be unhealthy and eat like crap. At least where I'm from.

  24. Michael Gregor this may be one of the most pertinent videos you've made. I would love for you to do more deep dives on what drives psychological human behaviour around nutrition & health. The research you site always opens my eyes, these behaviours are always so much more complicated and nuanced than our dominant culture leads us to believe.

  25. Please don't underestimate the addictive effect of food and food marketing. We have learned to love the animal based diet from years and years of marketing. Cravings are intense. So give people knowledge and opportunity and time.

  26. I think it all goes back to the pleasure trap.

    I just think that, somehow, we are hardwired to seek short-term pleasure.

    I've been eating primarily a whole food plant-based diet for a year now. For about 6 weeks, I tried the no salt/sugar/oil approach, and I had to relax the rules for myself a little in order to stay on "the program." So once a week, I'll eat mock meat, or have a vegan pizza, or will use vegan salad dressing with oil. Last weekend, I baked some vegan cookies.

    While I'm still finding ways to increase the flavor of the food I eat – and I'm really enjoying it – I don't think the food I'm eating now is as pleasurable or flavorful as what I was eating as an omnivore.

    I think there is definitely a learning curve. My reality, though, is that to stay plant-based, I will most definitely be using some coconut cream and some processed vegan foods to increase my enjoyment and pleasure and what I'm eating.

    I don't miss meat. I don't miss eggs. I still miss dairy. I still miss seafood. I don't know that I will ever not miss them. But I can live without them and enjoy my meals enough to continue with this.

  27. I feel like a hypocrit when I say that I eat healthier than most. I know that I eat less processed food and more vegetables than most people do. Most of my grocery runs are for vegetables. I often see grocery carts without a single item from the produce section. We don't want to face how badly most of us eat.

  28. So flippin true! I'm a junk vegan. Former smoker. Fat, Type 2 Diabetic with beginning emphysema. I'm responsible for ALL of this. I remember a health professional telling me that my diabetes is hereditary and not my fault, whether or not I was aware of a family history. Baloney. I'm now trying to eat more WHOLE plant foods and little to no highly processed foods. I'm trying to walk daily to strengthen my lungs. Lifestyle matters.

  29. Not agreeing with this video. We eat junk because we are programmed to search for calorie dense foods so we can survive and pass on our genes. According to The Pleasure Trap by Dr. Lisle, we humans are pleasure seeking, pain avoidance and energy conservation. Once humans add oil, salt and sugar to food, the food becomes super normal stimuli and when we eat these kinds of food our nervous system tells us we are doing the right thing for our survival. This is the same as cigarettes, alcohol and drug addiction. That's why it's so hard to quit. So our environment has to be blamed and if we remove such addictive foods from our house, work, etc we can hopefully survive this.

  30. This is a great video, thank you, it provided me with some insight on why change is so hard for some of my family members.

  31. Dirty Genes is a great little book to open your eyes even further about root causes, Videos here (YT) about the food industry are another source on why processed foods are extremely bad for you. A squeaky clean dietary lifestyle is more critical now. We already live in a highly toxic world. Eat as clean as you can afford. Whole foods fill you up with solid nutrition so you need less and you save on doctor bills later! We are more than what we eat. What you cannot shit out matters just as much (toxicity often stays in body which leads to disease.)

  32. I decided to take responsibility for my own health so I stopped eating plants and eat only raw meat now.

  33. I bet your condescending attitude is really gonna help us ignorant masses. Must be hard to be so smart and healthy amongst us sheep. I’m gonna have some steak and eggs now. ✌️

  34. There is not enough grass fed meat and organic fruit and vegetables to feed the planets populace. The problem is over population. The cost of healthy foods is much higher. There is nothing wrong with fats! This is fallacy pushed by interest groups.

    The food industry responds with grains and sugar. There is more profit. The medical and pharmaceutical interests want to keep you barely alive for you are their market. How many folks on medicines are being cured?

  35. Spend more money on better food and less on the rubbish made in China. Forget retail therapy for the endorphins soon subside when the purchase is brought home or worn. Check out your closet , do you still get the same Adrenalin rush on clothes bought 2 years ago? Is your kid still playing with that plastic toy or is it in the garage under other stuff and junk?

    If you want to be happy be compassionate. If you want others to be happy be compassionate “. The Dalai LamA

  36. People don't eat healthier because of the following reasons :(1) Proper nutrition is a pain in the ass. Preparing a healthy meal involves knowledge of which foods are healthy and preparing them accordingly. It takes time, organization and labor to buy, prep and cook healthy raw vegetables to come out delicious.Usually 2 hours give or take to make a healthy meal from scratch.(2)Fast Food: Availability of fast food along all main roads is tasty and convenient but very unhealthy .Try and find a health food meal already deliciously prepared at a reasonable price . (3 ) Discipline : It takes discipline and will power to make yourself eat healthy CONSISTENTLY. People know certain foods trigger feel good chemicals in the brain . Temptation to feed your brain cheap fast fast food instead of slow digesting whole food plant based for your body is common. This falls under the Standard American Dumb Ass Diet which most people eat . In conclusion you need to be a nutrition master and trained chef that can CONSISTENTLY make healthy meals every day of the week which most people cant be bothered to.

  37. There is misinformation and propaganda from the meat and dairy industry, strong cultural links to certain types of food and as we see here, there are the lies we tell ourselves about our habits. I think that there is also something quite simple at work here. I have learned about the link between animal food products and common chronic diseases, I can make a convincing case for the connection between industrial food production and climate change and I know about zoonotic diseases, the loss of biodiversity, the unspeakable cruelty to animals and the threat to the efficacy of antibiotics. What I can't fight, in my discussions with others, are two simple facts: unhealthy food is easily obtained and it tastes delicious.

  38. I learned this the hard way; when I had cancer. It was my fault; my bad habits. It was the thing that saved my life. No more justifying.

  39. For me it's all of the contradicting information put out by different supposed authorities on what is supposed to be the healthiest diets.

  40. It is a matter of convenience. If grocery stores were full of prepared healthy foods (fresh and frozen) then it would be easy to eat healthy and more people would do it.

  41. Otherwise decent talk beside the meat bashing. "Meat ain't that bad for you" – quality (red) meat is one of the best foods out there. Junk food is the problem (there are vegan foods and meat in it).

  42. I'll tell you why…..healthy food is a hell of a lot more expensive than unhealthy/junk food!

  43. Eating meat has never been proven to be dangerous. I eat more meat and eggs than anyone I know, yet look younger than anyone else my age. The most unhealthy people I know eat the standard American diet. Have had Covid three times with hardly any effects. Vegan friend of mine almost died from the same Covid virus. We have been lied to about diet, and still are. Whole foods including meat are the right things to eat.

  44. My father who was a meat eater lived till 90yrs. Of course he always ate mostly unprocessed unboxed food. My mother ate mostly coffee an donuts in her old age and also lived till 90 yrs. They never ate fast food or take out. They were both raised in an agrarian society of the hills in the Mediterranean.

  45. As you said, “the truth is still the truth”, and one of the truths you neglected here is that vegan food does not taste good. Unless you are using toxic quantities of condiments to create flavor or cover unpleasant flavors, vegetables are, at best, bland. I’ve been eating vegan for six months now and, despite all the propaganda about how everything will magically start to be delicious, it hasn’t and probably won’t. Unless you are able to find a way to make bland food more palatable, most people aren’t going leave their delicious, but toxic, diets for food that tastes like lawn clippings slathered with sheetrock joint compound.

  46. People are lazy! Plain and simple, Eating healthy requires one to cook clean and making healthy food taste good also eating all organic based products gets pricey!!!

  47. lazy and they are bombarded with horrible fast food commercials that promise if you eat their crap your day will be better. that sums it up

  48. A lot of people are now diabetic or on low carb and refuse to eat more fruits and veggies. It’s all about chicken breast and rice in fitness circles

  49. I am a staunch believer in foods as medicine. To me it is alarming how the costs of healthy choices continue to soar. This is an impediment for many people.

  50. If ever there were a time for the cold, hard, harsh truth, its when a doctor knows a patient's behavior has nearly killed them. Doctors aren't their patients parents. They need to treat people like the adults that they are. Science should never be soft-pedaled. If the patient gave themselves cancer, they SHOULD feel guilty. If that one person you knew when you were a teenager, who died of cancer, hated themself for doing it to themself, everyone around them would be less likely do that themselves. Not to mention; if they got a dose of honesty along with their diagnosis, they'd have a better chance of changing their behavior, and therefore beating it.

  51. There are too many schools of thougt out there. So many, hundreds, of diets. I am confused. Of course everybody knows what a bad diet Is, but almost nobody knows what a good one Is either. So… You Just end up thinking: well nobody knows for sure.

  52. cuz it dont taste as good or it takes much more effort to make taste good, speaking as someone with cancer and trying their best to eat whole food plant based

  53. Another enjoyable presentation. As a shopping cart snob I'm free from the self delusions presented here but it's still nice to hear how those "other people" fib their way across or through the dinner table.

  54. Dr Greger manages to be diplomatic yet incisive. The current taboo surrounding stating the truth, lest offence be caused, is costing lives. Had I not years ago been the recipient of some straight talking, I would not be here to say this.

  55. it was an eye opener to realize pizza burgers musubi are not food … raw fruits vegies r food. you need a juicer for me to convert. plus shredder and butribullet

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