Pesce e diabete

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DESCRIZIONE: La relazione tra consumo di pesce e rischio di diabete può essere dovuta a inquinanti tossici che si accumulano nella catena alimentare acquatica.
Questa è la prima di una serie di video in 3 parti sul ruolo che gli inquinanti industriali possono svolgere nella nostra epidemia di diabete. Resta sintonizzato per Diabete e diossine ( e Inquinanti nel salmone e nostri Grasso (<br/>
Maggiori informazioni sulle mutevoli opinioni sugli integratori di olio di pesce in Is Fish Oil Just Snake Oil? (

Altri alimenti associati al rischio di diabete includono carne lavorata e uova. Vedi Pancetta, uova e diabete gestazionale durante la gravidanza ( /) e Eggs and Diabetes (, mentre uva spina e semi di lino indiani possono aiutare (Amla Versus Diabetes, diabete/ e semi di lino vs. diabete, ).

Altri video sull'inquinamento attuale dei nostri oceani includono:
• Fukushima e la radioattività nei frutti di mare (
• Fonti alimentari di sostanze chimiche ignifughe (http://nutritionfacts. org/video/food-sources-of-flame-retardant-chemicals/)
• DDT nel sangue del cordone ombelicale (
Fonti alimentari di perfluorochimici (
• Assunzione di pesce associata al restringimento cerebrale ( restringimento/)
• Quanto tempo disintossicarsi dai pesci prima della gravidanza (

Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su e cercherà di rispondere!
Credito immagine: falco via Pixabay, Brian K. Grigsby via Wikimedia e James Nachtwey via Flickr.
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92 Risposte a “Pesce e diabete”

  1. fish consumers in the US may have more diabetes, but what type of fish are they eating? Fish sandwiches at McDonald's? My ancestors eat fish all the time and they don't have type II diabetes. Evidence TRUMPED. Interesting studies about the n-3 FAs and pancreatic beta cells though, i'll have to check that out. I'd also like to know how having adequate selenium, which detoxifies a lot of pollutants, has an effect on these pollutants and diabetes risk. DON'T EAT CHEAP FISH-LIKE PRODUCTS. But FISH, is a form of subsistence our species has relied on for MILLENNIA with no health problems. Pollutants are THE ONLY reason why fish consumption should be contraindicated, not n-3 fatty acids . . . 

  2. NOOOOOO I SWITCHED FROM MEAT TO MACKEREL AND I LOVE MACKEREL BETTER THAN ANY STUFF, I EAT IT EVERYDAY! does that mean that when im 25+ my risk of diabetes increase?

  3. So very disturbing. There a lot of people here in the PNW who eat fish but who are on otherwise plant based diet. Same in the Caribbean as well! 🙁

  4. I'm calling Greger out on this one Omega-3 fatty acids increase insulin sensitivity, which helps to lower blood sugar levels. In the long term, this reduces insulin resistance, lowering blood sugar levels. Fish oils also reduce inflammation, which is a major factor in diabetes. so why the concern with fish? why not flax seed? Weight gain, especially abdominal fat along with little or no exercise increases the risk for Type II diabetes. In addition, these foods may increase the risk: Fast Foods: two or more fast food meals per week increases diabetes risk Trans Fats: trans fats increase inflammation, insulin resistance and elevate blood sugar levels Soft Drinks: each soft drink increases diabetes risk 60 percent.

  5. I am very suspicious of this video. I've been a fan , but now i must say, I'm perplexed. I don't eat fish for ethical reasons, but I don't see a case for diabetes here.  This video really makes me feel "funny". 

  6. Doctor you are loosing my respect. Fish is in all long lived cultures like  the Greek islands, Okinawa, rural China ( the real China Study diet) and many other healthy long lived cultures. All in all its not the fish but the contamination and even plant foods are contaminated like arsenic in rice. So please don't over do it with your studies.

  7. you are an iconoclast, though I generally regard this attribute as laudable, you are turning the efficacy of various supplements upside down…AND at this juncture, I do have a problem with your thesis…YOU ARE ULTIMATELY SAYING THAT DEATH IS INEVITABLE AND THERE IS NOT A DAMN THING WE CAN DO ABOUT IT AND TRY TO DELAY THE INEVITABLE ,,,,we are screwed…plz doc change your ways…you impugn all that is good…if anybody has a problem…you may call me 734-320-5790

  8. Dr. must have tremendous assetts in food manufacturing ind. (ProcterGamble, McDonalds, PhillipMorris[Nestle]?). Who believes the studies that DON't include SUGar consumption as factor when dealing w/diabeties, are you kidding me? Metabolic syndrome (diabeties, heart disease, high blood pressure, inflamation [whole body sys.], and CANcer) is driven by, you guessed it, SUGar. YouTube: Suger; The Bitter Truth.

  9. As the oceans are becoming more toxic through pollution like oil spills and radiation even heavy metals from the industrial complex, eating fish is becoming more risky. Tuna now days has twice the amount of mercury than ten years ago. Btw Monsanto experimented with agent orange in forests of Puerto Rico prior to using it in Vietnam. Now days they use depleted uranium in tank shells to reduce the life expectancy of people in the world (soldiers like surveillance).


    Have you seen this study? Any thoughts? I would like you to more frequently address studies which don't support your viewpoint, and to explain why you discount their findings. Otherwise, it can seem like cherrypicking of studies–you report on a bunch of studies that say meat and saturated fat are bad for you, but others report on studies that say they are not. I'm not saying I don't believe you, I'm just saying it would be nice to hear more about why you don't lend much credence to studies such as the above.

  11. Consuming fish twice a week increase the risk of getting diabetes by 35%.  Come on that is stretching the statistic. On the flip side, there is  65% decreased risk of getting diabetes by consuming fish twice a week.

  12. You would have to compare with long term effects of not eating meat or fish, compared to meat eaters and those that abstain for a short period for test purposes.

  13. Hello! Have you considered the Hamilton Diabetes Reversal Protocol? (do a google search) I have heard some awesome things about the results in lowering Blood sugars and my BF got great resultsafter trying it. 

  14. I doubt you know anything. I'm a diabetic and I eat fish all the time. It helps bring glucose levels down not up. Wtf are you talking about? If you test me for diabetes you wouldn't even know I am one unless I told you. Your facts are wrong. What's sad is, you have people believing this nonsense. Fish is good for you period. Easy on the tuna though. Too much salt. Eating healthy and kicking diabetes ass everyday.

  15. my dad is diabetic and insulin dependant, i want to treat him with a plant based diet but i dont really know what he have to eat and what not to, how much worry should i give to the carbohydrates like pasta, rice and fruits? can you give me an approach to the diet he should have? thx

  16. cant wait for the next study that shows us how breathing is bad for your health, and the next great iluminated mystical life style of the low-breathers, that claim that breathing very slowly makes us healthier, to live longer and, of course, to feel morally superior to everyone else

  17. I don't think your information is 100% accurate regarding fish. I live in Norway and here fish is regarded as some of the healthiest foods. Eating fat fish such as salmon, mackerel and trout once a week and is rich in vitamin D and omga 3 acids. Surely these fish are better than such as cod, pike and other non-fatty fish? I eat sardines with olive oil, which even helps me with getting enough calcium (from the bones in these tiny fish). What are your thoughts on this?

  18. Any word on what kind of fish it was?
    From what I understand, longer-lived fish are worse, because pollutants can bioaccumulate.

  19. It's not eating fish that causes diabetes it's th act of eating itself ANY THING. Every time food hits th stomach insulin is produced which is why intermitant fasting (IF) reduces insulin n BG levels. Therefore this video contains erroneous BS IDIOT!!!

  20. I have been having a worry over the last few days that I might be a diabetic I have the tingling in my legs but that is the only symtom my family only have 1 person who had diabetes I hardly eat much only once a day but remain inactive and drink sugary drinks and sweet deserts like milky way

  21. Isnt this guy in a 2017 video saying vegans dont live more because they lack Vitamin D3 from fish and vitamin B12? What a load of BS this video is, the mediterranian diet were people live longer is full of fish

  22. Guys relax.. although it seems like were all doomed to just eat air with all these findings, I think this analysis needs to be more accurate. Just eating fish twice a week? I think the kind of fish, it's origin, and yes that's also important in toxicity levels, you're consuming has a HUGE impact on your body ( sardines vs tuna). I think it could be a little misleading but at the same time if you are eating farmed or atlantic salmon you are eating a range of toxins and parasites so I can see how eating that just twice a week can promote diabetes. Your liver just takes a beating every time you eat shitty fish. Do your research, be very picky about the fish you eat.

  23. bullshit!a diabetes patient can safely enjoy lean fishes in moderate amount!these are nothing but anti propaganda against Asian fish exports!believe me,you do not need to hear them.And if you are not sure about foreign import,please enjoy local fresh fishes,please cook them properly before eating,enjoy in moderate amount!

  24. People should really read his sources. If this man isn't biased, I dont know who is. Quite literally, all the meta-analysis states the opposite of what he claims in this video. All meta-analysis says that fish has a preventive effect on T2D, not that it increases risk.

  25. But okinawans japanese, koreans, chinese and most asian countries would say otherwise because they eat a lot of fish and seafoods (tuna, mackerel, herring, sardines, shrimps, crabs, octopus, fish roe, milkfish, tilapia, red snapper and shellfish).

  26. I know this is an old video but does the study look at the consumption of fish with carbs? (Like rice for example) or fish on it's own? There are way too many variables in this study to be able to conclude anything. I cured my type 2 diabetes by eating a low carb, moderate protein and high fat diet with intermittent fasting ( 6:1).
    This study seems to be very biased.

  27. The people who r sick eating fish is because they eat fried fish! We all get sick eating anything that's fried.try to eat small fish because bigger fish contain more mercury. Ur welcome.

  28. Jeez….what a boring voice. I almost went to sleep by the halfway mark of the video. Might I suggest you get someone else to do the voice-overs in your future vid's?

  29. How does anyone reference this man as a credible source to back up vegan claims when this video exists? Seriously. The highest fish consuming countries live the longest, have lowest incident of heart disease; type 2 diabetes and cancer. The vegan agenda is highly obvious. Even if something that comes from an animal is 100% proven in the most unbiased, thorough study known to man to reverse cancer. Vegans would still deny it. And reference this quack Michael Gregor.

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  31. Are those all fresh fish or not ? Tbh I suspect they eat canned / processed fish, which is added another compund, like sugar.

  32. lol no it doesn't. It contains the very things that cause it, sat fat and cholesterol and preformed TMAO that causes vascular damage. Vegans have the lowest rates of CVD for a reason. Can you provide evidence that eating fish actually has any REVERSAL effect on heart disease

    Fish and brain health

  33. 8 yrs na po akong diabetic ano po ang dapat kong gawen ?sa ngayon po fiet lng at gliclicude lng iniinom ko zandox 30 ml once a day

  34. So confusing…… Some doctors advice not to eat red meat, now in this video fish is unhealthy to eat, what to eat now? Human flesh?

  35. Take away here is it is the toxins and pollution, not the animal product. The traditionalnon-western Japanese diet consists of a good amount of fish. There was very little diabetes and heart disease in Japan until they migrated from the traditional diet to the SAD. Eliminate the processed carbohydrates and sugars from your diet!

  36. Thank you so much Dr osaye for your ultimate help and I understanding in curing my p
    Diabetes type two now I know that anything is curable , you are good at what you do,keep up the good work .

  37. It is at this point I'm gonna say to u confusing ass researchers stop stressing ppl out!!!! Today u say say eat this caz it will work wonders and tomorrow u say its bad an doing harm to our health…lwtf!!??? If we even decided to stop eating everything and eat air you all are gonna say breathing air is gonna kill far as I'm concerned imma eat what I can when I can till the good Lord decides I've done my years on this beautiful yet ugly world.. (because of y'all😒😞) thanks and eat an be merry subscribers!!

  38. Let’s give gratitude for all good things Expecially the ones that helped us I thank Dr osaye who got to introduce his herbal medications to the world,no man’s answer is the truth else you hear from the horses mouth,Dr osaye gave me his words and didn’t fail none of them thank God I’m finally cured of my diabetes,honestly I was scared to live with it for the rest of my life but I overcame with the help
    Of his herbs..

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