Plant-Based Diet for Minimal Change Disease of the Kidney

What are the three reasons plant protein is preferable to animal protein for kidney protection?

For more on kidney health, see my overview videos How Not to Die from Kidney Disease ( and Plant-Based Diet for Treating and Reversing Stage 3 Kidney Disease (

Note, though, that some plants can be overdone. For more on this, see Kidney Stones and Spinach, Chard, and Beet Greens: Don’t Eat Too Much (<br />
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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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33 Risposte a “Plant-Based Diet for Minimal Change Disease of the Kidney”

  1. I turned my stage III kidney failure around with a plant based diet. In fact, on a plant based diet I just lost over 100 lbs, cured CVD, stage III kidney failure, all 5 symptoms of metabolic disorder, peripheral neuropathy, and I cured diabetic retinopathy! I can see again and have an FAA waiver to fly my plane! It was once believed that every one of those chronic diseases were incurable. Let plants be thy medicine!!! 😁

  2. Thank you for the ongoing education, Doc! My protein sources, based on your recommendations, are various versions of the legume group (black beans, chick peas, kidney beans, tofu, red lentils, yellow lentils, etc.), which I have three times a day. Great in terms of dietary fiber. My microbiome and my kidneys thank you many times over. Much love. 😊👍💚🙏

  3. I may not be having the best diet, but I am choosing vegetarian and vegan options at the pub. I feel healthier now that I'm not eating meat all the time

  4. Minimal Change Disease is related to Nephrotic Syndrome and is not in the category of Chronic Kidney Diseases. Nephrotic Syndrome is an autoimmune disease, while CKD is not. NS is controlled by taking steroids, while CKD is not responsive to steroid treatments.

  5. It never ceases to amaze me how diet can effect your health in a negative or positive manner and how long term it takes for your health to unknowingly decline…, its scary how even if you aren't obese you could still be eating yourself to death….. : (

  6. How is it that in this discussion there is no mention of the Kempner Rice Diet that was specifically developed to mediate kidney disease and instead reversed it in patients who were on their deathbed?

  7. This as opposed to carnivore chiropractors and doofus doctors who show virtually no Data. Just take their word because they've done the research. Right. They show you little and what they do show is industry funded.

  8. Thank you Dr. Greger. My father has CKD and I'm so worried about him. I want him to be around for a long time. I'm going to send this to him

  9. High blood pressure from clogged arteries (arteriosclerosis) is to blame for kidney disease. Clogged arteries are occurring because of the buildup of animal protei and fat from animal products accumulating in the arteries. Medications for high blood pressure are also kidney destroyers. I’m 62. A close relative of mine recently had a kidney transplant after 30+ years of taking high blood pressure medication from about age 40.

  10. Stop eating salt and salty food! How sodium intake didn't get even a mention in this CKD excerpt is wild; in case somebody with CKD watches this and thinks eating vegan without also axing their salt is going to have a chance of fixing things. Dr. Greger's other vids on CKD make clear the evidence supports low and no salt vegan diets are best for kidneys!

  11. Thank you for this important video! Im 23 Y/o and have Minimal Change for a few years and did not respond to the drugs and lose a lot of proetein. For a long time I have believed that diet can be the key. This video has reinforced my thinking! Thank you!

  12. What about tomatoes and citrus fruits? They are acid, are they not? I eat a lot of canned tomatoes with pasta.

  13. I told my 96 year old grandfather that there's youtube channels where people think meat makes you sick. He hasn't stopped laughing.

  14. Is there any way I can get a copy of How Not To Die Book in Spanish

    I tried looking for it through the links on the website and was not able to order a copy…

    Thank You

  15. That is an awesome story
    I am now drug free normal lab values across the board. Hade acute TN and glomerular disease. Battled with intermittent edema for yrs. Got off gluten altogether and eat 100% plant based BUT until I began kelp and dulce daily and stopped ALL ( motorns ) artificially iodized salt I could not win the creeping off and on edema. Now for nearly a year, no edema AND I can enjoy non commercial Italian bread as well . Someone needs to study artificial iodized salt… I cant find anything anywhere. We should be getting iodine from sea vegetables.

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