Come il grande zucchero mina le linee guida dietetiche

L'Organizzazione internazionale delle scienze della vita, un'organizzazione no profit, è accusata di essere un gruppo di facciata per Coca-Cola e altri giganti del cibo spazzatura.

Questo è il primo di una serie di otto video sull'impatto delle industrie sulle linee guida dietetiche e sanitarie. Resta sintonizzato per:
● How Big Sugar ha manipolato la scienza per le linee guida dietetiche ( the-science-for-dietary-guidelines)
● Studi osservazionali mostrano risultati simili a studi randomizzati controllati (
● GRADO per Annals of Internal Medicine Meat Studies (<br/> ● Conflitti di interesse negli Annals of Internal Medicine Meat Studies ( /conflitti-di-interessi-negli-annali-degli-studi-di-medicina-interna-sulla-carne)
● I rischi per la salute e i benefici della carne Consumo (
● Quanto sono grande a Manipulated the Science (
● Quanto influisce la carne sulla longevità? (

Purtroppo, a volte l'influenza aziendale si infiltra nello stesso comitato consultivo delle linee guida dietetiche scientifiche. Vedi Linee guida dietetiche: Comitato consultivo Conflitti di interesse ( /). Per una storia affascinante, vedere The McGovern Report (

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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione nutrizionale basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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53 Risposte a “Come il grande zucchero mina le linee guida dietetiche”

  1. New York , May 16 , 1914, President of The American Tobacco Company : "Packages of all the leading cigarettes were purchased in the open market by representatives of state and municipal health boards, medical journals and other investigators, and analyzed thoroughly by public and private chemists. Scores of such tests were made in practically every state in the union, in London, and, I believe, in various other European cities.
    Every one of these investigations resulted in exactly the same act of finding, viz .: that the cigarette is absolutely pure ; that it contains less nicotine than any other form of tobacco products ; that the combination of the paper is harmless in its effect on the human physiology ; that its temperate use is in no way injurious to normal users ."
    The American Tobacco Company

  2. Meat your victims you carnists who loved animals as a child but we're force fed carnist propaganda eat them by society Its brainwashing you're not a cold blooded animal murderer more than a bunny is

  3. Phony science is being used in the service of greed just like phony religions, not just in the food and drug industry but in the medical system itself, that too is a multi trillion dollar business.

  4. The CDC and FDA conclude that VAERS data is low quality and shouldn't influence anyone's choice concerning medical care. Companies have been using this play for decades, simply because it works. Snake oil has always been a hot commodity, and unlikely to change.

  5. Nothing to say for the typical blockbuster content except, but only commenting so you can get your due from the algorithm. What a silly thing to have to satisfy.

  6. It is just crazy that Doctors do not get nutrition training in Medical schools.
    Every doctor visit should include some nutrition discussion. The majority of the population is over weight or obese leading to high blood pressure, heart disease and cancer. Schools and hospitals should be leading the way to good health by setting the example of what is a healthy meal and teaching people what to eat and why.. Every person in the hospital for heart disease should have a nutrition class before being checked out from the hospital with follow up education and training in nutrition. Medicare and Medicaid should require patient nutrition education as part of their standard of care. Nutrition information should be run on the hospital TV channel.

  7. Does anyone trust a study? Or do you also just assume that the opposite of the conclusion is the “real truth”? Why pay all these billions of dollars to do the studies? Imagine if we put this money into implementing neighborhood gardens or other programs encouraging eating more fruits and vegetables, I guarantee we would have a healthier society.

  8. I like how meat eaters use confirmation bias to push their carnivore diet narrative and their followers blindly follow. They do not know how to trace their sources, let alone interpret the "sources" provided to them by these YouTubers. Most of the time the influencers cannot even interpret the data themselves correctly. Its shameful how our government allows for this to happen. There should be laws in place to restrict many of these "studies" to be out in public.

  9. Here's a question, if I don't salt anything at all, should I actually consumer a little salt during very hot weather when I'm sweating a lot more?

  10. I thank my lucky stars every day that I gave up all the junk and adopted a whole food plant based diet. I was able to find good people like Dr. Greger for a wealth of valuable, life preserving information. Thank you, Dr. Greger.👍

  11. I can’t handle this! Meat, dairy and sugar are lying to people and doctors mostly don’t have a clue. People are dying because of this quartet of who cares about lives and pain and suffering.

  12. I feel like the vast majority of people know that refined sugar isn't good for you but a lot of people still think that meat is healthy. I also still hear a lot of people that restrict their fruit intake thinking it has similar effects to refined sugar (it doesn't)

  13. You have to be a real dirtbag to knowingly coauthor grossly distorted research aimed at sales regardless of public health. Every author should be called out one by one.

  14. This guy lies. Totally caught mis representing information and not giving the story straight. Vegan deterioration shows the lies.

  15. It's sad in most cases the one's that advocate meat are using studies which by design show either a neutral or positive outcome.

  16. its always odd to me why sugar can't be changed….why can't the farmers simply grow something else? This is where the conspiracy theories start or perhaps its not even a conspiracy…the reason for not switching from sugar is because……ITS ADDICTIVE……and that is why THEY can't come up with a substitute……like DATES!!….if more dates were grown than the price would go down….right???

  17. Watch a documentary called "Merchants of Doubt." The method of causing the public to doubt the science has been used by big tobacco, and others, for some time.

  18. Hi, I would love if you could make a video on Interstitial cystitis? I've recently been diagnosed and would love to hear any thoughts or studies you may have. Thanks for your amazing videos!

  19. you cant stop the industry that just play the game, its to powerful by now and people will defend it…..
    change the game not hate the players. to many incentives to do this heinous crime against food science.

  20. The guidelines should rather recommend cutting down on added fats. It's quite silly what is happening, where everyone is vilifying sugar, while added fat is the main problem.

  21. yes industries are pushing sugar, vegetable oils, fake meats, etc, for more profits. Make sure to eat unprocessed animal food for best health

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