Nuovo studio sugli spinaci + Avvertimento del dottor Greger!

È stato pubblicato un nuovo studio che esamina la connessione tra spinaci e cancro e in particolare il rischio di cancro al colon. Che cos'è l'acido ossalico e gli ossalati e dovresti evitarli completamente? Gli spinaci sono salutari per noi? Se sì, quanto dovremmo consumare? Bene, scopriamolo…..

Studi e risorse;
Gli spinaci dietetici rimodellano il microbioma intestinale in un background genetico mutante Apc: meccanicistico approfondimenti dalla multi-omica integrata .580.19490976

Profilo del microRNA di tumori del colon di ratto indotti da cancerogeni e influenza degli spinaci dietetici

Video sui fatti nutrizionali -greens-dont-eat-too much/

Canale YouTube del dottor Greger

Sito web del dottor Greger

Stock footage fornito da Videvo, scaricato da e Pexels https:/ /

93 Risposte a “Nuovo studio sugli spinaci + Avvertimento del dottor Greger!”

  1. (organic) spinach prolly best green (with kale) u can buy in stores regularly
    the other "greens" r actually "crunchy" aka vegetables for the most part
    long term vegans that dont eat enough non-crunchy greens loose all their lifeforce and look all drained like they fap all day (pretty much w/o exception tbh lol)

  2. Great information, thanks for sharing the video. Some of these issues related to greens can be confusing, so your videos are very helpful. Take care, Joe

  3. You all missed a really important point in this video. When you eat oxalates with a calcium Source, the oxalates bind to the calcium and don't absorb and you simply poop them out.

    I'm disappointed that you all didn't speak to this considering the level of knowledge that dr. Greger supposedly has on natural health strategies.

    This calcium hack has been known about for a 10+ years and that's why I'm disappointed. Using calcium to block oxalate absorption is an dietary hack that's been known about for at least a decade

  4. Here comes the oxalate police! Watch out for my new book The Oxalate Code written by Stephen Gundry and Paul Saladino.

  5. I've read that there's bacteria in some people's guts that help break down the oxalates. Which I guess is why some people don't develop kidney stones, despite eating tons of spinach and other high oxalate greens.

    Perhaps one day there will be a probiotic to help with this so that we can all eat lots of spinach and reap the benefits, and not have to deal with unfortunate side effect of kidney stones.

    Thanks for the video! PBL! 🌱

  6. I ate too much spinach and wound up with gallbladder disease. I had to go on a dissolving cholesterol base medication or have my gallbladder removed

  7. I love greens, but I never liked the soily taste of spinach, so my #1 daily greens is Komatsuna, a cruciferous vegetable. Komatsuna has a more clean, lighter, fresher, non-soily taste compared to spinach, and much lower oxalate. Its great.

  8. In the video a cup a day is said then at the end a pound a day is said. I've never eaten a pound a day of any vegetable in my life and that's including multiple vegetables in a days time. At 54 years, 5 foot 3, I weigh 103 lbs and maintain that with about 500 calories a day and have for years (calories are a fraud made up by man anyway). I think if I tried to eat that many veggies I'd feel bloated.

  9. According to Dr Brooke Goldner's protocol, oxalates are only a problem in large quantities if the person has impaired kidney function or not enough hydration. Hundreds of her patients are reversing autoimmune diseases with eating a min. of 6 cups of raw spinach every day.

  10. Since this channel is called Plant Based London why are you mentioning Collard greens and Aurugula, which are American terms and so not helpful? I’m pretty sure Arugula is what we in the UK know as rocket but I have no idea what collard greens are.

  11. Having eaten about a cup of boiled spinach and a couple dozen of almonds two to three times a week for months led me to have a bunch of kidney stones and noticeable blood in urine.

  12. What about greens high in Thallium? Do we need to have good health insurance before we eat them too or is moderation still the key? I left my keys in the piano so please advise.

  13. I'm confused. So how much and how often should we eat Spinach per week? Mon – Tues – Wed, 1/4 cup – 1/2 cup – 1 cup? Or, is this even close?

  14. So helpful to hear these tidbits. I'm not someone who can eat a pound of anything, but certainly try to get my greens in. Nice to have this info so I can make an educated decision, no matter how much I may eat.

  15. Thank you for this very helpful video. It seems that all greens are either goitrogenic which can be a problem for anyone with Thyroid issues or high in oxalates which can cause kidney stones. I like my greens but now I am worried about the consequences of eating them!

  16. I have heard this spinach warning from Dr Berg on YouTube. But I only eat once a day and I hope that cancels out the risk of spinach. It's the only frozen leafy green I can afford where I live.

  17. Yup. I ate about a pound of spinach a week for 18 months. Developed stones and had surgery. The most painful recovery from surgery I’ve ever experienced. I passed stones,5mm, but that was nothing compared to the surgery.

  18. Does this also apply leafy greens like swiss chard and kale?
    I've been having a lot of swiss chard green smoothies.
    I've also been adding coffee grounds to get more nutrients.
    I've been researching it a little more thank you for the help from this video and comments. 🙂
    I also live on a dairy farm and drink a lot of milk and that brings to my attention the calcium oxalate bonds or salts that can cause kidney stones.

  19. WARNING: Spinach is very high in oxalates and is known to increase kidney stone formation and urinary oxalate content, according to the Cleveland Clinic.

  20. This is why the carnivore diet is becoming increasingly popular. People are realizing the toxicity in plants…Meat doesn't cause cancer, but plants can…………….I've been on a mostly carnivore diet for over a year now and feel amazing! I do have a small handful of almonds with my meat every day though….

  21. I eat a whole bag of 4 leaf mix of spinach beet greens etc a day and I don't like kale so I'm gonna just cut out greens now, kinda heartbreaking but good to know humans aren't designed to eat greens

  22. Put your greens into a smoothie with a small amount of fruit like blueberries. Frozen organic blueberries from Costco very cheap big bag , anti cancer too. Or a banana I put chia or flax seeds for your Omega 3s which are very and water and drink one everyday. I follow Dr Brooke Goldner MD and her amazing eating protocol that heals all diseases. I use a vitamix blender. It’s great too. Look her up. All over the internet. Also Dr Joel Fuhrman has a great healing eating protocol as well. Look him up as well. Best wishes!

  23. It seems there is a problem with everything. I have been eating raw spinach daily in my smoothies for two or three years with no know issues. Should I continue?.."…….
    I also just read this: Your beloved spinach and kale green smoothies may be causing more harm than good. Oxalic acid is an antinutrient compound found in many plants, like raw cruciferous vegetables — kale, radishes, cauliflower, broccoli — as well as chard, spinach, parsley, beets, black pepper, chocolate, nuts, berries and beans….. of which I’m putting many of these items in my smoothie. Seriously what are we to believe about all these conflicting opinions?

  24. Try this recipe folks :
    Slice of bread cut a bit thick
    No marg/butter , spread bread with cooked black pudding
    On top place cooked spinach pressed dry*
    On top of spinach place a poached egg
    Cover everything with a white sauce
    * Never throw away spinach water . Keep to add to stews

  25. I stopped eating spinach after Greger talked about it. Why bother worrying about eating too much when I can just eat some other green instead. I stopped using plant milks as well after Greger said that calcium supplements increase your chances of having a heart attack.

  26. The cooking instruction at 2:31 is not correct . If you boil spinach for 12 minutes , all the vitamins and nutrition will go out with the oxalates leaving a green mushy mess . Saute garlic and onions in olive oil and butter ,add cleaned spinach with seasonings and stir until soft. Worry less about the oxalates if you eat spinach in moderation and focus more on preparing it deliciously . If its delicious you will want to eat it more often. Buy 2 bags because it condenses down 75% when cooked .

  27. I remember that one time i ate about a bag from the grocerie of spinach like chips, i had some terrible feelings in the stomach and im vegan.

  28. Dr. Greger is VERY LATE to the party with this warning, and is likely only speaking about it because of the recent attention that ex-vegans and carnivores have given to the subject of oxalates. Is he going to cover the phytates, lectins, and other very harmful anti-nutrients present in legumes, nuts, and seeds?

  29. 50% in some patients, lol ,
    completely useless statistic.
    What is 50% of something where there
    is no nominator nor denominator, lovely info.
    lol 0:35
    It should also be disturbing to all of us that the
    FDA requires horrific, torturous, and deadly
    experiments on animals, for
    everything that goes through the process of
    being approved. Disgusting indeed.

  30. Ms. Plant based London, are there any videos of your channel that show you? Want to know the person to match that calming, soothing, pretty voice

  31. Here is a thought to reduce the risk of Calcium Oxalate kidney stones. According to The British Journal of Nephrology PMC6533969, CaOx "crystallized with greatest size, number, and total mass at pH 4.0 and least crystallized at pH 8.0." So my take is to drink a lot of water and avoid acidic foods (e.g. soda and meat) while eating high oxalate foods.

  32. Hmm … I cook 1 small plastic box and eat the whole thing with my eggs. I cannot tell if that qualifies for "cups a day" because it does simmer down to a much smaller serving when cooked 🤔🙄 dang I really thought I was being healthy lol.

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