Podcast: Sweetener Side Effects

Sorting out the safety and efficacy of aspartame, stevia, Splenda, erythritol, and monk fruit. This episode features audio from:
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30 Risposte a “Podcast: Sweetener Side Effects”

  1. Great info. Thanks. I'd like to see a comparison of stevia extract vs whole stevia leaf powder. Could be that some of the other chemicals in the whole stevia leaf powder reduce the level of delayed blood sugar rise? Let's put it to the test.

  2. Aspartame gave me fibromyalgia. Within 2 weeks of stopping all aspartame intake, I no longer had any fibromyalgia symptoms. I do have multiple sclerosis but whole food plant based vegan diet and movement help considerably. Thanks for another fantastic video, Doc! You are one of my favorites and I believe you saved my life. 🌱💪🏼💚

  3. I use 90% stevia. If one does other things, your appetite can be blunted, especially if one eats a all animal protein meal at each end of the day, like eggs + in the morning and hamburg at evening, and any carbs in the middle with a 3 L stevia and about 30 things in addition liquid through out the day. Things like curcumin / berberine / plant and mushroom polyphenols, NO boosting things, dried parsley etc all brewed up and cooled down to a nice yummy sweet liquid. Don't add NAC, it tastes awful. I am pushing 75, and like to keep my muscles, thank you.

  4. When the body makes something as a by product because it's getting rid of something dangerous, it should not be legally allowed as a food additive; that would be like taking human urine and making it into… oh, Prime, by Logan Paul and KSI

  5. And now, all soda companies are putting these sweeteners in their beverages along side sugar and there are people who don't believe that these people are trying to kill us.

  6. I'm glad I quit this too. Some of my friends say I'm not fun anymore, because I have a list of things I won't do. Oh well. Thank you for all your work, Doctor Greger! 🍀

  7. As part of my dietary changes I dropped all added sweeteners, natural or otherwise, for the sake of adding sweeteners. So black coffee, plain tea, no need for any sweeteners. The sweetest thing I eat is dried fruit as part of my 30+ a week as an addition to porridge/salads/curries. I find not only do I not miss it but some fruit is unbelievably sweet to me. I tried to eat a whole date by itself and couldn't do it. One serving of really ripe and sweeter fruit is more than enough for me. I think it's true that one's tastes adapt and any added sweetener just keeps your craving for it alive. I get the evolutionary drive but there seems to be a 'need' to have sweetener-added foods and drinks beyond that. No sugar? Aspartame! No? Sucralose! No? Stevia! Date sugar! It's as though added sweetener is a given-we HAVE to have some, it's just the form it takes. JMHO
    Not everyone needs or wants to do this but it certainly worked for me.

  8. Hi doc I have supposedly had PTSD since childhood could this be the reason for being a healthy vegetarian with high blood pressure

  9. Erythritol gave me really bad bloating, gas and water retention. I’m glad I stopped using it and got away from low carb eating to a whole foods plant-based lifestyle.

  10. My friend fostered a little girl who was severely underweight. The doctor said to give her a diet coke 30 mins before eating because it would increase her appetite. Essentially, your brain learns that when it tastes "sweetness" that sugar is incoming, so it releases insulin to do its thing, however, it's not sugar so now your body has insulin floating around with no way to get rid of it except to MAKE you hungry so that you will eat something to counteract the flood of insulin it released when it thought you were eating sugar. That's why I usually drink my Zevia with my dessert or at the tail end of a meal.

  11. Disturbing mouse study on aspartame & anxiety published in PNAS in 2022 by Jones et al., "Transgenerational transmission of aspartame-induced anxiety and changes in glutamate-GABA signaling and gene expression in the amygdala". Could this be contributing to the 'anxiety epidemic'? Transgenerational transmission of anxiety-like behavior was observer though male line ("fathers" & "grandfathers").

  12. Then there's allulose. According to things I've seen it appears to actually LOWER blood sugar spikes, perhaps because it competes for the use of GLUT2. But does allulose, like the others, cause a subsequent spike? I think this has some importance because there are a lot of allulose users out there.

  13. Xylitol stops tooth decay …and tastes just like sugar. As long as I sweetened my tea w xylitol…no cavities. Gave up all sweeteners…tooth decay returned. Now it's hard to find.

  14. When people drink sugary sodas, their bodies tend to release more insulin than need, which will cause a person's blood glucose levels to drop below normal 90-120 minutes later. Meaning, this is a poorly designed study. It's not that the artificial sweetener caused the blood sugar to rise higher than those who consumed the sugary soda, it is that by feeding the sugary soda group 1 hour after drinking the soda, they prevented or offset the low blood sugar. It is the equivalent of "pre-bolusing" for a meal.

  15. So they all seem to be the same, EXCEPT that sugar is addicting and causes cavities. So if we decide to use sweetener anything but sugar still seems like the best alternative?

  16. I was using Stevia in my coffee, sucralose in water flavor enhancers, and aspartame in my zero sugar Dr Pepper. I slowly developed gastrointestinal issues, I swear I could feel the inflammation in my esophagus and rectum. I stopped using all these products and went back to using sugar in my coffee and if I want a soda, I’ll take the sugar hit. At least I know what that does to my body . I started eating some fermented foods daily took some probiotics, and now three months later oh my gastrointestinal symptoms of gas, bloating, abdominal pain , feelings of inflammation and occasional fecal incontinence have resolved; I’ve gained a couple pounds, but I’m still a good bmi

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