Potassio e malattie autoimmuni

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DESCRIZIONE: Le diete a base vegetale sembrano ridurre l'infiammazione attraverso una varietà di meccanismi, incluso il potenziamento della nostra funzione della ghiandola surrenale dovuta al consumo di cibi ricchi di potassio. Questa è la terza delle mie tre serie di video sul potassio quest'anno. Dai un'occhiata al 98% di American Diets Potassium Deficient (
http://nutritionfacts .org/video/380-of-american-diets-potassium-deficient/) e il video del giorno di NutritionFacts.org sulla prevenzione degli ictus con la dieta (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/preventing-strokes-with-diet/). Ho alcuni altri video sull'artrite, tra cui Preventing Arthritis (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/preventing-arthritis-2/) e Dieta e artrite reumatoide (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/diet-rhumatoid-arthritis/). Mangiare sano non migliora i dolori articolari di tutti, ma come per tutte le modalità di trattamento non tossiche, dovrebbero essere sempre provati prima.

Fai una domanda per il Dr Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/potassium-and-autoimmune-disease/ e cercherà di rispondere!

Credito immagine: James Heilman, MD tramite Wikimedia.

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34 Risposte a “Potassio e malattie autoimmuni”

  1. I would try the plant based diet and give it month. I was starting to get RA in my hands (about 2 years) and I started noticing improvement within a week. Dairy is not good for RA.

  2. I wonder if that is also true for dogs. Why do domesticated dogs get arthritis? In the wild, they would bring down herbivores and injest raw blood an organ tissue, which would contain more potassium. But we feed our dogs dog food made by cereal companies, or artificial dog food with some meat in it. I wonder if supplementing a dogs diet with potassium could lessen the occurance of arthritis in dogs?

  3. I'm 53 and eat mostley raw fruits and vegetable. I follow a low-fat vegan diet. I have never before experienced the health and vitality I do now, and there is still much room for improvement.

  4. i'm starting to speculate that smoking pot raises ones potassium levels? Burnt plant matter leaves you with ash, which is potassium? What is weed smoke? Stronger immune system? Anti-inflamation? Treating arthritis and cancer? this sounds eerily similar to health benefits experience with chronice pot use

  5. I've had severe psoriasis since the age of 9. I'm now 24. Nothing has been more effective than a low fat raw vegan diet! I've had less inflammation during three weeks of a raw vegan diet than 10+ years of daily coats of topical steroids.

  6. they are not as great as you think. when ranked, they are a bit low. i don't know which of his videos ranked potas sources, but it was low relative to other sources. maybe it was in his uprooting the leading causes of death lecture.

  7. Pretty much, some days I eat up to 30, was there a point you we're trying to make or just wanted to tell me that? Bananas are a great staple food, especially if you're a distance runner like me, not gonna go run 17 miles on carrot sticks and salads.

  8. Then depending on if I bought a case of them I'll have another 15 for dinner or lunch 🙂 They're great food for humans too 😛

  9. Instead of making the gargantuan leap to vegetarian diets curing all disease, why not simply note potassium's main role as promoting peristalsis, that is muscle contraction. Supplementation with potassium gluconate does cure muscle cramps and constipation, and excess coughing. What are you going to do when the science points to increased suicide from eating onions and peas?

  10. We should not just be eating vegetarian, but vegan because animal products promote the risk of the top 15 causes of death in america. We gain more weight per the same mount of calories from animal products compared to vegetables and animal products encourage cancer growth. Watch this guy's video called "Uprooting the Leading Causes of Death".

  11. @mrbullydog66 If you or someone you love is suffering from an autoimmune disorder than the information you are about to get are critically important…
    Go here ==> autoimmunediseasetv.blogspot.com

  12. @Donald MacLeay Because you can NOT supplement your way to good health! Supplement only as a last resort. Whole plants nourish, whole plants heal.

    Regarding joint health though, could it be as simple as a matter of of dehydration in some cases?

  13. I once saw a chart of foods high in potassium, and apricots in season were WAY higher than bananas. In fact, there were several other foods higher than bananas. Do some research, folks. We need the variety!

  14. Very good vid, Dr. Greger! I'm an autoimmune disease sufferer and this might be quite valuable for me! I criticize some of your vids but this one is a gem!

  15. I get between 8000 and 12000 mg of potassium a day from fruit and veggies and one of the first things I noticed was enhanced range of motion and flexibility with less pain

  16. Modern bananas are bred high in fructose (which is hard for the average person to burn off)and are not a great source of potassium. Root vegetables and spinach and kale are best.

  17. Yes… but the Cortisol also elevates the BP, reduces the plasma Testosterone, and exacerbates the negative effects of free radicals so… Is the benefit greater compared to the risks?

  18. It's impossible paleolithic humans ate so much of those minerals, that's like 24 bananas, or 10 potatoes, imagine a group of 20 humans having to find 200 potatoes EVERY SINGLE DAY! They possibly didn't even eat everyday, let alone got so much potassium, iron and zinc.

  19. Leafy greens are honestly so expensive though. I'm trying my damndest to eat enough, but I have to take my broke ass wallet into account. I'm thinking of starting a small indoor garden or when it gets warm growing leafy greens outside.

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