Come Big Sugar ha manipolato la scienza per le linee guida dietetiche

In che modo Big Corn Syrup e altri giganti dello zucchero hanno dirottato il processo scientifico?

Questa è la seconda di una serie di otto parti sull'impatto delle industrie sulle linee guida dietetiche e sanitarie. Se ti sei perso il primo video, vedi How Big Sugar Undermines Dietary Guidelines (

Resta sintonizzato per:
● Gli studi osservazionali mostrano risultati simili agli studi randomizzati controllati (
● GRADO fallito per Annals of Internal Medicine Meat Studies ( meat-studies)
● Conflitti di interesse negli Annals of Internal Medicine Meat Studies (https: //<br/> ● Il Rischi per la salute e benefici del consumo di carne (
● H ow Big Meat ha manipolato la scienza (
● Quanto influisce la carne sulla longevità? (

Il video di sostituzione ormonale che ho citato è Come i medici non sapevano dei rischi della terapia ormonale? ( ).

Per ulteriori informazioni sui dirottamenti dell'industria dello zucchero, vedere Tentativi dell'industria dello zucchero di manipolare la scienza (

Potrebbe interessarti anche Big Food Using the Tobacco Industry Playbook (https:/ /

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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione nutrizionale basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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27 Risposte a “Come Big Sugar ha manipolato la scienza per le linee guida dietetiche”

  1. It is just crazy that Doctors do not get nutrition training in Medical schools.
    Every doctor visit should include some nutrition discussion. The majority of the population is over weight or obese leading to high blood pressure, heart disease and cancer. Schools and hospitals should be leading the way to good health by setting the example of what is a healthy meal and teaching people what to eat and why.. Every person in the hospital for heart disease should have a nutrition class before being checked out from the hospital with follow up education and training in nutrition. Medicare and Medicaid should require patient nutrition education as part of their standard of care. Nutrition information should be run on the hospital TV channel.

  2. Not only food, chemical, tobacco, it's also big pharma and the medical professional. All about money, not anyone's health!!! Thanks Dr. Gregor for the education of our lives!!!

  3. Lie, cheat and steal is all too common today. Greed and selfishness is every where.
    You can not trust people, businesses, or government to be honest and truthful.
    Parents and teachers stopped teaching children the "golden rule" 40 years ago and now honesty and caring for others keeps declining.
    Society and business can not function if no one can be trusted to tell the truth.

  4. Everyone's anti carb when it's oil and the other nasty industries that are much more of the problem.

  5. Third hand smoke too i live with smokers and the house reeks from them walking in after smoking is there anything i can take to prevent cancer or issues breathing from this? I taken ginger before but kept getting nosebleeds

  6. A problem here is everyone throws around the word Science and NONE of them have any idea what science is or how it's done. Biology deals with Natural Science. You Must use the Scientific Method for that. You must Know the difference between real science aka the scientific method and Pseudoscience. No one deals with that At ALL! Why, because it proves Most everything you believe IS A LIE!

  7. What a poor video. Very little was actually said about Sugar and it's industry but choose to focus on what a tobacco company did.. If I were you, I'd remake this video because it doesn't even stick to it's point.

  8. People are slowly waking up but….the problem is, many people don't have the time to really dig down on these truths….and therefore, simply don't know who to believe as there are LIES all over the place and they get away with it….however the educated consumer is making them/some of them change to some degree by offering different choices……the best way is to just eat whole plant food and forget about anything in a cardboard box or wrappers……but whatever….unfortunately we live in a world of convenience seeking people who are short on time to cook…..or consider buying fruit at the grocery store instead of granola bar……

  9. Industrial hydrogenated soy oil ( GMO ? ) I saw for the first time not long ago , in Dierbergs brand cheese cake or gooy butter cake BTW I didn't buy it or eat it … a friend did because they liked it when they were 25 yrs old . They are now 75 , I would bet Big $$$ that the @rap they make today , is Nothing like what they made in the early 70s .

  10. I just dont understand how low do you need to go to ruin many lives intentionally just for a larger number on bank account…

  11. I find it very confusing to label a video as being about sugar, when it really is mostly about industry influence in other areas. Sugar is in no way comparable to e.g. tobacco. Sugar is a nutrient!

  12. Some fields need Bayesian approach, additive evidence of different quality that add up to higher vision the same way a series of pixels when numerous enough can lead to a very sharp picture.

  13. Thanks to Cameron Arnold who directed me to Dr Alaho Olu on YouTube Channel who cured my HSV 2. I’m so excited 😆, contact the herbalist today and all your worries will be over.

  14. I never really gave much thought to sugar until I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes; my whole life changed since I started checking out "nutritional" panel on most packaged goods. My diabetes was a "gift" from my father and I was heading towards my "mature " years so I had a lifetime of eating anything I wanted had to be changed. I was amazed at the amount of sugar is in breakfast cereals, salad dressings, etc. Breakfast cereals make a big deal of the their product is "heart healthy" but verboten to anyone with diabetes.

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