Preferiti del venerdì: l'alcol può causare il cancro?

Se anche il bere leggero può causare il cancro, perché i medici non ne avvertono i pazienti?

Il cancro è solo il nostro secondo killer più grande. Il killer principale sono le malattie cardiache, quindi che dire del paradosso francese? Il consumo moderato non protegge dalle malattie cardiovascolari? In tal caso, un po' di alcol non è nel complesso benefico? Questi sono esattamente i tipi di domande che ho deciso di affrontare in questa serie in quattro parti, che include anche:
• La migliore fonte di resveratrolo (http:/ /
• È meglio bere poco alcol che niente? (<br/> • I benefici dell'alcol superano i rischi? (

In precedenza ho esplorato il cancro al seno in particolare nei miei video Cancro al seno e alcol: quanto è sicuro? ( e rischio di cancro al seno: vino rosso vs. vino bianco ( -wine/).

Altri video che discutono delle connessioni tra alcol e cancro includono Prevenzione del cancro della pelle dall'interno ( e I migliori consigli su dieta e cancro (

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43 Risposte a “Preferiti del venerdì: l'alcol può causare il cancro?”

  1. Now do one on the dangers of caffeine, because so many plant based eaters drink alcohol and eat chocolate in abundance, as well as drink lots of coffee and tea. Caffeine is a dangerous and harmful drug and should be banned except for medicinal purposes.

  2. No pun intended, this is sobering information for which I am grateful. Two months ago I eliminated any alcohol from my diet as an experiment. We used to have a small glass of wine with dinner several nights a week. I was curious if there would be noticeable effects. My sleep is markedly improved – I fall asleep, stay asleep, and wake more rested. I rarely have a headache. I've lost a couple of pounds, and generally feel pretty good. I'm 68 years old – every good day is a gift! I do not consider myself a nondrinker – there could be a celebratory glass of bubbly for a special occasion – but eliminating alcohol has definitely improved how I feel. Thanks for the informative video.

  3. In my experience, alcohol is always addictive. I never became anywhere near close to being alcoholic, but I found it incredibly easy to get a long term habit. I can see it in friends and family too. It's amazing how people can say they have to have a glass of wine after work without realising they they have mild addiction. And in a similar way to junk food, its use permeates society.

  4. Doctor visits should provide more health education for patients.
    It is just crazy that Doctors do not get nutrition training in Medical schools.
    Every doctor visit should include some nutrition discussion. The majority of the population is over weight or obese leading to high blood pressure, heart disease and cancer. Schools and hospital cafeterias should be leading the way to good health by setting the example of what is a healthy meal and teaching people what to eat and why.. Every person in the hospital for heart disease should have a nutrition class before being checked out from the hospital with follow up education and training in nutrition. Medicare and Medicaid should require patient nutrition education as part of their standard of care. Nutrition information should be run on the hospital TV channel.

  5. I have a friend with a mother who is 103. I jokingly said, I want to know – what does she eat every day? He said she has grapefruit, toast, eggs and orange juice for breakfast. A sandwich made from four nall Hawaiian sweet rolls for breakfast that has a little peanut butter, cheese, ham or just butter for lunch. For dinner she eats very lite but she has mostly chicken and a salad with wheat bread or wheat crackers. The real surprise was he said every single night she has a glass of wine and a small bar of dark chocolate. I'm not saying the studies are incorrect, but nobody lives on alcohol alone which means a study can't exclude other causes of cancer. I think the "one size fits all" approach to medicine is part of the problem in our country. Some people lose weight eating oatmeal, fruits, corn, potatoes etc and they are healthy. I eat like that and gain weight because those foods stimulate my hunger. Different people – different diets.

  6. Funny, how this also used to be the same with doctors supporting cigarette smoking, and now having a "happy hour" or a "martini lunch." But hey, trust the science.

  7. The same user bias that prevents doctors from seeing alcohol’s negative effects is the same reason doctors don’t believe food is the cause of most disease. It’s also a bias(left leaning politically) that made many medical professionals promote misinformation about covid. Maybe our doctors need a reality check on what it means to follow the science.

    I always shock my friends and family members when I talk about alcohol being carcinogenic. People will defend their bad habits and identities with every ounce of passion they can muster up.

  8. I suspect coffee is the same problem as alcohol. We're seeing too many non-professional people, including those who make hugely popular health-related videos on Youtube, saying what benefits coffee can bring to your body. I'm very sceptical to what they say because that seems to be their excuses for drinking so much coffee themselves but what's worse is, they mislead others to believe their non-scientific and baseless persuasion!

  9. I used to drink a lot as a younger man, but it disrupted my sleep so much I cut it out. These days, I find grapefruit tastes a lot like a gin and tonic, but with NONE of the health drawbacks. And I can eat it at work every day!

  10. In this economy, who can afford to drink? Most of us can hardly afford to buy food! Heck, I even quit buying lettuce because it went from $1.25 to $3.79 in just 1 1/2 years. 😠

  11. Cut meat and animal fat consumption because of blood pressure, lost 20 pounds, but there's nothing that can fill the hole of loneliness and futility of being redundant other than a substance like alcohol

  12. So is the French Paradox about alcohol and heart disease a bunch of bull? One side says drink in moderation, it's good for your heart, another side says no amount is safe, it causes cancer.

  13. I'm disappointed you didn't talk about rates. What is the prevalence of cancer among drinkers? Context is everything. How likely is someone who drinks five drinks a day to get cancer? How about one drink? How protective is fiber? Isn't that mostly just because fiber is good for you? If it's also because of the binding, does timing of fiber vs. alcohol intake matter? It may be correct, but the tone and content of the "science" you shared also looks like propaganda, absent evidence. And I'm not saying there isn't mountains of it, just that for this video, I was expecting evidence. After all, the title indicates you're investigating a claim.

  14. Your videos are amazing. I have struggled to convince my fellow doctors. Medical books have backdated information and they use it to justify their drinking.

  15. Great vid! My understanding from the point of view of Chinese medicine is that cancer is an immune deficiency. So I wonder if alcohol is having an immune suppressant effect which is leading to the growth of cancers. Because apparently cancers are normal and happen all the time, what's not normal is the immune failing to recognize and clean them up before they become a problem.

  16. Oh well, devil's advocate once again I guess. Your's truly has used a couple of mouthfuls of red to wash down my Siberian ginseng, grapeseed, boswellia/meriva curcumin, EPA/DHA and moringa capsules. Even after a plethora of added NRF 2able vegatabkes in the form of brocolli and baby Brussel sprouts. To mention but a few, in regards of the mixed herbs, cocao nibs and extra virgin – et cetera, et cetera.
    Put that on top of not taking my first mouthful till 18:20 and going for a walk thereafter.
    Let's hope tomorrow's fermented grain/nut/seed combo of flax, chia, pumpkin, roasted hemp, rye, spelt, coconut, oat ran, Brazil nut, sunflower, fennel and cumin will at least in part redress the balance.
    Better a token drop of polyphenol rich fluid than a soup of rancid omega 6's too many folks seem to blindly eat the whole time.
    As much as I take on board the merits of the message, I'll rest easy tonight knowing the broad spectrum of teas and coffee from the word go – I'm more of the solution than the problem….surely?

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