Podcast: personalizzare la tua alimentazione

È possibile progettare la dieta giusta, ma è utile? Questo episodio contiene l'audio di:
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38 Risposte a “Podcast: personalizzare la tua alimentazione”

  1. My partner is arguably your biggest fan…. Will you be updating your stance on CV vaccines now that Pfizer’s vaccine health data is publicly available?

  2. It is not just doctors that are the problem. Most of us are junk food addicts. And our addiction is driven by stress. Most of us live highly stressful lives. Junk food is very akin to smoking.

    Is there anything that can be done about urge incontinence? It hit both my mother and I after age 60. I have tried all the advice on diet and Keegle exercises. Nothing works. Have they been put to the test?

  3. Every adult and child should own a bicycle and ride it regularly.
    A bicycle should be your first choice for short distance transportation.
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    Contact your local transportation planners and elected officials and ask them to support safe, protected bike lanes and trails.

  4. Interesting episode, Donna and I are eating plant based with little meat. Berries and a few walnuts and pecans help round out our diets. Next….intermittent fasting.
    Blair & Donna Phillips

  5. I promise you this is 100% true . In the UK I read in my local newspaper a man holds the Guinness world record for eating a MacDonald big Mac cheese burger nearly every day fat the last 50 years . He has only missed 8 days in all those years . He said he will carry on eating those burgers everyday until he dies . Over 32000 burgers and still going . Give him credit for still being alive . I mean I would rather eat my old leather shoes than that crap. 👍

  6. I think if you have T1 or T2Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome or PCOS your body automatically can't process carbohydrates as effectively as most people and you should monitor your carbohydrate intake and the type of carbohydrates you intake.

  7. misperception of "healthy" is a problem.
    people are unaware, and believe they are healthy,
    there is little reason for diet change.

  8. at the start of me trying to lose weight people told me to not copy someone else's diet plan but jesus I should've just listened to the guy who told me to eat a salad

  9. I see the one-size-fits-all approach as way more widespread and commercialized than the individualized approach, with negative impacts on individuals who deviate from theoretical ideals. I agree that "healthy" diets shouldn't be determined by an individual's DNA but I don't think that's the same as saying that what may work for one person won't necessarily work for another person.

  10. I have too many red blood cells. Been eating plant based for almost a year , all my medical conditions reversed themselves , weight , blood pressure , cholesterol , type 2 , but I have one issue with too many red blood cells. I need a phlebotomy every eight weeks.

    I wonder what foods could help ?

  11. I just came back from a cruise, and it was SO DIFFICULT to maintain even a modicum of a healthy diet. There were so many people who could barely breathe or walk piling up plates of greasy cancerous filth on plates on their WALKER. Yet people thought I was excessively strange with my dietary requirements. I finally had to go pescatarian just so I wouldn't starve. It's so nice to be back home and have control over what goes in my mouth again. I wonder if all this will ever change?

  12. Your the best Dr. Greger! What you share has truly changed my life. I'm 4 1/2 years Whole Foods Plant-based now.

  13. Unfortunately, I have to take Coumadin for life since I tried for about a year, successfully, to stay off of it, but then ended up with a huge clot in my leg, part of which, broke off and went to my lung. Because I follow a plant based, whole food lifestyle, Coumadin (or Warfarin if you prefer) is the only pharmaceutical medication I take, which is pretty good considering I'm almost 65 years of age. Coumadin is fairly benign as far as long term health risks other than bleeding which can be reversed easily with vitamin K. I'm kind of stuck with it because for whatever reason, I seem to be prone to DVT or blood clots developing in my lower legs and when they float to the lungs, they can be life threatening! But I sure wish there was a natural remedy to prevent the DVTs as I hate all medications because they seem to cause more problems than they solve!

  14. The first time I ever heard of the amazing health benefits of plant based eating was years ago when I stumbled upon a video by Dr Ornish. Until then I was very worried about some of my health issues and how long I could live. But his video opened up a whole new world and hope for me! I went on a vegan diet for a little over a month and my doctor was thrilled when my cholesterol fell 79 points. Plant based eating definitely makes a difference! Now years later my husband, a hard core meat eater came home one day recently and told me he wanted to try eating vegetarian! I know it’s not quite vegan but a steppingstone for him and I was blown away since he swore he’d never give up meat! So we’re working on clearing up some of the vegan “junk food” from his diet but he’s loving his meals with the plant based meats! It’s a process but he’s on his way 🥳🌷😁👍

  15. I recommend watching Dr. Michael Lustgarten videos. The guy weighs and tracks every gram he eats (!) , and monitors the changes to his blood biomarkers. It's the most personalized diet you'll ever see. Highly recommended.

  16. You need to personalize nutrition. I work evenings. Following a diet meant for a 9-to-5er wouldn't work. My mother would complain that I wasn't eating breakfast. I was: only it was at three o'clock in the afternoon. Diets need to be adjusted for all sorts of reasons.

  17. Thank you for exposing the truth about doctors getting to the source of the problem! We need more people advocating for the truth in how to be healthy thru NON-lifetime medicine taking! We do need to pay Doctors to advocate the truth, especially after making them spend hundreds of thousands of dollars just to get degrees and licenses!

  18. Your books are changing my life one day at a time. It's the first time I've ever made changes to what I eat based on facts, and stuck with the changes. Because you help people really understand the the study results, and the ways to take advantage of those findings. Thank you for your generous effort in spreading the facts about health and nutrition!

  19. All Dr Greger’s videos are remarkable. But this podcast video is hands down THE BEST I ever heard! The analogy with the overflowing sink and how doctors are taught to “mop up” and pharma companies sell you a lifetime supply of “paper towels” is so beautiful and spot on! Also, the overwhelming value of the right diet versus genetically determined “optimal diet” and the nearly insignificant percentage of the population who eat right are just jaw dropping. I am fortunately in that infinitesimal minority who have been eating right for over 10 years, thanks to many nutrition advocates, including Dr Greger!!

  20. I just want to cure my eczema dr. I will tackle all other health concerns after that is out of the way!

    You don’t say why the bill died? Lobbyists?

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