Update on Vegetarian Stroke Risk

Those eating more plant-based diets have lower risk of having a stroke, including both bleeding and clotting strokes.

Check out the Rochester Lifestyle Medicine Institute’s jumpstart programs here (https://rochesterlifestylemedicine.org/about-jumpstart/).

The vitamin B12 video I mentioned is Vegetarians and Stroke Risk Factors—Vitamin B12 and Homocysteine? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/vegetarians-and-stroke-risk-factors-vitamin-b12-homocysteine/). It is part of my extended series on the topic, and here are the rest:
• What to Eat for Stroke Prevention (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/what-to-eat-for-stroke-prevention/)<br />• What Not to Eat for Stroke Prevention (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/what-not-to-eat-for-stroke-prevention/)
• Do Vegetarians Really Have Higher Stroke Risk? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/do-vegetarians-really-have-higher-stroke-risk/)
• Vegetarians and Stroke Risk Factors—Vitamin D? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/vegetarians-and-stroke-risk-factors-vitamin-d/)
• Vegetarians and Stroke Risk Factors—Omega 3s? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/vegetarians-and-stroke-risk-factors-omega-3s/)
• Vegetarians and Stroke Risk Factors—Vegan Junk Food? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/vegetarians-and-stroke-risk-factors-vegan-junk-food/)
• Vegetarians and Stroke Risk Factors—Saturated Fat? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/vegetarians-and-stroke-risk-factors-saturated-fat/)
• Vegetarians and Stroke Risk Factors—Animal Protein? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/vegetarians-and-stroke-risk-factors-animal-protein/)
• How to Test for Functional Vitamin B12 Deficiency (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-to-test-for-functional-vitamin-b12-deficiency/)
• Should Vegetarians Take Creatine to Normalize Homocysteine? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/should-vegetarians-take-creatine-to-normalize-homocysteine/?/) />• The Efficacy and Safety of Creatine for High Homocysteine (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-efficacy-and-safety-of-creatine-for-high-homocysteine/)

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Have a question about this video? Leave it in the comment section at http://nutritionfacts.org/video/update-on-vegetarian-stroke-risk and someone on the NutritionFacts.org team will try to answer it.

Want to get a list of links to all the scientific sources used in this video? Click on Sources Cited at https://nutritionfacts.org/video/update-on-vegetarian-stroke-risk. You’ll also find a transcript and acknowledgements for the video, my blog and speaking tour schedule, and an easy way to search (by translated language even) through our videos spanning more than 2,000 health topics.

Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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21 Risposte a “Update on Vegetarian Stroke Risk”

  1. 12 days. My severe arthritis in my shoulder ( dislocated 12 times ) dissapeared, my energy levels increased, no more digestive problems, bp went from 180/110 to 150/90, etc etc .. I would have remained vegan just the arthritis pain to go away. Truly life changing, wish i knew sooner

  2. I would have to say that supplements would need to be factored into this. Going on vegetarian diet and starting to be "healthy" may involve taking supplements. Not a vegetarian, but I watch my meat intake. I had to spend about 300+ bucks on a doctor visit and blood work because I would bleed like crazy if cut. They found nothing. Later on, it hit me that I was taking a bit too much turmeric. Cut it down to more reasonable amount. Problem solved.

  3. So, how do you arrive at a fluke at such a massive sample size? And why is there such wild variation vs, say, what the Taiwanese researchers have found out? Btw, I could swear that when the Oxford paper was posted originally (or was it a pre-publication? no longer even sure), they had a bunch of graphs with variables for different adjustments. And up to the very last adjustment, everything, including the risk of stroke, was lower for vegetarians / vegans. After the last bunch of adjustments, strokes all of a sudden jumped up for vegetarians and down for pescetarians. And I could swear that I saw total cholesterol in the last bunch of adjustments, which would explain this sudden reversal (you're comparing vegans and vegetarians with seriously bad genetics and eating habits to healthy pescatarians / omnivores). I even found my posts in a subreddit where people were discussing why the researches would want to do that in the first place. With that said, I don't see any such charts anymore in the final version of the study. Does anyone know whatever happened to all that?

  4. Oh thank goodness!!!! My father ( a physician) died of a hemorhagic – oh heck I can't spell it – bleeding stroke on the brain. I went plant-based because of his death, my mother had a massive heart attack, and my 4 uncles all died of cancer. But that study a few years ago has nagged at me over and over again. Now it won't. I've also wondered, which this now seems to confirm, that if my dad had known how effective just eating plants could be, if he'd have changed his diet and would be with me still at the grand old age of 90…

  5. I cannot believe how irritating this fast-paced, quippy and clever narration was. I say we could receive the information you offer a lot better if you weren't trying so hard to be cool and just be who you are instead.

  6. My experience with vegetarians is that they eat more eggs and cheese in place of meat. By the way, I've been plant based for about 4 years- was told then that my heart attack risk was quite high, blood pressure and cholesterol high. Now blood pressure is 104/64 with little exercise, heart attack risk very small.

  7. Doc, I also VERY much appreciate (and commend you for) the quality of your narrations. You speak in complete sentences (Subject + Verb + Object) and do not lard up your narration with those ignorant and grating UH and UM sounds to which so many people today are addicted. You also speak with a spirited and enthusiastic voice. It is a pleasure to listen to your presentations ! Wish there were more like you, Sir !

  8. You seem to conflate vegetarian and vegan and that just confuses the issue more. Many vegetarians eat so much dairy and eggs that their diet is worse then the average omni. Many vegans eat so much meat subs that their diet is not as good as the best omni diets. Every group eats to much confectionery.

  9. Major thumbs down. I believe salt is more dangerous to a person with low cholesterol. I'll share my experience that I DON'T have personal science to backup my story thank God but from the inside out seems 95% captain obvious that something is terribly wrong here. I'm just sharing my personal story so someone doesn't trip over the same cord i did…
    I experienced a day long terrifying storm of inflammation in my head as a vegan using salt with low cholesterol + low blood pressure + underweight a bit. I got glutened when i changed my diet just months in, no salt diet worked fine until glutened. 3 meals of gluten I lost my stomach for a year, blood pressure dropped 20 points for ~1.5 years(every local doctor said 1500mg sodium for symptomatic low blood pressure), cholesterol was getting under 100 total 40 LDL because i could barely eat anything let alone absorb it. Previously just months ago I was SAD dieter of 30 years eating jumbo bowls of ramen noodles every day+ freezer meals, that's 1500mg sodium just for lunch, plus fast food, 0% fruits vegetables, weighed 30 lbs more ate like that for 30 years. I felt nothing on SAD diet concerning salt, not saying it's healthy. In ~2 months of vegan weighing 30-40 lbs less@~1k-1500 mg added sodium I felt a sharp "nick" in my head, and felt the same thing a week later through a meal of millet+ salt sprinkled on top(gluten elimination diets). I searched "why does salt hurt as a vegan" when i didn't know how to explain what i felt (using salt to treat low BP). I saw some no salt doctors and thought "if i ate all this Salt on a junkfood diet for 30 years and felt nothing, now im eating less salt on a much healthier diet, I'm doubling down." GRAVELY WRONG. Lowered salt intake increasingly (400mg added or less did decent), every so often I'd feel convinced that "it was just stress" and try to up salt a bit for BP (+200mg). I would feel terrible and kept salt low (400 or less). I did this every ~2 months and at ~1 year 2 months in, upped salt a tiny bit (~600mg added total) only to feel a day long terrifying storm of inflammation in my head, you've been warned. After this even celery hurt my head, felt raw. I don't know anatomy but I'm pretty sure after you reach day long storm in your head status it also feels like 100 glass shards in your penis, same problem lol? My main concern that bothered me is my own tin foil hat theory. Let's say I get a CT scan of head, i pass the test, but is the test only looking at the OUTSIDE of the artery wall, not the inside? So nothing bled out, nothing bulged out, but let's say that day long storm damaged the inside of an artery wall. I go do progressive overload for exercise. Could all that force blow a balloon animal out of a brain artery that was weakened from the inside out even though i "passed" a scan? As a former standard American dieter of 30 years i think it is terrible to see thumbnails of zero cholesterol arteries for videos and then not say salt is more dangerous to a person with low cholesterol when you're talking to an entire generation of SAD salty veterans who've lived on salt their entire lives, talk about throwing caution to the wind geez louise. My concern is that we might have one doctor in our entire community talking about the kryptonite to our entire game plan (Fuhrman). My problem was not that this is a problem, the problem is that almost nobody is saying it, so I just walked right into it blindly, found fuhrman way late. This being said i could not find anyone talking of a similar problem of what I've been through, but I wanted to share this extremely concerning experience. Once you feel day long terrifying storm in your head, you'll never be unconvinced. I didn't believe it until it happened, and i sat down the entire day, holding my head bug eyed scared, headed to the ER, no one can ignore a storm in their head. Before the storm, it didn't just feel like inflammation, it felt like an occasional tiny cut, ouch. My best guess analogy is this: If your arteries are "yellow" with higher cholesterol you won't feel this. If your arteries are"red" from low cholesterol, then rake your fingernails across the inside of your wrist 500 times. You'll get this red stormy after effect with the occasional tiny cut. Except it happens in your head. Incredibly easy to dodge if talked about, we could inspire a new line of salt free products and get away from blurring this dangerous line.

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