Come contrastare l'infiammazione dell'invecchiamento

Cosa possiamo mangiare per combattere l'“inflamm-aging”, l'infiammazione cronica di basso grado che accompagna il processo di invecchiamento?

I nuovi iscritti alla nostra e-newsletter ricevono sempre un omaggio. Prendi il tuo qui:

Se l'acido arachidonico ti suona familiare, potrebbe essere perché ricordi video come Chicken, Eggs e Inflammation ( o Diete a base vegetale per migliorare l'umore e la produttività (

Maggiori informazioni sulla lotta contro l'infiammazione in: <br/> • Garden Variety Anti-inflammation (http://nutritionfacts .org/video/garden-variety-anti-inflammation/)
• Antiossidanti antinfiammatori (
• Aumentare l'immunità combattendo l'infiammazione (
• Quale Le spezie combattono gli infiammati Su? (

E altro sull'invecchiamento in buona salute in:
• La limitazione della metionina come strategia di estensione della vita (
• Durata della vita aumentata da Fagioli (
• Perché invecchiamo? (
• Restrizione calorica vs. restrizione proteica animale ( vs-animal-protein-restriction/)
• Tornare indietro l'orologio 100 Anni ( /tornare-all-indietro–anni/)
• Vita più lunga a pochi passi (http://
• La meditazione influisce sull'invecchiamento cellulare? (
• Telomeri – Completa tutto con la dieta (http ://
• La dieta di Okinawa: vivere per 100 (

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Credito immagine: Sara Fasullo via Flickr.
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78 Risposte a “Come contrastare l'infiammazione dell'invecchiamento”

  1. Umm very one sided why do older people age? A number of factors left out. Less enzyme activation less stomach acid so not breaking down protein so many holes in this one but good because it made me think and then reply so thank you for this video

  2. The bottom line of almost all nutitionfacts videos is:
    "dont eat animal stuff – eat vegetables and fruits"

  3. Great video! I know a lot of people complain as they get older of inflammation. What we eat is so important. As we switched to a more plant based diet my own inflammation at age forty disappeared.

  4. Ive been at war with myself, between needing protein for muscle, hair, skin, but don't want to eat dead animals.
    Would it be too much Chlorella to compensate for all protein,? What about egg yolk? Back & forth, I do know Im once again back to no more eating death, but I just don't want to lose muscle in that lifestyle, I need more calories or I get underweight quick.
    Whey Protein shakes filled with sugars & protein mixed = glycation. Hemp protein maybe?

  5. I've got a LOT of inflammation and I'm miserable. And I've been told, 'oh drink bone broth' and I'm diabetic so I've learned meat keeps my blood sugar more even… but I get sick at the thought of most meat and esp. bone broth!!! I have a garden plot and eat right out of the garden- and I feel better when I do. But know some plants should be cooked. And I have no molars left to chew- LIFE is so complicated!!! Plus, I'm opposed to meat for humane reasons, except eggs that are from free-range chickens, and I eat yogurt for the pro-biotics.

    Got side-tracked reading the other comments- and I've tried pretty much everything out there over time- and nothing works. I think we're all different, so that's why the studies never really match up. I just know what doesn't work. All my life- when I cut down on what I eat I gain weight- which most so-called experts don't believe! My metabolism goes into, what I call, starvation mode- it thinks I'm in a famine and my body shuts down.

    My C-reactive protein is, and seems to always be- through the roof….but I can't afford the lab work I really would like to get, and my doctor wants me to get.

    I ONLY WANTED to comment, I'd love to have a copy of that chart HT and LT foods and a more complete explanation….

  6. Please don't mistake correlation with causalisation, while connecting arachidonic acid to animal fats. E.g.: peanut oil

  7. Are we talking about causation or correlation here, it could be a ton of different things. In general we know that exercise, healthy body fat percentage and a diet mainly made out of unprocessed food help with this. Also adding some elements of fasting helps.

  8. Dr Greger. Thank you for you continued work in the Plant based dietary lifestyle. Every video of yours that i watch i learn something that improves my life. Thank you!!

  9. I like to read Dr Gregor's reports.. he often provides valuable and interesting information. This is a rather typical report from Dr Gregor in that it is faithful to the Medline/Lancet/Whatever source but has questionable value because it's accepted as universal truth, when, in fact, it is often centric and lacks mapping to integrated overall health. Dr Mercola, for example, in his newsletters, more often explains puzzling information, like this apparent contradiction with ketogenic/paleo diet and is more comprehensive and less unstable factoid. The bottom line of this topic is that one needs to eat meat and vegetables and fruit and nuts and oils and fats and make them fresh and Organic and non GMO and little or no chemical biological radiological commercial Industrial interference from man, raw as much as sanitation permits and fermented foods, some intermittent fasting and intermittent high intensity exercise, too, supplementing to advantage.

  10. Now it makes sense to me. Thats why all the indians are strong, healthy and living a long life. I want to be just like them.

  11. Why not recommend eating lots of specific veg & fruit & cut back on meat. All organic. I'm sure that would help more people.
    Divided we fall?.

  12. I'm a 47 yr old construction worker and my joints, especially the big thumb joint of my right hand feel so much better, almost cured, since becoming a vegan 2 years ago.

  13. Eat tumeric, ginger, and garlic. Avoid animal products… Reduce oxdative stress by neutralizing free radicals with antioxidants from whole foods. BTW another great one Doc!

  14. Terrible video….why not just post the newspaper or the articles instead of showing them as you read and making it go so fast no one can keep up… No drawings…no charts no nothing. NO Work put in at all and instead he just reads for us like we can't read it. I couldn't pay 1 minute attention to it as it was so annoying and turned it off. NO POINT WAS MADE.

  15. It seems to make sense that a vegetarian who eats a balanced diet would be healthier than a meat eater, and in reality that's what happens. An American survey comparing longeivity between 7 Day Adventists and the rest of the American population  over a period of years showed Adventists outlive the rest, on average, by 7 years. Adventists are vegetarian, and don't drink, or smoke. People who drink small amounts of alcohol, live longer than teetotalers…, so not all the advantages are with the Adventists. The strongest case for human vegetarianism is our 33 foot bowel. Fibreless meat can stay within the tract for up to a week, producing toxins in the bowel along the way. Seriously meat is not good for human health….

  16. I'm doing a very low-carb diet, mostly all meats. Down to my ideal weight, cured my diabetes and high blood pressure, and no aches or pains associated with obesity or aging. Never felt better in my whole life. one diet DOES NOT fit all.

  17. What about the horror were cows are kept and shots given and fright hormones people eat not me. Vaccines no human or animal should have. accumulation over years of GMO foods not labeled and people unaware of corp and what they are doing getting stiill hungry why no nutrients in box ceereal or water with florid e it is poison that recorded don't drink people and water in stores in plastic no better get distiller or osmosis to clean we live in a evil greed country now that wants to force us to take vaccines Cal has a law they want to pass by 2016 our country is not free if I been thinking Germany has natural health and one other small place. I will hide this is my body my life not goverment .

  18. the meat is grain fed…this is why it's pro inflammatory as grains are pro inflammatory if we eat them…eat grass fed meat. Hunter gatherer societies do not have inflammatory disease like western societies

  19. I'm a 58 year old woman. I have been vegan for one year now. I have suffered from burstis in my hips and shoulders for about 4-5 years. I thought that being vegan my symptoms would diminish if not go away. But If anything they are worse. I don't have a doctor to talk about this.

  20. Great, evidence-based information, as always. But here is a dilemma: It is clear that on an evolutionary scale, the consumption of the animal proteins (especially cooked animal proteins) has contributed immensely to the evolution and development of the human brain and its cognitive abilities. In fact, that’s probably been the one nutritionally defining factor in the evolution of the humankind. So how does all that fit into the idea of an exclusively whole food, plant-based diet? Yes, yes, I understand that one could (and in fact, should) include plant-based proteins in one’s diet, but my question is with regards to the crucial importance/role of the animal proteins in the evolution of the human specie.

  21. I thought that the inflammation from meat comes from the heat stable endotoxins released from the dead bacteria.

  22. Saturated Fat and Cardiometabolic Risk Factors, Coronary Heart Disease, Stroke, and Diabetes – a Fresh Look at the Evidence — R Micha – 2010:

    Compared with carbohydrate, the
    TC:HDL-C ratio is nonsignificantly affected by consumption
    of myristic or palmitic acid, is nonsignificantly
    decreased by stearic acid, and is significantly decreased by
    lauric acid. However, insufficient evidence exists for different
    chain-length-specific effects on other risk pathways
    or, more importantly, disease endpoints. Based on consistent
    evidence from human studies, replacing SFA with
    polyunsaturated fat modestly lowers coronary heart disease
    risk, with *10% risk reduction for a 5% energy substitution;
    whereas replacing SFA with carbohydrate has no
    benefit and replacing SFA with monounsaturated fat has
    uncertain effects. Evidence for the effects of SFA
    consumption on vascular function, insulin resistance, diabetes,
    and stroke is mixed, with many studies showing no
    clear effects, highlighting a need for further investigation
    of these endpoints. Public health emphasis on reducing
    SFA consumption without considering the replacement
    nutrient or, more importantly, the many other food-based
    risk factors for cardiometabolic disease is unlikely to produce
    substantial intended benefits.

  23. Wow, didn't expect to see apples on the low antioxidant list. Is their benefit more to do with fiber and satiation then?

  24. Glucose metabolism in cells causes more oxidative stress than fat metabolism. But, in the absense of insulin resistance, cells easily switch between glucose metabolism and fat metabolism. Body fat metabolism starts after about 3 hours after eating, reducing the inflamatory effect of glucose metabolism. So fat metabolism compensates. If you do 3 meals a day you'll be about 9 hours a day running mostly on glucose, the other 15 hours on (body) fat.

    When many carbs come from processed foods, insulin spikes too much, causing low glucose after a couple of hours, causing snacking, causing 18 or even more hours of glucose metabolism which results in insulin resistance which causes elevated insulin levels which caused more snacking,… etc. etc. etc. Spiraling down to more inflamation.

    Meat consumption has nothing to do with it.

    Chronic inflamation is caused by a lack of fat metabolism, also on a low fat diet.

    It's not about the type of diet, it's about how your diet determines insulin levels throughout the day, which directly effects the number of hours per day your cells are metabolizing fat. And if that is less than 12 hours a day, you're going in the wrong direction.

    It's just a little theory of mine which is necessary because there is too much conflicting data out there. You can show health improvements through a wfpb diet just as easily as through a keto diet. As long as you do both with healthy foods meaning no processed carbs, no processed oils and without constant snacking throughout the day.

    But the interesting thing that healthy "high carb low fat" and healthy "low carb high fat" have in common is that in both, cells spend more time metabolizing fat than metabolizing glucose.

    Something to think about.

  25. It's not the inflammation of aging…aging is a symptom of inflammation. You vegan doctors are so full of lies and disinformation.

  26. I keep seeing these plant based diets everywhere and have to wonder if the viewership are really that dense. Look at your teeth. Humans are much nearer ruminants than carnivores. In fact, people wouldn't be eating meat if they hadn't discovered fire. There is some talk of house cats being put on vegan diets. Preposterous. Look at their teeth, they are carnivores. These cats are living very short lives. You can't beat nature. If anyone doubts the veracity of my claim look at the non sensationalist Forks Over Knives (no shock footage of slaughterhouses, which only put most people off eating meat in the very short term), but eating to maintain that species with which you were born into may be enlightening.

  27. 7th Adventists have the lowest mortality in America for a reason. For most people meat should be a condiment not a staple unless you are pounding sand. This is almost Devine & ancient

  28. Make of it what you will –
    ….investigated whether an increase in the intake of lean red meat, at the expense of carbohydrate-rich foods, adversely influences markers of oxidative stress and inflammation. Population studies have related red meat and iron intake to increased risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. However, there is little direct evidence that these associations are causally related to red meat protein per se or to iron. The results of intervention studies with lean red meat suggest no adverse effects on blood cholesterol concentrations, markers of thrombosis (25), blood pressure (23), and oxidative stress and inflammation.

  29. Many thanks, Dr. Greger, for the positive changes I've made to my health because of you! You and your work are awesome! ❤ Stay well!

  30. Even if the core message always is the same – eat low fat, whole food plant based diet, it is always interesting to hear about the nuances and the effect of intervention studies etc. Its would be great if it was possible to buy food according to this knowledge in restaurants and in fast food in ready-to-go meals – that would be a radical cultural change

  31. I have been wfpb for forty years but noticed increased inflammation. Turns out I have too many Vata increasing foods in my diet. These are similar to the ones that trigger arthritis. Am cutting back on those and doing a regular 36 hour fast and am noticing inflammatory markers reducing slowly.

  32. The best food for the liver is liver, the best food for the kidneys is kidneys, although both like celery for detoxing. I've recently put my puppy on a raw meat diet and he is doing far better than being on a dried food diet.

  33. I'm a 43 years ald property manager. After 2 and half years on a vegan diet: foot pain is completely gone, lower back pain 50% gone, acne gone, BMI, blood pressure, cholesterol levels are all perfect, headaches gone, mental fog gone. My parnter is experiencing the same type of results and healed a cancer within 8 weeks of becoming vegan. My 80 years old mother healed hypertension AND was able to stop the drugs. All this channel advocates really does seem to work. After the first good results we are now on zero oil and zero flour. Next is the salt and finally we will stop coffee. I must say that even after almost 3 years we still continue to experience improvements in energy levels every month on a vegan diet. Where will this stop? it is truly amazing ! If you have not already, give this lifestyle your best shot – it is worth the effort a million times!

  34. What is your opinion on Dr. Perlmutter’s (and many other neurologists) recommendation for Keto diets, low fructose and even liver intake to treat Alzheimer’s and other neuro-degenerative disease?

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