Podcast: Il potere acido dell'aceto

Potrebbe increspare le labbra ma offre una buona dose di benefici nutrizionali.

Questo episodio presenta l'audio di L'aceto di sidro di mele aiuta con la perdita di peso? (
https://nutritionfacts.org/video/apple-cider-vinegar-help-weight-loss/), Funzione aceto e arteria (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/vinegar-artery-function/), e l'aceto può aiutare con il controllo della glicemia? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/can-vinegar-help-with-blood-sugar-control/). Visita le pagine dei video per tutte le fonti e le note mediche relative a questo podcast.

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100 Risposte a “Podcast: Il potere acido dell'aceto”

  1. This is anecdotal but when I started adding 2tbsp of apple cider vinegar mixed with seltzer to my post breakfast and dinner meals, I noticed with that one change in my diet my acne cleared up alot. It was very odd. Going vegan had already made a big difference but this just took it over the fence. Hope some day someone does a study.

  2. ACV helps me eliminate that bloated feeling. Also, if you can't eliminate suffering from so-called Acid Reflux by taking antacids, try ACV instead. Keep your body's pH at 7.4.

  3. My cousin used to have a secret vinegar addiction.
    She'd finish work, rush home, drop by a store on the way, buy a jar of pickles, get home, throw away the pickles and drink the vinegar!! She did this for years without telling anyone 🤪

  4. it COULD be this, or it COULD be that, or it MAY help this or MAY help that, or it APPEARED to help, or it MIGHT do so and so, please a little more veracity, does it help or not

  5. I had developed gout in my right big toe and after research started adding 5 tbls of apple cider vinegar a day to my fluid intake. No other changes. The gout was gone way short of a week and a year later has never returned. I have kept up with the ACV.

  6. One note of caution:

    If you desire the nitric oxide of cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, spinach, arugula for cardiovascular health do not eat vinegar with them or you kill the bacteria in your mouth & stomach that are responsible for creating N.O.

    This is easy to see: Get some N.O. strips and eat your greens and 1 hour later you will see High N.O.

    Now add vinegar with your greens and repeat the same test. Your N.O. production is negligible.

  7. Am delighted to learn the value of balsamic vinegar, especially in effectively countering post-meal glucose spikes. A vitamin company which promotes the value of drugs on an equal basis with food suggests using the drug Metformin to counter the spikes, a generic oral diabetes drug.

  8. I thought vinegar promotes cancer…doesn't it produce an acidic state in the body, which damages the kidneys? I think I learned that from your website. Should not we seek to have an alkaline condition in our bodies, which a vegan diet promotes? How about using lime juice, or lemon juice, on our salads and sauces to add zing and taste: at least the body can benefit from these. >

  9. i wish there were a transcript for everything dr g gives online. i use the youtube settings (gear icon) to slow the speed, but i would love everything in print so that i could read it later and think about it. i will go to the nutritionfacts podcast landing page.

  10. I drink acv drinks pretty much everyday. About 2tbsp a day. No weight difference. I drink it because i like the taste and its no calories. Makes no difference with weight. I'm about 25% body fat. This is more health hype, imo.

  11. You mentioned Hispanic and LatinX do better if they have a stroke possibly due to the high bean intake. Maybe it's also the vinegar as well, since your research shows vinegar improves artery function maybe that's another reason why they do better with less severe impacts from strokes, is because many of the salsas, hot sauces and guacamoles they make have vinegar in them.

  12. as far as salads go the Greeks traditionally use white vinegar , lemon and olive oil as a dressing . Tastes yummy too ☺️ after steaming / par boiling spinach or cauliflower they add olive oil and lemon as well

  13. I pour in about 3 tablespoons of ACV to my smoothies. If I consume over the span of a couple hours, is the consumption of the vinegar still effective?

  14. I used to take 1 tbsn of Apple Cider Vinegar 1-2 times again. Teeth became very sensitive. So began using a straw then over time began having throat irritation. Haven't tried other types of vinager but seems to bother me. Even salad dressing with it does. So not great for everyone. Also if your on any medications Vinager can affect your meds negativity. So ask before you begin to drink it.

  15. Concerning fat consumption, doesn't seem like the keto crowd is as cardiovascularly doomed as this report seems to suggest … guess time will tell. Wonder if some of the negativity about fat here is due to the inflammatory omega 6 dominant fat types … soybean and canola oil (he stated canola was omega 3 but didn't specify high oleic?). As far as olive oil the Greek diet also contradicts cardiovascular problems? Question the source of the olive oil in these studies due to reported fake blends on the market.

  16. Hello Dr Gregger!
    Question….is there any problems with using Vinegar..like..esophagus burning.?.or increase in Reflux incidents?..or Tooth Enamel issues?

  17. Balsamic vinegar is made from "grape must" which is the JUICE from freshly pressed Trebbiano and Lambrusco grapes of Italy's Emilia-Romagna region. It is not made from red wine. If he has his facts on this simple item wrong, what else is wrong here?

  18. How much would be too much? I’m really enjoying my icy vinegar water. Currently consuming about 9 tablespoons a day and loving it

  19. De. Greger seems to really want to get the word out on what actually helps to improve health and well- being even if it doesn’t make him a profit. Talk about a breath of fresh air! He is a national treasure! Dr. Greger is doing what our public health agencies, the media, and schools should be doing—giving us what we can do to live truly healthier lives without going bankrupt on overpriced meds and medical procedures! God bless him!

  20. I can't stand the taste of vinegar. In one article you said the vinegar pills may be poisionous. Do you have any information on taking vinegar pills?

  21. Anthony William who gives the world advanced medical information says/ writes in his books that vinegar is really bad for us. Listend to his podcast on apple podcast. It can cause tooth decay and ostoporosis later on in life, because the vinegar eats away at the calcium in the bones. Do NOT eat vinegar. It might work for a short term like 1 month-1 year. But who is going to make the connection when your teeth start faling appart. Not these medical tests for sure, because which doctor is going to make the connection between vinegar and bone weakness. Which tests are being made to make that connection?

  22. THIS IS THE WORST HEALTH ADVICE! Please do not listen to this man. Vinegar pickles the liver just like it pickles vegetables! It robs and steals mineral from your bones. It will destroy your bones and teeth. If you want THE TRUTH about health and how to have the most healthy body-use @medicalmedium as good source for the TRUTH.

  23. Forgetting !
    Thats the problem with taking vinegar…
    I mean forgetting to take it before meal on empty stomach…!! 😄😄😄😄😄

  24. Can a person (vegan) consume too much ACV? I love it and throughout the day probably use 6-8 Tbls on salad, veggies, kidney beans, etc.

  25. Are some of these lab tests just taking a limited snap shot of a process that is ongoing in the whole of metabolism? Do the findings amount to anything? Extra virgin olive oil has no advisory warning I can find. Does blood sugar spike because we no longer do enough physical work?

  26. Every time I start to use vinegar within a few days I start to get gout symptims in my thumb joints. Even just using it on salad as dressing. When I stop the vinegar, the joint pain/swelling stops within a few days.

  27. This doc should really be the Surgeon General. I have practiced for 20 years, and since I have followed him 4 years ago, I have realized where Western Medicine is failing society. He is truly as altruistic as he says. I donate to him to keep him going. You gotta watch is short videos every day, there are hundreds (thousands) and his really old ones before he became polished are AWESOME too.

  28. i saw at least one mention of how drinking vinegar will demineralize teeth and bones. After i drink it, i do a swish with water that has a little bit of Arm n Hammer baking soda and spit it out. It doesn't take much, just a little to bring the pH of your teeth back to normal before it does anything to your enamel. I have not experienced any reason to avoid this practice. There is no biochemistry that could make vinegar consumption demineralize our bones. I suppose if you cut out our bones, put them in a beaker and soak them for days in vinegar… then point taken but EWWWW. Consuming phosphoric acid especially in pop… well… maybe the good Dr. Greger can do a video on that and osteoporosis????

  29. I love your work! I was wondering, is there any decrease in benefit with using vinegar while cooking? Does heating or boiling it diminish the beneficial effects of acetic acid?

  30. I have been doing this and finally loosening weight, and I friggin love my vinegar added to drinks, I now think I’m a dI Ted it’s yummy and thirst quenching. In victorian times a sweetened vinegar drink use to be enjoyed in summer because lemons for lemon side was harder to come by. The idea that vinegar doesn’t make a great drink is seriously off!

  31. Dear Dr. Greger, How do you recommend one consume any particular kind of popular vinegar (apple cider, plain, balsamic, malt, etc.) if one has been diagnosed with GERD (acid reflux)?

  32. To those newbies just starting to reduce meat, eggs, dairy, oils, and sugars in their diet: you can often keep the hot sauce! Most are vinegar based and free of oils and sugars (check the ingredients).

  33. So how many pounds did the one table spoon of vinegar lose? I heard two tablespoons was five pounds in two weeks, but nothing about the one tablespoon group. Later you said both lost an inch or so with the scan, but still curious how much weight was lost. It equaled the two tablespoon dose exactly or was less?

  34. Any info on apple cider vinegar, onion juice, potato or tomato applied directly to the scalp to prevent or reverse hair loss? I've been using a natural concoction for a few months, but I have not seen any favorable results. I believe it might be a lost cause =/

  35. Exceptional health content. I have got both of your books: How not to die and How not to diet. Brilliant books. They saved me. Thank you !

  36. Does it matter if it is filtered/unfiltered/raw/with Mother? Or is there any evidence to show that there's any difference between any of the ACV?

  37. I have been infected with mrsa 4 times. I recently ead in the nature magazine that apple cider vinegar is antibacterial and eradicates both mrsa & e. Coli. Since then I take it it every day. Until now there is is no more mrsa.

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