Podcast: equità sanitaria e longevità

Il colore della nostra pelle non dovrebbe determinare la durata e la qualità della nostra vita. Questo episodio contiene l'audio di:
https://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-a-plant-based-diet-can-help-reduce-racial -disparità-di-salute/
https://nutritionfacts.org/video/polvere-di-talco-e- fibromi/
Visita le pagine dei video per tutte le fonti e le note del medico relative a questo podcast.

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30 Risposte a “Podcast: equità sanitaria e longevità”

  1. One of the BIGGEST reasons is the soul food we eat! I try to tell my family and friends to stop eating that delicious junk! But my people as a whole are addicted and think food doesn't taste good any other way. I get laughed at all the time and told that my food is bird food. Lol.
    We have to put most of the blame on ourselves for the choices we make. Some say food and organic foods are too expensive….but those same people get their hair and nails done weekly! They have expensive clothes and expensive sneakers. So which is more important, organic real food or looking good for people who care nothing about you?

  2. Erin Marie Olszewski nurse whistleblower documentary exposed medical doctors directly and intentionally killing black and brown patients on camera 1hr 10mins. Add cover up of of pathogens and biofilm like the USA300 Pandemic.

  3. The government must stop subsidizing the meat, dairy and sugar companies. Start subsidizing organic farmers. Start caring about the citizens of your country.

  4. You said cig companies advertise menthol cigs to the black community. Cig companies can't advertise. There is no cig advertising to anyone. Making bad life choices leads to a crappy life. As long as people blame the evil other for their problems, the problems will never be remedied. We are all responsible for dealing with the consequences of our choices. Waiting for someone else to fix your troubled life is planning for misery. Equity is idiotic. It's a communist ideology and has led to bloodshed, misery and death every time humans have walked down that path. Every single time. I know, I know, they did it wrong. This time we are going to do it right. Mmhmm. Don't be fooled by the word equity; it is homonym of equality – the words do not mean the same thing. Equity is communism.

  5. Who cares white black yellow Jesus Christ you’re turning into a politician. Stick with the food and health topics plz.

  6. The general over all health of people has declined. Life expectancy has declined over the past few years.
    Even children today have signs of artery disease. Fast foods and sugary drinks have long term consequences.
    There is an obesity epidemic today where over 60% of the population is overweight or obese.
    What is common today and "NORMAL" is not healthy. The average person today is not healthy and is taking medications.
    Heart attacks were once only common in people over 65. Today people in their 40 are having heart attacks.
    Add more plants and vegetables to your diet and less junk and overly processed foods. Being thin is a sign of good health. Being over weight or obese is a sign of bad health. Poor diet, lack of exercise and obesity are contributing to high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

  7. I used to frequent a lot of West Indian take out stores in the Toronto GTA area….the majority of food served there is high glycemic rice, drowned in oxtail gravy, combined with heaping servings of Fried chicken, Goat, Oxtail or pork. The vegetable is usually coleslaw drowned in sauce. No vegetables in sight….this also bears out in other functions too……we simply dont eat enough vegetables and eat way too much meat

  8. Do a video on vegan protein powders please. You did one on regular protein powders and how they contain lots of lead and other precious metals, but it would be fascinating to know the science behind vegan protein powders without getting tripped up by all the marketing B.S. Before anyone says that eating whole foods is healthier; I'm not disputing that fact, but lifters need to consume a minimum amount of protein per day in order to maximize gains, and wanted to know his thoughts on the different types of vegan powders out there, or if they are all contaminated in various ways.

  9. So many salty whites here… Thanks Dr G for shedding some light on this important issue. Any healthcare professional worth their salt acknowledges this… Watch the video.

  10. I wish you would stop being condescending toward black americans. Eating more garbage and smoking are NOT equity issues. By your absurd logic, whites suffer from health inequity compared to longer-lived hispanics. Are you going to produce a video talking about the health equity challenges faced by whites compared to hispanics? Why not?

    All racial groups can stand to eat healthier food that costs far less than they currently do. People all over the world eat this way, because they have to. Turns out in the US, all racial groups choose to spend more on foods (and other activities) that are worse for them. It's not a racial equity issue. We're just seeing the outcomes that reflect far higher obesity rates among american blacks. But no one is forcing sickening food on them; they could eat far better at far less cost if they wanted to.

  11. I wish you would get these epigenetic tests everyone in the supplement based longevity community is getting, to demonstrate what can be achieved with a whole food vegan diet.

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  13. Dr Greger, thank you for touching on such a sensitive topic nowadays. I commend you for spreading positive information to all of those who are willing to sit and listen. You truly are a phenomenal person!

  14. When will youtubers learn that when they use critical theory buzzwords like "Equity", they instantly lose a significant portion of their audiences?

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