Quanta soia è troppa?

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DESCRIZIONE: Per mantenere i bassi livelli di IGF-1 associati ad una dieta a base vegetale, uno dovrebbe probabilmente mangiare non più di 3-5 porzioni di cibi a base di soia al giorno. Questo è il quarto di una serie di video sul ruolo delle proteine ​​vegetali e animali nel determinare i livelli dell'ormone della crescita che promuove il cancro IGF-1 (
http://nutritionfacts.org/ video/igf-1-as-one-stop-cancer-shop/). Vedi assunzione di proteine ​​e produzione di IGF-1 (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/protein-intake-and-igf-1-production/), una qualità superiore può significare un rischio maggiore (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/higher-quality-may-mean-higher-risk/), Proteine ​​vegetali animaliste (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/animalistic-plant-proteins/) e troppa soia può neutralizzare i benefici (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/too-much-soy-may-neutralize-plant-based-benefits /). Per il ruolo svolto dalla soia nell'estensione della sopravvivenza al cancro al seno, vedere il mio ultimo video sull'argomento Breast Cancer Survival and Soy ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/ cancro al seno-sopravvivenza-e-soia/). Ho altri due dozzine di video sulla soia (http://nutritionfacts.org/topics/soy/) e centinaia di altri su più di mille argomenti (http://nutritionfacts.org/topics/). <br/> Hai una domanda per il dottor Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-much-soy-is-too-much/ e cercherà di rispondere!

Credito immagine: viviandnguyen via Flickr.

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70 Risposte a “Quanta soia è troppa?”

  1. You are right. Anyway, it might be around 250 milliliters which is the international (metric) mean for a cup, which equals a serving when measuring portions of food and not nutritional content itself in the U.S.

  2. what do you have to say about the book "fiber menance" in wich it is explain how fiber, specially from grains, is very bad to our digestion system. I was on a diet on legumes and whole grains and it destroy my health. It was the worst thing i have done ever. I have read tons of research than shows how ppl absorb more zinc from a white bread than from whole wheat bread, how fiber have nothing to do in the glicemic load and how the % of iron absorbed from legumes is 1% of the total mineral content

  3. Non GM soy / organic soy is readily available. It's also important to avoid animal products since farmed animals are fed GMOs. On a healthy plant based diet, soy can be included or avoided, either.

  4. And in the previous video, Too Much Soy May Neutralize Benefits, the info given is that the insulin growth factor (cancer promoter) produced on eating animal products and also a diet *swimming* in soy ie. 17 servings per day, may be bound by insulin growth factor binding protein-1 for the soy foods, making it inactive which is a very good thing. Who eats more than 5 servings of soy per day anyway lol.
    Dr Greger, thank you. You are a hero! 🙂

  5. My total daily intake of legumes is something like 110 grams (3,9 oz), more than half of which is mixed beans & lentils, just under a third sprouted mung beans and the remainder (13 or so grams) boiled soybeans. So, not much risk of an overdose here.

  6. I love these videos, Ive known about soy for a long time, I dont eat so much soy products because I know you can easily eat to much of it

  7. LOL the Comments. Yea, how much is a serving and what of??? Some here said a Cup of soy milk is a serving. But a Cup of soymilk only Contains like 10 percent soybeans while a Cup of soybeans would obviously contain 100 percent. A Cup of Tofu 90 percent?????

  8. I'd sure like to know how much is one serving.  Btw, an interesting vid from Dr. Rhonda Patrick on IGF-1 and calo restriction effects on performance and longevity.  Fascinating and expands on Dr. G's emphasis on the perils of IGF-1 consumption by presenting on IGF-1's benefits.

  9. Now I know why everybody loves the metric sytem so much.
    After researching what a serving actually is, i love it too. I never appreciated, how gorgeous it is.

  10. how can you draw a conclusion that both genders daily serving from only studies that incorporate women and soy. I dont find studies showing men consuming soy as decrease in hormonal imbalances and breast cancer. Especially since soy has xenoestrogen which is a non-natural form of estrogen that disrupts the endocrine system

  11. Wish he would show how much a serving of soymilk is for those of us who only ingest soy in the form of soy milk. I'd assume most people might drink about 6-10oz daily. (240-300ml) I wonder how much that is in servings.

  12. "serving" of soy is such a useless term. You don't know how much they actually mean and there are different soy products that have different nutritional values.

  13. Using TVP, 3-5 servings is plenty. 2 cups of cooked lentils mixed with 2 servings TVP is about 60 grams of protein. season well and toss an avacado in and you're in heaven. Eating this twice a day with veggies and fruit is an easy staple most days.

  14. Soy is a good choice if you want to have lower testosterone levels.  It should not be given to boys during adolescence or to those who are body building.  In fact who needs soy?  Nobody, so fuck it.

  15. I wonder if he knows that if he comments that his comment will be pinned to the top of comments and since the most asked question is HOW MUCH IS A SERVING??? (WTF AMERICA? HOW IS THIS A SCIENTIFIC MEASUREMENT) I highly recommend answer this question.

  16. If you eat them whole would that mean they don’t raise igf much. I’m young so I really don’t care that much about igf. I just wanna get my nutrition and I love eating soybeans cooked because of their fatty taste and texture.

  17. Here is one serving
    Insulin-like growth factor-1 and binding protein-3 in a 2-year soya
    intervention among premenopausal women
    The intervention group consumed two daily servings of soya foods including tofu, soya milk, soya nuts
    and soya protein powder (equivalent to 50 mg isoflavones and 5– 22 g soya protein per serving);

  18. Serving sizes on products seem arbitrary to get a certain amount of calories or other stats. So what in the world in a god standard on a serving? To me one tofu block is one serving, one dry cup of legumes in one serving.

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