Potenziali rischi di carenza di vitamine e minerali in una dieta vegana

Rischi di carenza di una dieta vegana: qual è il modo migliore per ottenere i nutrienti di preoccupazione in una dieta a base vegetale?

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I vegetariani assumono abbastanza proteine? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/do-vegetarians-get-enough-protein/). Guarda il video per scoprirlo.

Il cibo vegano è sempre salutare? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/is-vegan-food-always-healthy/). No! In realtà devi mangiare le tue verdure.<br/>
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-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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45 Risposte a “Potenziali rischi di carenza di vitamine e minerali in una dieta vegana”

  1. I'm a vegan, but here is a channel here on YT called "Vegan Deterioration" that really gives me pause. Could it be that for a healthy, energetic and youthful appearance, it's not only B12 and the other usual suspects and instead that we actually need compounds that are in animal products but not in plant products. Like creatine, carnithine, taurin, collagen? I'm really thinking about this…

  2. I suffer from hypothyroidism that I think is caused by iodine deficiency. My doctor wants to wait for another year before she takes my blood again to see if it doesn't resolve on its own and doesn't want to do any other tests for now. My daily multivitamin that I've been taking for years contains 150 mcg of iodine. I noticed I really really craved iodine fortified salt and fish so that's how I started thinking of the possibility of an iodine deficiency. I've been sometimes taking an extra iodine supplement and sometimes been eating nori flakes and I notice both of those help resolve my extreme fatigue. I'm concerned about long-term purposely taking more than 150 mcg of supplements or purposely eating nori on top of that, though, since 150 mcg is supposed to already be enough. Does anyone have any advice?

  3. vegan 2 years, b12 for 2 years. gg i feel great and focused and energic
    b12, D, iodinized salt, time to time a multivitamine to mingle things up lol

  4. That’s obvious, humans are not designed to survive on plants, we are not herbivores, i will believe dr Greger the day I grow a 4 chamber stomach to ferment all the fiber and cellulose, like a deer would

  5. Can I assume that following the recommendations in the app will answer all the concerns listed in this video? Thank you for this channel and wishing the team a great 2023!

  6. Seaweed…. 🙄 Yeah, I'll just use a daily vitamin and small amounts of iodized salt. Advocating for seaweed sounds great, such a purist ideal. We can get what we need from plants. But in execution, it's a joke. I've looked into this, and it's totally impractical. Not gonna happen. Not consistently anyway. And isn't that the point? People need convenient, reliable sources that they'll continue to take. The whole seaweed thing is a sure fire way to set people on a path that leads to non-compliance.

  7. In the UK it's now advised by the NHS that everyone take a vitamin d supplement for winter as turns out we would all really struggle to get enough in UK winters

  8. Doctor Greger I'm also deficient in high cholesterol, triglycerides, belly fat, bedroom stamina, hospital visits, acne breakouts, joint pain and animal cruelty….damn I guess I should go back this new year to being normal!! 👈🌱💚💪✌️

  9. Doctor Greger I'm also deficient in high cholesterol, triglycerides, belly fat, bedroom stamina, hospital visits, acne breakouts, joint pain and animal cruelty….damn I guess I should go back this new year to being normal!! 👈🌱💚💪✌️

  10. What is the point of a vegan diet if you have to panic about making sure to eat seaweed or iodised salt? Or supplement with B12 and Vit D?

    If this is what we have to do then how can it be healthy for a human body?

    Balance is a better option. Reduce meat, dont eliminate

  11. Among the 18 ingredients I include in my daily breakfast bowl are 1 tsp Bragg nutritional yeast (B12-fortified) and 1/10th-tsp Maine Coast granulated kelp (iodine). Also, I've started using golden milk (soy milk with turmeric) to help with synthesis of long-chain omega-3's (see doi: 10.1016/j.bbadis.2014.12.005).

    Early this year I did an Omega-3 Index test (OmegaQuant) and found that my EPA and DHA (long-chain omega-3) levels were extremely low even though my ALA index (short-chain omega-3) was extremely high. I took algal oil supplements for about 7 months (Nordic Naturals, 2 tablets/day), which has raised my Omega-3 Index from 2.82% (in May) to 6.49% (in Dec). I've gone off the supplements and will do another test in several months to see what effect the turmeric is having.

  12. if you have iodine deficiency eat salt for christ's sake. You don't need that much. Don't wait till you find a sea vegetable just buy iodized salt. It's such a malignant thing not to mention that is the scientific recommendation for iodine deficiency. Sure eat kelp or whatever but just have a little salt if you can't get that

  13. Just taking a few precautions and knowing some easy principles of balanced plant-based diets – and there ain't gonna be any problems. So absolutely no need to kill animals for food

  14. The USDA started trying to measure the actual amount of iodine in milk, but it seems they abandoned that, probably(I'm thinking) because the amounts were all across the board as you would expect …iodine is also found in eggs , indirect through the industrial chicken feed. Is anyone checking for the risk of iodine overconsumption?

  15. As a vegetarian, it seems one of the most difficult nutrients to get consistently is calcium. What's your take on this?

  16. Half of vegans have zinc deficiency by blood levels, which is already severe ZD due to well buffered blood zinc levels – according the recent swiss micronutrient study and others. That is the major deficiency next to iodine deficiency in vegans. Zinc can hardly be increased by normal non-fermented whole foods, as those add in absorption blocking phytate faster than more zinc. Some supplement should be considered. Particularly at higher age, where generally ZD increases.

    In most countries outside North America vegans also have frequent selenium deficiency.

  17. How about psychological effects of thinking your better than others because of what you put in your mouth. Virtue seeking narcissists.

  18. I really don't get why people still keep bashing that everyone needs to be vegan when realistically most humans in the modern world won't eat predominantly whole foods or make a 180 with their food habits. A predominantly plant based diet (consisting of enough whole plants but also complemented by few but practicably essential amounts of animal products) is the most logical way forward (due to being easier for most people to adhere to long term) if we want to make any real, large scale progress in terms of our health, the environment and animal welfare.

  19. Not true. Vitamin D is found in lichen and duckweed has shown to contain active B12. That said, supplements are the most reliable sources for these nutrients.

  20. If your iron levels are falling, you need to make sure that you're not bleeding from your GI tract.

    A responsible doctor would immediately refer you for a colonoscopy and esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD).

  21. One thing I'd like to add: Sometimes a vegan diet gets unfairly beaten down and critizised because of cases of malnutrition or deficiencies that would likely occur in an omnivorous setting as well. What is often overlooked by some of the loud critics of the vegan diet and lifestyle is the fact that malnutrition and bad eating habits is very widely spread in the Westernised world, and the consequences (like heart disease and cancer) of such a diet kills of most of our loved ones in the longrun.

    When I went vegan (veganism is for ethical reasons) I made sure to do my research first and eat healthfully. Yet some of my relatives started to make a fuzz out of it, and claimed I would be unhealthy and deficient. But none of them said anything when I – as an omnivore – ate pizza, kebab, candy and ice cream, and very little fiber, veggies, beans and fruit.

    Today, my vegan friends are much more well read on nutrition, and most of my omnivorous friends – some of which have children – eat pretty crappy diets, and feed those to their children as well. And the loud antivegan crowd doesn't utter a word of criticism for that.

    In summar: Malnutrition and nutrient deficiencies are not inherently vegan things.

  22. For me it was Iron… have my iron with vitamin C every morning and after 6 months it’s now way better… I took all the supplements except iron when I started and paid the price…

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