Podcast: Keep Your Kidneys Healthy

We can’t live without this special filter system for our body. This episode features audio from:
Visit the video pages for all sources and doctor’s notes related to this podcast.

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20 Risposte a “Podcast: Keep Your Kidneys Healthy”

  1. I'm curious if starting my day with 2 T. ACV added to 20 oz. warm water is NOT A GOOD IDEA? I'm doing Mastering Diabetes Food Program ( 1 yr. of counseling)

  2. I was diagnosed with stage 3 CKD a few years ago. At my 2022 appointment with my kidney doctor, he confided that his his assistant had left because she was frustrated that most patients' health continued to decline despite the doctor's best efforts to guide and monitor their condition.

    Since that time I cut out beer, pie and pastries, and ate more plant based, whole food meals, like oatmeal with flax, chia, nuts and fruit for breakfast, and something like bean burritos with guacamole for lunch. My bodyfat dropped from about 25% to 15%. At this year's appointment, my doctor said my kidney function had improved to stage 2, and if I kept it up I would no longer need to see him. My PSA also improved. So now I am eager to cut the remaining animal proteins to see if I can keep getting healthier.

    Thanks for providing hope and guidance to those of us who feared that chronic disease was not reversible!

  3. Thanks Dr. Greger for this video. I have been given conflicting information from different Dr.'s after being told by my primary, You know you're in stage 2 kidney disease! Well no, I didn't know this. Had a 24 hour urine catch done by a nephrologist with a GFR of 59. I only have one kidney as one was removed in 2003 from stage 1 kidney cancer. Nephrologist told me to eat a cheeseburger every day if I wanted to. My other 2 Dr.'s pushed me to take Farxiga. I started following Plant Based Kidney Health wih nephrologist Dr. Hashmi along with a Renal plant based Dietician, Michelle Crosmer. After listening to Dr. Greger and following other natural plant based Dr.'s I am definitely going plant based. I have got to improve my kidney function.

  4. Hi Dr. Michael Greger. I would really appreciate it if you made a video on green peas (grašak)? I can not find any valid information or tests which confirm it is healthy, or unhealthy, or what it does to the body. Maybe I just do not know where to look, but I would feel a lot more confident if I got the information from you. It is a common legume in Vojvodina. (Voyvodina).

  5. Fish is the worst in acid forming? give me a break here! A long video and keep repeating the same thing: plant-based diet = healthy kidneys, I can say it in a minute and back to sleep instead of wasting people's time with a 15 minutes video. At 7:28 Wha a genius discovery here! Our old people know that from ages, that's why animal foods always comes with much veggies to support the digestion process, so people know that they need some anti inflammatory foods with animal foods. e.g. 25% meat and 50% veggies (mainly onions, garlic and green leafy veggies).

  6. I do think eating plants and whole foods is the best diet, meat included. But every example he gives of someone improving their health from eating more plant based also has a huge drop in bodyweight. Is there any evidence health markers improve if there is no weight loss?

  7. I feel waaaayyy better since recently going on lotts of high dark ĺeafy greens (for nitric oxide), and no more meat, way less eggs, no dairy. In less than 2-3 days got serious relief from chronic shortness of breath…. arteries clogging. Keto was killing me just prior. Check Dr. Esselstyn.
    Michael here too can do you wonders! No refined junk of course. Loving organic rice with degassed pinto beans with no oils lightly cooked onions, garlic, other veggies.

  8. TMAO and erythritol are both indicated in heart problems and clotting but the thing they both have in common is being filtered by the kidneys. Somebody with bad kidneys should avoid both but with good kidneys they are fine in moderation. Also many saltwater fish varieties such as cod, herring, and sardines increase TMAO 20X – 50X more than eggs because they contain large quantities in their flesh. Eggs do not have a significant impact on TMAO but the choline is needed to prevent fatty liver. Betaine in whole wheat is a similar compound. Both methyl donors. Synthetic Choline Bitartate should be avoided. See new studies. Plant based is best, but some eggs are fine in moderation especially for the choline once/twice a week.

    If you eat plant based 3-4 days a week, there's a good chance you won't even have the gut bacteria to produce large amounts of TMAO from the choline. Also, increasing your consumption of wheat bran is always a good thing, for it's Betaine content. Bottom line, use common sense. 😉 Can you totally substitute Betaine for Choline 100% to replicate all it's functions? That I'm not really sure about. The answer seems to be no. I wouldn't want to be a gluten free vegan though… no betaine and no choline is likely to cause long term problems, though quinoa also contains large quantities of it.

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