Podcast: tu dici nitrati, io dico nitriti

Si scopre che ci sono nitrati buoni e nitriti cattivi. Ecco la ripartizione.

Questo episodio presenta l'audio di The Effects of Processed Meat on Lung Function (https://nutritionfacts.org /video/gli-effetti-della-carne-elaborata-sulla-funzione-polmonare/), When Nitrites Go Bad (https:/ /nutritionfacts.org/video/when-nitrites-go-bad/) e sangue ossigenante con verdure ricche di nitrati (https: //nutritionfacts.org/video/oxygenating-blood-with-nitrate-rich-vegetables/). Visita le pagine dei video per tutte le fonti e le note mediche relative a questo podcast.

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34 Risposte a “Podcast: tu dici nitrati, io dico nitriti”

  1. Thank you Dr. Greger, thank you! I “stumbled” into the Plant Based Diet, not knowing what I had started about a year ago. I was in bad health with severe digestive problems and I decided to cut out meat, dairy and eggs – just to see if I would feel better. Little did I know how quickly my health would improve dramatically. Now I am learning from you the reasons why. I’m NEVER going back to eat the way I did before.

  2. I once again ask, what is wrong with humans? How many times must they learn the same hard lessons? ThanksForPosting, Doc!

  3. Lazy people shouldn’t eat meat, carbs and sugar. Active lively people can eat just about anything. Vitamin C and Magnesium both break nitrites and nitrates down. Spinach has more naturally occurring nitrates than poultry. Trying to create a debate or clan of people that have dietary restrictions is evolution in reverse. The day will come when we will be thankful of being like bears. True omnivores. Opportunistic feeders. We can eat any food source we stumble upon. This is why we are who and what we are. Restricting yourself specific food types (not related to a specific illness) is foolish.

    We see in color so we can see fruit. We have two intestines so we can eat fruits, nuts, veggies and creatures. Bovine Liver has more nutrients, vitamins, minerals and iron in one portion than 100 pounds of your favorite veggies. 99% of the plant kingdom is poisonous or toxic to humans. 99.99% of mammals are safe for human consumption. I get it. It’s cool, it’s hip, it’s “healthy” to bash the omnivore diet.

    Tell that to the 3 longest living humans in history. All were omnivores. All had eggs regularly and 2 had bacon daily.

    Take care of yourself. Hydrate. Supplement. Exercise your mind and body daily. Avoid smoke, fumes, sugar, grains, extraneous activity, limit your caffeine intake, drink dandelion tea with ginger, cook with more herbs less sauces. Only use pure sea salt and use lots of it. Only use pure butter to cook with and always cook low heat. Consume lots of cruciferous vegetables, eat 2 apples a day, take 30ppm of colloidal silver every night. Stay happy and find excuses to smile instead of frown. Crush negative behaviors and attitudes immediately. Smile often. Stand up straight. Breath deeply.

    Positivity is one of the most powerful healing powers gifted to humans… as it our ability to eat just about anything we want.

  4. In the very rare occasions I do eat bacon I always choose the organic with no nitrites added. The meat doesn't look as pretty as the other ones and it's barely noticeable taste wise.

  5. This is marketing scaremongering people, that’s what doctors do. People can’t afford healthy food in this country and the food chain is completely corrupted and owned by billionaires, so teach that. Your voice is really annoying. And why do you have a .org if you have money?

  6. Blue Horizon Ventures, RogerLienhard. Vegan Mafia, Live Kindly, Brendan Brazier, Stray Dog Capital, Lisa Feria. Jody Rasch. Dr. Gregor=Dr.Mercola. "Disrupt the food chain"? We see you.

  7. Thanks to Dr. Gregers guidance towards plant based eating I have recovered from a debilitated condition to a normal older persons life. It took a few years but improvements continue.

  8. I am vegan now 11 months … and dont miss meat at all… when you sit down and think of it .. ea2timg meat processed or unprocessed is really revolting. Farmers and food companies are not being honest with the public. Tooooo many people are getting sick in the long run .. please alll PARENTS stop giving these foods to your children .. trust me !!

  9. Dr. Gregor thanks so much for all the research you do, & explaining what the data demonstrates in an understandable way for the layperson.

  10. Let me say.. I am currently experiencing some health issues and this podcast answered some important questions. I will continue reading and listening. 😍

  11. I'm still confused as f..K about the difference between nitrates in greens and nitrites/nitrates in processed meat. Does the nitrates in greens get added to meat (incl. Processed meat) to stop it decaying and it turns into nitrites? In which case get spinach and celery out of your diet as well? Thanks for the information linking nitrites to emphysima…never heard that before.

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